Monday, January 30, 2017

Oh, poor terrorists

Was it just me, or was it a coincidence that ever since Barry Soetero called ISIS "just another JV team", that  ISIS actually became stronger, increased their raids, and became more evil, and is still more  evil to this day. For the past eight years Barry Soetero and his administration just opened our doors allowing more terrorists to enter our country with absolutely no vetting at all.

Right now we have seven mid-east countries that are responsible for the movement of ISIS radicals unlawfully entering our country. PRESIDENT Trump has stated all during his campaign that after getting our economy up and running so we can prosper, his next priority is to keep America safe.

And he's in the process of doing just that.  He is beefing up our Border Patrol departments, while making plans to have a wall built on our porous southern borders. Does anyone really care who pays for the wall? I sure don't.  I just want to feel safer than I was for the past eight years.  Barry Soetero just about opened the borders to any and all illegals, promising them healthcare and welfare.

Remember Crooked Hillary during her campaign where she actually tried to belittle PRESIDENT Trump for wanting to build a wall along the borders of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, and I quote, "Donald wants to build walls...whereas I want to build bridges". Crooked Hillary, Barry Soetero, and the entire lib Dem party believed that was going to get them a lot of Hispanic votes. And as they say...."the rest is history".

Our president does not want to prohibit immigrants from coming to America. He just wants to stop people entering our country illegally, especially potential terrorists. As the son of immigrant parents who came to this country legally through Ellis Island, I'm stunned that ALL Americans don't support PRESIDENT  Trump's policy on this. There are seven mid-east countries that are sneaking radical Islamists into our country. The president wants this to stop.

And yet we have thousands drinking the lib Dem Kool-Aid and protesting against his decision to use his office to keep all Americans safe. He has established a ban on people flooding into our country before they are properly vetted.  Once they are properly vetted, then we will assure they have a path to citizenship.

Now, who woulldn't want their leader to not only protect them, but also take steps to assure Americans their safety and protection? Is everyone, and I mean EVERYONE aware of what these evil members of ISIS do? They rape Christian women while these defenseless women watch their children beheaded. They put men in cages and burn them alive. They destroy religious artifacts that are thousands of years old, because they aren't Muslim artifacts.

And we're supposed to feel bad that there's a temporary ban on people coming from the seven mid-east countries? If we uncover even one terrorist in this order wouldn't it be worth it? Go to Dearborn, Michigan or Chicago where Muslims take to the streets and chant "death to America". Oh sure I feel bad for these 109 being detained; yeah right.

Does anyone remember January, 1995 when president Bill Clinton, in his State of the Union speech, where he declared "there're too many illegals entering this country, and we musts stop it"?  Does anyone remember president Jimmy Carter stopping Iranians from coming here when Iran was hoding hostages for over a year?  Does anyone remember when Barry Soetero released the names of the seven countries, "that have the most potential to harbor terrorists that come into our country illegally"?  Jimmy Carter's ban on Iran was for several months, as was Barry Soetero's ban in 2011.

Of course you didn't hear or read about this because the media paid no, or very, very little attention to it. PRESIDENT Trump promised during his campaign that he was going to do all he can to keep America first, and keep it safe. And now he's taking steps to live up to his promise. Where was "cry baby" Schumer when Carter and Soetero imposed bans during their time in office, or in 1995 when Bill Clinton wanted to ban illegals from entering. Hey Chuckie Schemer, did you and "wind-tunneled-faced" Pelosi see our Statue of Liberty "tears running down her face" then?

Ah, and then there's our wonderful Hollywood elites at the SAG awards last night. If they oppose President Trump's executive action so much why don't they take some refugees home with them? No, they stand on the stage, scream lies about Trump, then go home to their safe warm house with a big wall or gate around it with armed body guards. These elites must know their lies, whining, and complaining only makes us middle American "deplorables" want to support PRESIDENT Trump all the more, and thank yoou for Trump's victory in 2020.

And we're just getting started.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Not grampa's Prez

It's pretty obvious that PRESIDENT Trump is not going to be your grampa's president, or for that matter, even your dad's president. The media and the lib Dems have never experienced a man in the oval offic that's quite like our PRESIDENT Trump. Our lame stream media has no idea how to "handle" Mr. Trump. The truth is President Trump is not going to allow the media to "handle" him; if anything President Trump will be handling the media.

