I think I'm finally getting it. Well, it really only took six years to be exact. That's when this Hitleresque man "stole" the keys to OUR White House. Actually this man started many, many years ago to "fundamentally transform" our country. Is it any coincidence that in high school Barry belonged to a pot-smoking gang called "the chum", and said he hoped marijuana would be legalized. And now we're experiencing states like Colorado, California, and Washington doing exactly that. Makes you think right?
What he really meant with his fundamental transformation was that he was going to change the honored office of the presidency into a complete dictatorship, just like his predecessor did in the '30's and '40's in Germany.
Just think about what this man has done since January, 2009. Why should we even be angry at him? After all, he's doing just what he said he was going to do We should be angry at ourselves.
Do you think the Chicago police department would let Al Capone become chief of police? Do you think Bernie Madoff will ever be appointed to Secretary of Treasure? How about allowing a pedophile to become Principal of a Kindergarten school?
Now, this man is just pouring salt on the wounds he has created. He brags about being the President, and he can do anything he wants. He claims he doesn't need Congress to do what he wants; he will just use his phone and pen, and presto a law will be born. While walking alongside the wife of a foreign prime minister he said, "yes, as President, I can do pretty much as I please".
He has now informed his spa and bathhouse buddy, Eric "holdit" Holder that he can instruct his state AG's that they can "pick and choose" any laws they see fit themselves to pursue. With the media, his Attorney General, and his Democrat Senate this guy is going to make any dictator seem like a Boy Scout.
Just a few days ago he actually threatened the Governors of our country at a Governors' meeting that he better not hear anything from them about he and Hagel cutting back the military, or they'll hear from him, and not in a good way.
He attacks our very own military; cutting their salaries and benefits while he continues to increase welfare to the highest point its ever been. This man will do anything detrimental to our country just to control the masses. And he's getting away with it.
You can listen and watch all the pundits on radio and TV, but the only real true logical way to stop this man is in the voting booth starting this November, which is only 250 days away. No, we can't impeach him. If we do there will be race wars to make the Civil War seem like a playground scuffle
No, we must keep the House, take back the Senate, and let this man become a true lame duck. For his final two years put him out to the golf course pastures, and let him go on late night shows, go on vacations, etc. Just keep him out of OUR White House and Oval office.
It really is our only chance, and by the way if anyone thinks Hillary will be any better in 2016 you had better wake up. We had a chance to get a successful businessman in OUR White House, and our country failed. We must not allow that to happen again. Stop this man in the voting booth. It's the only logical and safe way.
And let's not forget Bill O'Reilly's The Factor calls Barry "a patriot". Let's start a groundswell to boycott this MSNBC plant at Fox.
And that's Politics with Pete...God bless our country...and our troops
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