Come on now, admit it. How many times have your sworn or screamed at your poor inanimate object called your loyal TV? I admit I do, to the point that when NHL playoff hockey and college's March Madness is on my wife leaves the room.
Of course I'm a proud Fox news junkie, and it's on TV throughout the day. If I want to take a Sunday afternoon nap I'll turn on a baseball or golf game. Nothing against baseball or golf, but really, to see a beer or auto commercial between every pitch or golf shot. Nah, not for me.
What I'm trying to get to in a subtly humorous way is that when you watch TV and see what this White House Muslim is doing to our country with the support of Dingy Harry and "hold 'em" Holder it becomes very easy to take out your frustrations by screaming at your TV.
So my wife and I delivered an ultimatum to each other. After Fox's Special Report with Bret Bier at 6:00 PM EST, we stop watching news on TV. The TV is either shut off or we watch pre-recorded programs.I do tape the "Kelly File". When I need a laugh, I switch over to Rev. Al when Fox is on break. This guy, Sharpton, is a riot. Even with his screaming I can't understand a word he's yelling. But he sure is good for a laugh. The reason, and I pass this on to others, it's hard to relax to sleep after watching the decline of our country, both economically and socially.
Folks, screaming and swearing at the TV while listening to news of lost IRS emails, thousands of illegals crossing our borders daily, Obamacare, no help in retrieving our lost Marine from Mexico, the Benghazi debacle will not do a thing to help these tragedies.
We have 132 days to help all we can to get the vote out to take our first step in reversing the tragedies that Obama has thrown at Americans. Keeping the House and taking back the Senate will send a strong message to Barry Soetero, Reid, Holder, Pelosi, and Jarret. It will be our first step in telling Barry..."we ain't taking it anymore".
Of course it's not going to be easy. We must all be prepared that the liberal progressives will run on "if the Republicans take over the Senate and keep the House, they will take away all your entitlements; food stamps, unemployment, housing subsidies, and free education for immigrants". You can bet this will be their main mantra.
After the damage this narcissistic self-centered ego maniac has done in his first six years, can you imagine the further damage he's already planning to damage our country. We must take our first step to stop this man. There really are no other pliable options.
This is our greatest and maybe our last golden opportunity to turn our country around before it's too late. Don't let it pass us by. If you don't do everything you can we may just fail, and will have only ourselves to blame.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops
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