Sunday, February 2, 2014

My wife- "stop writing" !

Just finished a pretty big argument with my commander-in-chief, also known as my lovely wife. She keeps insisting that I stop writing my political blogs.  She believes if I keep writing about how that man in OUR White House is trying to destroy America, I'm in deep trouble.

Her favorites are, "One of these days the Secret Service is going to knock on our door" or "You're just going to disappear", or one of her craziest is "A drone is going to get you one of these days".

Of course I keep reminding her, "Honey, I'm small potatoes...Hitler Jr.'s got bigger problems than me". I keep reminding my wife that Hitler Jr. should be focusing on the twenty million Americans out of work, his threats against Congress that he has a "pen and a phone", and do whatever he wants. I even asked my wife, "With the millions of Americans out of work, why doesn't he use his pen to open the Keystone Pipeline"? Honest folks, it was the first time my wife had no answer. I told her not to feel bad; no one has the answer to that one. Well there are those heavy environmentalist donors he has in his back pocket.

Of course this man is a disgrace to the Presidency and should be impeached. It's been rumored that our country can't impeach him for fear of race riots that would parallel the Civil War. This man even has many of his own party Democrats that have turned their back on him, and won't even appear on his campaign stages with him, and don't even want him to raise funds for their campaign as they go into reelection this November.

A TV-news clip from Chicago is highlighting excerpts reflecting that man young Black men and women are opining that Barack is a disgrace to the African-American community, and some young Blacks are urging this man to "Just quit...step just ain't helping us at Black folks at all".

Way back in 2007 many Americans believed the negative hype from the media when they spewed lies and hateful rhetoric against Bush.  Enter a little known African-American named Barack Obama.

With over ninety percent of voting Blacks, and with young White men and women hating Bush for the war in Iraq, this charismatic community organizer, with all his lies and rhetoric, promised "Hope & Change" lies filled with his personal agenda of Kool-Aid that Americans promptly swallowed.

And if that wasn't bad enough many Americans kept drinking the Kool-Aid again in 2012. However, have you noticed that the "push-back" from worried and concerned Americans is really getting in gear now. We've had it with this unlawful man in OUR White House. 

We now have our golden opportunity in just a few short months; actually in only 275 days to step into voting booths all over this great country to take our first step to eliminate this man from OUR White House. You know the odds are on our side when you discover that many Democrat House and Senate members, who are up for reelection this November, are straying away from Obama.

Back to my writing blogs and my First Amendment rights. This man has done so much damage to our great country, and is on his own personal mission to do more damage. But there are some things he cannot do; HE CANNOT TAKE AWAY OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS, and let's not forget HE CANNOT STOP US FROM OUR RIGHT TO WALK INTO A VOTING BOOTH AND CAST OUR VOTE.

Our chance will be here in just 275 days folks. We can begin our first step in sending this man back to Kenya, Hawaii, or where ever we decide to send him and his husband Michael. 

Citizens of this great country that truly love this country have maybe our greatest opportunity to correct the lies and deceits this man has given us. I will never surrender my First Amendment right to continue to be a voice against the tyranny of this man. Even if only one American will take the time to read my blogs I will continue writing.

Please, Americans, don't forget if we don't vote to take back our Senate and keep our House we may suffer the most horrendous three years of catastrophe this country has ever known. Please, please America we must not let him continue. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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