I know my Dad is spinning in his grave right about now. I was always so proud of the work ethics I received by the examples he set for my sisters and me. As a seventeen year old immigrant from Italy my Dad and his family came through Ellis Island, located in Northeastern Ohio, and worked for forty-eight years in the steel mills.
Without an education there weren't a lot of promotions for Dad, but his hard work and his strong work ethics kept him employed for forty-eight years. He always preached to work hard, do the right thing, and take care of your family.
He was a hero to our family, always preaching that hard work won't kill you, but worrying about it might. He used to brag in his broken English accent that he never took a penny from unemployment. He never received any education, but lived to see his three children receive a college degree.
Today, this "affordable" health care plan that Obama has forced upon Americans is on the path to destroy one of our foremost American values of working hard, and striving to be the very best we can.
Today we have over twenty million Americans out of work, increased unemployment extensions, nearly fifty million Americans on food stamps, and an unbelievable on-going increase in welfare.
This must be that "fundamental transformation" that Obama was talking about in 2008.
And now we are actually encouraging Americans of this great country to "slow down, relax, don't work so hard, and go ahead and cut your hours back so you can spend more time with your family or 'living out your dream'".
Someone please tell me if I'm not understanding this correctly: If I don't make a certain income I can get a subsidy from the government to substantially help me to get Obamacare. On the other hand if I get a promotion, or work more hours I lose my subsidy, and will have to absorb more of my healthcare costs? Am I right so far?
So here comes John Doe home from work, and tells his wife that he had to turn down a big promotion, so that he could continue receiving his healthcare subsidy from the government.
And then there's this: "honey, today I told my boss to cut me back to 30 hours a week. This will give me more time to write my book and study the guitar.....but don't worry...we'll still get our healthcare subsidy...gotta be careful and not make too much money, or we'll lose our subsidy."
And then John Doe's wife asks husband John, "what about the house payment, and Suzie's tuition for her next semester....what do we do?" His answer, "but honey, we can't lose our healthcare subsidy from Obama."
So what happens next? Well, first we have all these Americans knowing they can cut back on working hard, getting promoted, or making more money and still receive government subsidies to pay for their wonderful "affordable" healthcare insurance.
Of course this is pure Socialism, and do you remember what Margaret Thatcher, late Prime Minister of England, said, "Socialism stops working when you run out of other people's money."
Food stamps, welfare, extended unemployment, housing subsidies, and now healthcare subsidies.
Now where does our government get the money pay for all this? Can you guess? Give up?
Allow me to enlighten you; the money to run our ever increasing nanny state comes from hardworking Americans that go to work every day.
What happens when corporations stop investing to create jobs? What happens when our government runs out of money? What happens then? How does John Doe afford to pay for his child's appendectomy? What happens on our streets when there is no more "government subsidies"? Can you say chaos....can you say Greece?
Folks, this country is too great to allow a smooth talking oracle that made promises he knew he couldn't keep, to lie to Americans, and to create scandals, to destroy us. We can't let that happen.
I think we all now know what he meant when he said he was going to "fundamentally transform" our great country.
There is only one pure way to fight back against this man. In just 270 days we must vote to keep our House and take back our Senate. This will be our first step to hopefully impeach this man.
For love of our country, vote the right way this November. Our whole country is at stake.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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