As a disc jockey once said, "and the hits keep coming". What more proof do we need that in our hallowed and beloved White House there is a jihadist Muslim radical living under its roof with the support of American taxpayer dollars.
This man, Barry Soetero, is drawing closer and closer to the becoming the dictator that Hitler became in the '30's and '40's in Europe. This man is treasonous. He pays no attention to the House, Senate, even the Supreme Court.
It's not like we didn't see this coming. Remember when he bragged, "I've got the pen, and I ain't waiting around for Congress". He has broken laws, he has turned his back on our Constitution, and with Reid and Holder in his back pocket, who is going to stop this dictator?
This self-declared dictator is such a weak leader that he just lets the scandals build up and then after a year into the scandal when a decision is not reached he just says, "Oh that....that's just old news".
And now, as if all those scandals surrounding Fast & Furious, Beghazi, DOJ, IRS, and the NSA weren't enough good old dictator Barry, aka, Hitler Jr., has just put the frosting on the cake. And did you notice he did it over the weekend?
If there is anyone out there who doesn't believe we have a radical Muslim in our White House please contact me. I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, and some swamp land in Florida for lease.
What this radical Muslim, Barry Soetero, did while in America's White House was commit an act of treason, and he should be impeached immediately. No, I'm not being overly critical about this demand. This man actually traded the five most vicious Jihadists from Camp Gitmo back to the Taliban for one Army Sgt., Bowe Bergdahl.
Bowe Bergdahl is not a soldier that deserved to be "traded". He walked off his post and committed AWOL. he deserted his U.S. Army status, while declaring America "killed Afghans".
This AWOL Army deserter continues to spew hatred for America, and refuses to speak English since the infamous trade. He speaks only Arabic.
And what of the five terrorists released from Gitmo? Oh no, these were not just any Gitmo prisoners. These five were the most brutal Jihadists at Gitmo. These Johadists actually went into a village and slit the throats of men in front of their families. The Taliban Jihadist leaders are calling this trade a gigantic victory.
And all the while this is going on the Jihadist radical Muslim that lives in our White House refuses to pick up the telephone to call the president of Mexico to obtain the release of a true U.S. Marine combat hero, that's been in a Mexican prison for no criminal act against Mexico. And does anyone want to even discuss the five U.S. Army soldiers that were killed while on patrol in Afghanistan looking for the treasonous AWOL deserter Bergdahl?
It's common knowledge that Barry is losing his Democrat base, and my prediction is that just before the mid-terms in November he will close Gitmo and release all the Jihadists back into the terrorist world.
It's hard to believe that every American will not take our first step this November to stop this dictator from wreaking more havoc on this great country, by walking into their voting booth and vote to stop this dictatorship.
I truly hope this Muslim mad man spends his remaining two and a half years vacationing and on golf courses. In this way he won't be in the Oval office making treasonous decisions. What else is he going to do to prove he's nothing more than a Hitler-type dictator?
We have our chance in just 151 days folks. Don't let it pass us by.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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