Let's take a look at the people rallying against our President Trump. The left leaning media, Hollywood elites, athletes that don't even understand what our president is trying to accomplish. First, let's not waste any time discussing the Hollywood elites and the spoiled brats in professional sports. No one really cares what these irrelevant blow-hards have to say. They make no impact on us at all.

First our Hollywood elites threatened us by declaring they would move out of our country if PRESIDENT Trump won the election. Well, we're still waiting for them to pack their bags. That "scare" to Americans didn't phase us at all, so now they want to "punish" us by declaring Hollywood is now going on strike and will stop making movies or TV shows. I'm willing to offer 10-1 odds it will never happen, especially to Clooney whose last two movies lost money.

So let's take a look at our lib progressive left-leaning media. For eight years we witnessed the media fawning all over Barry Soetero, his administration, and his husband Michael Lavaugn Robinson. Every decision Barry made was applauded by the media. The media said Obamacare was the greatest legacy of Barry as reported by the media. At press conferences he was given "softball" questions, i.e., "what did you have for dinner last night....what's your favorite movie....what's you relationship with Jay-Z and Beyonce......etc., etc., etc., and you disagreed with any of Barry's policies you can bet Al Sharpton would call you a racist.

How about the media during PRESIDENT Trump's campaign? The media told lies while personally attacking PRESIDENT Trump, his family, and his nomination picks. Remember election night when the news outlets, except Fox, predicted Crooked Hillary was going to win in a landslide. CNN and MSNBC even reported, "for all you that have to get up for work tomorrow, don't worry, by 11:00 it'll all be over....Hillary will be our first female president".

And now the election is over, and PRESIDENT Trump was sworn in just eight days ago as our country's 45th. President. You would think the media would stop their brutal lies and personal attacks on President Trump. WRONG...Everything that is issued from the Trump administration is distorted and filled with hatred and lies from the media.

If only the news media would  report the news objectively and accurately with journalistic integrity. PRESIDENT Trump has done more for our country in eight days than Barry Soetero did in eight years. For a big example president Trump has banned Muslims from the seven countries that sneak the most ISIS terrorists into our country. Yet, the media is reporting that we are stopping "good legal immigrants from coming here for a better way of life....our statue of liberty is shedding tears...Trump wants to be a dictator".

I guess the media thought they had the power to back down PRESIDENT Trump. The media was not prepared for this president that is not your grampa's president. So what did the president do? He pushed back hard against the media, and even doubled-down on his words and accusations against the media. Just ask CNN, who has the reputation of distorting and lying everything about PRESIDENT Trump. So CNN has been banned for now to attend press conferences. And have you noticed the way press secretary Sean Spicer is controlling the press meetings. You know he's in charge, not the media.

PRESIDENT Trump is heavily criticized for using Twitter. Really, can you blame him? He wants to reach the American people, but the media distorts and lies about everything he says. I hope he stays on Twitter, and then goes to Instagram, Facebook, and any other outlet that leads him directly to the American people. Wake up media. Don't try to take on this president. He's nothing like you've ever seen. Why not start reporting the news objectively with integrity?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sorry, I can't help it!

I really thought I would be over my "high" by now, but since November 8, 2016 I have been on this PRESIDENT Trump "over the moon" high.  I believe my enthusiasm for him continues to grow more and more everyday as I watch the things he's doing for our country in only his first week. When you compare PRESIDENT Trump to the last eight years it's pretty obvious what Barry Soetero did, or didn't do, compared to what Mr. Trump's administration has already done. 

On a personal note, I must write that I never thought my blogs were so powerful. I have been told that there are some lib Dems strongly considering leaving Facebook because they hate my blogs so much. I never thought my blogs carried so much weight. Makes me feel that much "higher". Thank you haters.

For eight years we had to endure Barry Soetero and his self-centered attitude where he put himself way above the good of the American people. For eight years we have been waiting for a true leader like PRESIDENT Trump. We middle American "deplorables" are the proud citizens that put Mr. Trump in our White House, and guess what...we are the same "deplorables" that decided Crooked Hillary would just be an extension of Barry Soetero.

When will the media, lib Dems, and the Hollywood and entertainment elites get it in their skulls that not only could we care less what they have to say, we're actually hopeful that you continue the marches, protests, and attacks, as they are just going to assure PRESIDENT  Trump will be around for eight years. Oh yes, Mike Pence to follow.

