Monday, February 24, 2014

Cutting Senior & Soldiers

Please forgive me for revisiting a previous blog I wrote where Fox's O'Reilly called Obama " a patriot".  I am  very adamant when write that I hope all conservative Americans join me in boycotting O'Reilly and his TV show The Factor.

Considering what this man in OUR White House has recently done one cannot fathom that anyone in the military, or any senior citizen would not not want to have this man impeached. And yet Bill O'Reilly has gone on national TV to call this man "a patriot".

As if this horrible man in OUR White House hasn't done enough damage to our great country with all the scandals he has created, he now has really stepped over the line.

This president now wants to assure that military veterans that "may" have had some emotional problems while dealing with the VA should have their firearms taken from them, including any hunting rifles. Really O'Reilly this man is your definition of "a patriot"?

Not to be outdone with all his other attacks on America, this man has isolated his latest attack solely on senior citizens.  He is in the process of downgrading the Medicare Advantage program and Medicare Part D for senior citizens. Again, I ask you Mr. O'Reilly, do you still feel this man is an American patriot?

Further, this man in OUR White House is soliciting the help of big labor and the IRS to attack Americans following the right to work privileges. Polls reflect that 80% of Americans strongly believe that Americans have the right not to join a union. And yet we all know that a big portion of union dues goes directly to the Democrat party, and into Obama's coffers. Oh yeah, he's an American patriot all right.

I won't even write about all of Obama's lies about Obamacare; I've done that enough, and everyone agrees that Obamacare is just one gigantic lie. We all know that. One of Obama's Democrat Congressman is now threatening the broadcasting license of a network for airing an ad by a cancer patient that claims her medical insurance is now denied her because of Obamacare.
Didn't a German dictator in the '30's and '40's do this kind of thing? And our dear old friend  O'Reilly says this Hitleresque man in OUR White House is a patriot. Yeah, right Bill.

OK, I saved a "biggie" for last. This man that O'Reilly claims is " a patriot", is now downsizing our military back to its size in 1940.  He is also reducing food commissaries on military bases hitting the wallets and purses of the very men and women who volunteer to protect our freedoms.

While I still consider myself a Fox News junkie by my allegiance to most Fox programs throughout the day, but I'm asking all who take the time to read my blogs to please join me in boycotting Bill O'Reilly and The Factor. This man in OUR White House is definitely not "a patriot", and O'Reilly is dead wrong to refer to him as one.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. 


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