Most of us old timers remember the 1965 hit song by the singing group the Byrds, called "Turn, Turn, Turn". On my morning walk today I was thinking what a big hit it would be if a songwriter would change the lyrics to "Term, Term, Term", with words imploring a new law of forcing term limits on the people we send to D.C., Democrat, Republican, and Independent members of the House and Senate.
Never more in the history of our country is term limits needed for our elected members of Congress as it is now. We Americans recognize our voting privileges and go to the voting booth to elect members to Congress with only one major thought in mind: THEY ARE ELECTED TO DO WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT THEM TO DO FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY AS DIRECTED IN THE U.S. CONSTITUTION.
What we have now are member of our House and Senate focusing on their own personal gains for their own power, and the power of their respective party. It's evident that the very people we vote to represent us under the laws of our Constitution, for the most part, don't even acknowledge us until it's campaign time.
Senate majority leader Dingy Harry Reid and his boss Barry Soetero, continue to lie to the American people that the Republicans from the House will not allow them to pass any bills. These are definitely nothing more than a gigantic pack of lies. For Reid and Soetero to continue to repeat these lies is now waking the American people.
As I'm typing this there are, right now, over forty (40) bills passed in the House sitting on the desk of Harry Reid. And Dingy Harry will not even bring a single one of these bills to the Senate floor for a vote. By the way did you know that buried in those 40+ bills is the bill passed by the House to open the Keystone Pipeline?
We all know why the "Barry & Harry Show" won't open the Keystone. They have been threatened by Billionaire Tom Steyer that if Democrats vote to open Keystone they can forever kiss his contributions goodbye. And do you know where the bulk of billionaire Steyer's money was gained? Yep, from fossil fuel production over the years.
If Keystone were to open today over 42,000 jobs would be immediately created with more jobs to follow. Why would anyone stop this from happening, unless they are more concerned on their own wallet and power than they are for the welfare of the failing economy and the lost jobs for the very Americans that voted them in office.
The Supreme Court Justices have notified Barry that he is illegally enacting laws outside the purvey of his office. And how does this jihadist Muslim dictator respond? Why, he just doubles down and says he's now going around the Supreme Court to get done what he wants. Didn't Hitler do this in the '30's and '40's?
Even when the majority of Americans have declared this man to be the worst president since WWII, he continues to push forward in his quest to destroy our freedom and democracy. This is not the outcome that our Founding Fathers designed our Constitution for.
As we celebrate our July 4th hanking god for our freedoms and liberties do you know where Barry is going? He's attending a Muslim Mosque to give praise to the "contributions" the Muslim community has given to our country.
If we do not vote in November to take back our Senate and keep our House this jihadist Muslim dictator may push this country into ruins that we may never recover from. The very bright light that shines in front of us is there are 121 days left, and we can take our first major step to stop this dictator.
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops
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