Right now, PRESIDENT Trump is so busy getting rid of the dreadful Obamacare, getting a wall built, creating jobs,  opening up the Keystone Pipeline, defunding sanctuary cities, defunding murders at the Planned Parenthood clinics, while investigating Barry Soetero's executive actions. Does anyone really think our President Trump really cares what these irrelevant group of misfits have to say about him?

It's obvious that lib Dems, along with these irrelevant elites, and the media still have not recovered from PRESIDENT Trump's presidential victory in November. I just wonder what they're trying to accomplish by demeaning themselves every day by telling us how much they hate our president and his administration. Maybe they want a do-over with the election. 

And now the lib Dems and the rest of the whacks have resorted to delivering their hateful messages with very personal attacks on PRESIDENT Trump and his family, even his ten-year old son. Chelsea Handler, who barely speaks proper English herself, brags that she wouldn't have our first lady on her show because, "she barely speaks English". Has anyone told Handler that our first lady speaks five languages fluently.

Madonna wants to blow up the White House, Ashley Judd says our president has "wet dreams" thinking of his daughter Ivanka, women dressed as vaginas marching in their protest marches, while our president is being called "Hitleresque" by more than one news outlets.  Now isn't this a group of classy individuals. Watch out, because my two favorite bit***s, Pay-Back and Karma are gonna get you whackos.

So to all you lib Dems that hate my blogs and me so much that you are going to leave Facebook, please know I wear that as a badge of honor. I was going to suggest you use your energy and resources to rebuild your now defunct Democrat party, but instead just continue doing what you are now doing. You continue to help me maintain this incredible "high", and you continue to help PRESIDENT Trump for reelection. 

Thank You, and it's OK for you to continue hating me and my blogs, as I intend to ride this "high" for the next eight years.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

Monday, January 23, 2017

Thank you Media and Dems

When I was 8 or 9 years old we had a playground pick-up basketball game. Bill J. was mad that he wasn't picked first, so he took his ball and went home. then Frank P. jumped over the fence, got his basketball out of his garage, and so we had a fun game. No one even gave a second thought to what Billy J. did.

During our pick-up game Frank P.'s mom came to the fence with aa big batch of fresh warm cookies and a big jar of Kool-Aid for us future basketball stars.   The next day we had another pick-up game, and we used Frank P.'s basketball.  During the game Billy J. showed up with his basketball. 

Billy just stood against the playground fence yelling names at us. We ignored him, so he went home. We didn't see him much for the rest of the summer. We continued to play every day and had some great games.

This story rekindled with me while watching the news outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, along with the diatribe from the ignorant stupid lib Dems bashing our new President.  I remember becoming furious when Rachel Maddow from MSNBC when she referred to PRESIDENT Trump as "being Hitleresque and militant".  

Soon, however, my anger and fury changed to gratitude, yes gratitude. A very gigantic thank you to the news outlets, Hollywood elites, and in general, all of the stupid ignorant lib Dems.
You see, the Hollywood elites and the left wing media, along with the rest of the stupid ignorant lib Dems have just about assured a victory for PRESIDENT Trump in 2020.

Would someone please tell me what these stupid pro-choice, abortion-loving people accomplished with all their violet protesting, looting, and destroying of property? Yeah, they showed us that they don't like PRESIDENT Trump. Well, so what? The voters from middle America paid no attention to their rantings and ravings. And then to listen to has-been Madonna saying she's been thinking of burning down our White House, only to be followed by an irrelevant class B actress Ashly Judd proclaiming that our President has "wet dreams" about his daughter Ivanka.

What do, or did, these stop ignorant Crooked Hillary's adoring followers hope to accomplish? Do they realize the election is over, and there's a lot of work to be done by the Trump administration. America doesn't care what these stupid protesters or Hollywood wanna-be's have to say. Their diatribe and .75 cents will get you a cup of coffee at McD's. Not a thing more.

It's comical that the likes of these Hollywood elites want to convince middle America that 'they are just like us,' and do nothing but use their pedestal to personally attack PRESIDENT Trump and his family. Yeah, they are sure on the track to change our thinking. Yeah, right. A big thanks to Whoopi, Joy, Springsteen, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Handler, Miley, Katy Perry, and the rest of those degenerates. Their actions are definitely helping PRESIDENT Trump.

For the next four years the media will try their best to demolish PRESIDENT Trump, but they're just too stupid to realize how much they are helping to give the Republican Party another four years of the Presidency, House and Senate. Hey Dems, we put up with you, the media, and the Hollywood elites for eight years while your man tried to ruin our great country. Well, it's our turn now. We won, you lost, and we really don't care what you have to say.

