I lived in California for thirty-five years before I relocated back to my roots in N.E. Ohio. During that time I spent four years as the media relations spokesperson and volunteer board president for the California branch of John Walsh's National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (N.C.M.E.C.)
I was proud to represent John Walsh and his N.C.M.E. creed. I went to schools and talked to children of all ages on the subjects of "stranger-danger", personal rights of children of all ages, drug and alcohol abuse, and even date rape to older high school age children. I represented the California branch working with the FBI on cases of missing children.
Our them was always, and still is that our greatest natural resources are our children, not energy, oil, gas, etc. It's the children of the world that will bring this country to world peace or world destruction. Our job is to help them walk the right path. I always tell people I was raised by Italian immigrant parents on LSD, (Love, Support, Discipline). And my two sisters and I turned out pretty good.
The evil jihadist Muslim dictator in our White House is committing child abuse to its highest degree. He is allowing underage male and female children to travel from far Central American countries like San Salvador, Ecuador, and Mexico unattended. the young underage children, some even babies, are traveling without the proper health caring, food, clothes, and emotional care.
From my years of working in N.C.M.E.C. focusing on child abuse prevention I can unequivocally say that what the evil jihadist Muslim Barry Soetero did by declaring open borders for children is pure child abuse.
We should direct a platoon or even a regiment of military police to go to our White House and arrest this child abuser. It's that simple folks. Does anyone think this man cares at all about the young and vulnerable children? Of course not. He cares only about advancing his evil agenda.
If we can't arrest him, then at least let's take the first step in 3,144 hours (131 days) when we have the voting power to remove this criminal from our White House. Don't lose sight of this.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
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