Friday, January 31, 2014

Where's the pics?

Just seven weeks ago our lovely granddaughter made us great grandparents. This beautiful baby girl, Aniella May, was born into a very loving family, and I might add, lots of cousins, uncles, aunts, family friends.  Hey, we're Italian-Americans....whaddya expect. Not to mention loving grandparents and great grandparents.

On the 1:30 A.M. birth the waiting room was crowded with a family gang of us with our cameras "at the ready". Shortly, the nurse announced that we could enter our granddaughter's room to see our new family addition.

The cameras started clicking, and honestly, they haven't stopped yet. You can go into any home of our family and friends and see pictures of our newborn. My wife and I have pictures in frames, our cell phones, i-Pads, and camera cards.  I think we're starting to irritate people showing off all these pictures. And every time family members visit one another we all pull out the latest pictures we've taken of our new miracle to show each other.

What's my point? What's this blog doing with "Politics with Pete" theme? Well,  I got to thinking yesterday as I was walking through our home beaming at the beautiful pictures we have all over the place showing our children, grandchildren, and our new great granddaughter Hey Barack, and Michelle, where are all your pictures?

Going back to their wedding that Rev. Wright performed, has anyone seen any wedding pictures of their ceremony?  Who was Barack's best man? Who was Michelle's maid of honor? Anyone know of someone who was invited to their wedding, and went to their wedding reception?

Has anyone ever, ever seen a picture of Michelle while she was pregnant with either of her two daughters?  There isn't a publication out there that has published a picture of the Obama children as little tykes. There are no pictures of Barack and Michelle with their small infant children. Am I the only one who questions that?

OK, so many are thinking I'm petty about this. But, you know, Barack and his team of want to know all and everything about anyone who even logs in to their website. It seems their was no chronological order to the Obama family. It looks like there was this gigantic packaged box, someone unwrapped it, and vavoom.....out pops the Obama family. And there were no documents in the box. 

This man makes "slick Willy" Clinton look like a Boy Scout. This Barack guy has done a tremendous job of, not once but twice, fooling the American people to get elected to the highest position our country bestows on a person.

And since he's been in OUR White House it seems that his goal is to single handedly destroy our American way of life. This community organizer seems to be on a mission to destroy us. He swaggers up to the podium, smirks at us, and brags about his pen to do anything he wants without any approval or review from anyone.

His latest despicable irony is that even with the positive environmental reported findings regarding the Keystone Pipeline, this community organizer refuses to even discuss opening this pipeline from Canada that will create thousands of jobs for Americans.  He wants us to continue buying our oil from his mid-east Muslim brothers.

Wouldn't you just like to know WHY this man wants all of our personal information so his NSA, DOJ, and IRS can spy on all Americans, but we are not allowed to have any information at all from this man who just "popped out of a large box".

I encourage all young voters to run, not walk, but run away from signing up for Obamacare. If you do you will forever be scoped, watched, and spied upon by our government.  I'm 78, soon to be 79, and when my wife and I switched our healthcare providers it took a ten minute phone call and a thirty minute meeting in our insurance broker's office to switch our health insurance carriers; just a short phone call and a short meeting.

And young people, this November we have a great opportunity to take the first step to stop this dictator. With a GOP House & Senate we may be able to impeach this criminal. We can do this people, and we need your help. Don't let your country down.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops.

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