And that's Politics with Pete...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs..Politics with Pete)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Any doubt now?

Just a few hours ago outgoing president Barry Soetero gave a commutation to convicted traitor Bradley/Chelsea Manning. This transgender actually gave secret documents to Wikileaks, causing the deaths of many Americans. And while in prison he petitioned to have the U.S. government pay for his sex change from Bradley to Chelsea Manning.

One wonders if Barry Soetero granted a commutation to Chelsea Manning, a transgender, because Barry is married to a transgender, who was born Michael Lavaugn Robinson, and then transgendered to Michelle, who later married Barry Soetero a gay man who became the country's 44th. president.

There is now speculation that in Barry Soetero's two remaining days he may even pardon Army deserter Sgt. Bergdahl, that consorted with ISIS after he deserted his post in the Army. Now add this to the billions of dollars he gave to Iran along with the approval to build nuclear arms, and the release of dangerous ISIS war criminals from Camp Gitmo should make us all think that Barry Soetero just may be a radical islamist Muslim destined to overthrow America.

When I began this blog Barry Soetero had two days left in America's White House. At a time when most of us wish he would spend it on the golf course , instead he's trying to coerce, manipulate, and lie to make PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump's initial time in the oval office complicated with land mines of problems.

It's apparent that nearly all of Barry Soetero's policies are ending up to be part of a disastrous legacy all attributed to the horrible way this man served the American people for eight years.
Barry Soetero will most definitely go down in history as the president that has done more damage to America than all previous presidents combined. 

Just a quick glance at what he's done in eight years to leave behind as his legacy: (1) Fast & Furious, (2)  failing Obamacare, (3) increasing national debt more than all previous presidents combined, (4) lowest labor market participation since the Great Depression, 

(5) Benghazi cover-up and lies, (6) impactful rise in homicides in gun-free cities across the country, (7) lowest GNP since the Great Depression, (8) allowing tens of thousands illegals to obtain refuge in our country with little or no vetting, (9) jobs to population growth the lowest ever in our country, (10) highest rate of police officer homicides ever over the past eight years than ever in our country, (11) Highest increase in food stamp/welfare since the Great Depression, (12) highest number of presidential commutations and pardons to felony prisoners by any former president, (13) almost $90.million in vacations paid for by taxpayers, (14) abolishing our great space program while reducing our military strength to its lowest in decades,  and let's not forget (15) 1,030 Democrat seats lost in elections in the House & Senate.

I'm sure there are more, but these items listed above are definitely Barry Soetero's legacy. So, if you consider all this can you have any doubt about this man that, thankfully, will be out of our White House permanently in less than two days? He never loved our great country, and for eight years apologized to the rest of the world about the United States being the most powerful country in the world.

Thank you dear God for helping America take a step to rid our country of stupid, ignorant liberal Democrats like Barry Soetero. We can now give PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump a chance to make and keep our country great again.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos Politics with Pete)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Karma & Pay-Back

Let's say you're hosting a weekly dinner gathering and one of your guests is consistently causing problems for you along with telling others lies about your weekly gathering. What would you do with this guest? Would you codntinue to invite this guest back every week?
Maybe, you would do, as most dinner hosts would do, and just plain stop inviting this rude, lying guest

Which sort of brings me to my two favorite bit**es, Karma and Pay-Back. For eight "deplorable" years Americans watched a president try to bring down the greatest country in the world. Under Barry Soetero's watch we saw our great country increase our national debt to nearly $20.Trillion, America's work force cut to its lowest since the great depression, the rise of the radical state of Islam, welfare and food stamp participation rising to its all time high.

There is the ultimate increase in homicides in Chicago, where over 80% of crimes against Blacks are committed by Blacks, while Barry's fawning media refuses to report it. The race divide between Blacks and Whites has been fueled by Barry and one of his most trusted visitors Al Sharpton.

And all the while we Americans stood by, observed it, and never demonstrated any violent protests, in fact, no protests at all. Then we observed news outlets from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC that "carried the water" for Barry Soetero for eight years.They not only twisted and distorted every word that cam out of the White House, they screamed "racist" to anyone who spoke out against their great leader King Barry.

Also these major outlets would not broadcast or write any news information that did not "prop up" the great Barry. He was deffinitely the man that could do no wrong. On many occasions, too many to even write here, the fawning media refused to broadcast any news that would cast dispersions upon their leader Barry. 

