Saturday, June 28, 2014

The lazy "uninformed"

Rush Limbaugh is a lot nicer than I am. He calls people that don't know or care what's going on as the "uninformed masses, that rely solely on the Democrats to give them a better way of life through income equality". 

I call these people stupid, just plain stupid, and may I add lazy. They have spent their lives drinking the Kool-Aid funneled through the likes of Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson, MSNBC, and the evil jihadist dictator and his husband who live in our White House. This Muslim relied heavily on the word of a pastor who screamed the words, "God d** America". Does anyone know of a minister, priest, or rabbi that would utter such a horrid statement? Well Barry and his husband were, and still are very close to this evil self-proclaimed man of God.

One of my favorite quotes in all this is from the legendary retired NBA star, Charles Barkeley. Sir Charles said, "Poor people been votin' Democrat for a hundred years, and they (sic) still 
poor ".  And I'm not a racist, because I don't care if the uninformed are African-American, Latino, White, Purple, yellow, or blue. They're still just plain stupid, and may I add lazy.

The lazy uninformed (stupid) are figuratively drowning in the Kool-Aid. If this continues this great once powerful  country will be reduced to the United States of Greece. The big problem we face now and in the future is that the lazy, uninformed, stupid, and greedy people just plain don't care. Their attitude is "I'll get mine, anyway I get yours...anyway you can".

These same people never give any thought of what kind of country we're going to leave to our children. Barry, Harry, Holder, and Pelosi won't worry about their financial future, or that of their children for that matter. Do you really think they will be thinking of the Kool-Aid drinkers that voted them in office when they're not in office any more?Nah, don't think so.

And after this evil jihadist and his husband leave office our taxes will still be supporting them.  This administration in our White House now is addicted to power, and they will do anything to keep that power. We only have 126 days left before the mid-term elections, and we should all be prepared that the "Barry & Harry" show will pull out all the stops.

They will use their fawning media outlets to spread lies, deceit, and personal attacks. To them they believe as Adolph Hitler once said, "Doesn't matter what means you use...the end result will always justify whatever means is used".  Big example of this is just a few days ago the little screaming monkey on MSNBC at 6:00 EST opened his show with, "Let's start today's show with breaking news out of Wisconsin....Governor Walker is being prosecuted for voter fraud".

And we all know the outcome of that lie. Just two days later, it was announced that there were no charges filed against Governor Walker. MSNBC and Sharpton never bothered to care or check their facts. They just saw it as an opportunity to smear someone who is running for office on the GOP ticket. 

The good news, no great news, is that you, me, and millions of Americans will get the last word in 126 days. On that day we will have more power than even Dingy Harry, who refuses to bring any bill to the Senate floor that the House has passed. We even have Democrat Senators that want to pass the Keystone Pipeline bill, but Harry is hanging on to the coat tails of the billionaire donor Tom Steyer, who has proclaimed he will not donate any funds to any Democrat running for office that votes for the opening of Keystone. The House has already passed the bill to open the pipeline, but the senile Dingy Harry will not even bring it to the Senate floor.

Does it seem like Dingy Harry wants to create jobs for high-unemployed Americans? No, he's only interested in keeping his own power, and that of his evil dictator in our White House.

Folks, never lose sight of the powers our Founding Fathers gave us 238 years ago. We, all of us, have the power to throw Harry to the pits of irrelevancy. And maybe with a GOP-led House and Senate we can convince the Supreme Court to bring criminal charges against this evil dictator in our White House. God forbid if we don't take back out Senate and keep our House.

We must spread the word so the lazy uninformed will stop drinking and swimming in Barry's Kool-Aid.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

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