A very open proof of this is that the media continues to attack  PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump, while ignoring pure solid objective news. The media has brutally attacked Trump on his stance about the proper vetting of Muslims entering our country, but the media won't report that just a few days ago hundreds of Muslims paraded through the main streets of Chicago screaming, "Death to America". Yeah, no report on that.

This is the greatest country in the world to live and grow up in, yet we continue to divide ourselves because we have groups of Democrat disidents actually promoting division among  Americans. We have countries that hate us just standing back and watching this in-fighting. 

The stupid ignorant lib Dems, along with the far left media will soon realize that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump does not really care about the media and the stupid ignorant lib Dems. Mr. Trump wants to be a good President for ALL Americans, and he doesn't need the biased media. He also doesn't need the Hollywood and entertainment elites to be successful leading our country.

So now we have some of the media, especially CNN, that are angry and upset the way PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump responds to their biased news reporting, while throwing lies and personal attacks at him, even his family. Americans want to hear the news fairly with integrity and honesty. Many Americans are hoping that President Trump uses more of the social media such as Twitter to communicate directly to the American people and less of the leftist media.

Really, who needs the likes of CNN and Jim Acosta, who was completely disrespectful at Mr. Trump's press conference. Why is CNN surprised as to how Mr. Trump is reacting to them? Did they think PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump was going to turn the other cheek? If you attack Mr. Trump you can bet he's going to push back, and some media outlet news reporters may find themselves absent from the press briefings.

So, some advice for news outlets from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC: President Trump does not need you as much as you need him, so start reporting the news the way it's supposed to be reported, or be prepared for the consequences. And never forget Karma and Pay-Back are true bit***s.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with Pete)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Politics with Pete: Hey...remember us?

Politics with Pete: Hey...remember us?: I continue to wake up every day completely and totally  overjoyed that Crooked Hillary will  NOT     be our 45th. President. Actually it&#39...

Hey...remember us?

I continue to wake up every day completely and totally  overjoyed that Crooked Hillary will NOT   be our 45th. President. Actually it's like an alarm clock every morning. Soon as my eyes open I rush to get my first cup of coffee, and hurry to turn on the news (Fox) to see the many ways that the ignorant uninformed stupid lib Dems, along with ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are just about sealing PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump's reelection in 2020.

The media and the ignorant lib Dems are certainly showing their true colors. Does anyone think they care about Americans? Of course they don't. The "gang" of stupid lib Dems only care for their own personal power gains that they will not enjoy, for at least the next four years.

When are ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC going to understand that PRESIDENT TRUMP is not going to lay awake at night worrying about what they write, say, or print about him and his administration. And when these lib Dem outlets publish "fake news' about PRESIDENT TRUMP, he's gonna push back very forceful. 

Hey, media and you ignoraant lib Dems, remember us? We're the people that PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump reached out to with the right messages. We Americans were ignored for eight years and so badly wanted to hear. Mr. Trump more than we wanted to believe in Crooked Hillary.PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump showed that he can relate to us middle Americans, and we responded overwhelmingly to give him 306 electoral college votes.

Crooked Hillary felt she was entitled to the presidency, and was successful in convincing her rich donors, along with the media that she was definitely going to win. Ah, but Crookked Hillary forgot about us "little people" in middle America. 

I remember quite vividly a CNN reporter one morning bragging, "Well, Hillary better win this thing...we're certainly doing our part to help her here at CNN".   This is the very same network that promised Americans on November 8, 2016, "Folks, gonna be an early night...we're prdicting that by 11:00 PM we'll be calling the election for Hillary, so you can all go to bed early for work tomorrow". An then a chorus of loud cheers by their panel broke out in loud raucus cheers.

Even when the polls throughut the campaign reported that Crooked Hillary was ahead of PRESIDENT-ELECT  Trump by double digit leads, many of us "little people" from middle America kept wondering why Crooked Hillary was drawing only a few thousand at her rallies, while PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump was drawing tens of thousands.

In my blogs I kept urging the "little people" from middle America that regardless of what the stupid ignorant lib Dems and the media reports, on November 8, 2016 we "little people" from middle America will be the ultimate ones that chooses who will be in our White House. We will be the kings and queens that day that will rule by waay of the voting booth.

I remember a well-respected journalist who attended Crooked Hillary's Philadelphia rally. Jay-Z and Boyonce opened the rally with their "free" concert. Actually there was a pretty large sized crowd there. However, as soon as the free concert was over and Crooked Hillary walked on stage the large crowd started to disperse and go home. CNN won't report that.

Right now there are seventeen stupid lib Dem members of Congress led by John Lewis  (D-GA) loudly voicing that they will not attend the inauguration.  Really? As I wrote earlier, these people are not true Americans that care about us "little people" from middle America.

Maybe, just maybe the stupid ignorant lib Dems will realize that us "little people' from middle America do not, can not, and will not relate to the likes of George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Rosie O'Donnel, Whoopi Goldberg, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. They mean absolutely nothing to us. We don't give a rat's a** what they say, or their threats.

But it's very clear and understandable that us "little people" from middle America can sure relate to our incoming 45th. President, DONALD J. TRUMP.  And let me leave you with a very strong promise. You fake news people in the media, along with the Hollywwod and entertainment elites,  had better never forget us "little people from middle America because we'll be back in 2020, where we'll be the kings and queens in the voting booths once again.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete) 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Look who's talking?

Other than a handful of supporters, Donald J. Trump was not only campaigning against Crooked Hillary and the Democratic Party, he was also fighting the media and of course our highly esteemed Hollywood elites. And let us not forget the ladies of The View, along with many other TV show hosts, and that includes Megan Kelly and Shep Smith of Fox.

So, with all the support from the "elites", with all the support of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN Crooked Hillary still lost the election on November 8, 2016. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump overwhelmingly won over 300 electoral votes. For all the "never-Trumpers" out there, please remember without ignorant lib Dems and illegals from California and New York PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump would have excoriated Crooked Hillary in the popular vote.

And now that the Hollywood and music entertainment elites miserably failed what are they doing now? Well, all their screaming, threatening, and "relocating" promises haven't subsided one bit, although there has been no moving yet. PRESIDENT-ELECT Trump is just one week away from officially becoming the 45th. President of our country

First of all, did Crooked Hillary really think that refusing to campaign in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, while trying to sway our voting with the likes of Miley Cyrus. Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Rosie O'Donnel, Charley Sheen, etc., was going to win her the election? I've aalways wanted to ask Crooked Hillary who she was "preaching" to. Maybe I'll visit her in her prison cell in 2017 to ask her.

I guess I'm one of the naive few who thought that just maybe the "losers" in the lib Dem team would give it up now that the election is over. Jabba-the-Hut Michael Moore, while on MSNBC, claimed that Crooked Hillary Clinton "won" the election, and "we must all acknowledge and support her as our president, while we all disavow Trump".

Now the female Jabba-the-Hut, Rosie O'Donnel is so very important that she's going to contact the Pentagon to have them invoke Marshall Law to hal the inauguration and arrest PRESIDENT-ELECT  Donald Trump before next Friday. Wow, I didn't know Rosie was so powerful. And will someone please explain the importance and comparison of Madonna's pubic hair to Donald Trump's presidency and administration. I mean really, her pubic hair?

Now I know for sure President Trump's administration and presidency will fail because Congressman John Lewis will not acknowledge Mr. Trump as our 45th. president and Mr. Lewis will not attend this Friday's inauguration. As Mr. Trump said, "John Lewis' district is one of the worst crime-ridden districts in the country....he would do well to focus on his district rather than me". Mr. Lewis. q3uit reading your NY Times clippings. You're an irrelevant has-been.

So, today's topic of "Look who's talking" is just a reminder that all these lib Dem losers that rally against the Trump presidency are nothing more than irrelevants that are seeking to gain attention. Think about it. All the Hollywood class-B actors and entertainers like Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Madonna, Springsteen, etc., and please don't forget The View's two Jabba-the-Huts Whoopi and Joy are nothing compared to we American voters. We were unstoppable on November 8, 2016, unlike all of you.

Maybe the funniest is that the oldest insignificant rapper Snoop Dog is threatening entertainers who perform next Friday. What are you going to do Snoop? Hit them with your walking cane?  Maybe the most comical is those these entertainers that screamed that they will not perform were never even invited. Isn't that right Elton John, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Madonna, Springsteen. etc.?

You class-B wannabes are so irrelevant you couldn't help Crooked Hillary win the election, and now, a much as you try, you've got no impact at all in the Trump presidency and administration. Grow up you babies. We won, you lost. The legal American voter has spoken, and all I can end this with is: Karma' and Pay-Back are both bitches.

And that's Politicss with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos, Politics with pete)