Thursday, December 4, 2014


I don't know if I'm blessed or cursed with this above average memory of mine, nevertheless it's mine, and I'm stuck with it. 

I remember very vividly in 1994 when my daughter and grandson came to visit me, so her and I could watch the jury's verdict in the O.J. trial. Both of us, like millions of other Americans,  had been very diligent in following every TV broadcast of the trial.

I remember my daughter trying to stop my 3-year old grandson from jumping up and down on the couch as the jury was filing in, and we were glued to the TV, anxiously awaiting the verdict.  That 3-year old is now ready to graduate from Pre-Med at Duke, and select a medical school. Yeah, I'm that old; 80 in May.

I also remember extremely vividly when three African-American jurors were interviewed after the trial. Their exact quoted words were, "in our heart of hearts we knew O.J. was guilty, but we just sendin' the White folks a message".

Then subsequently came the African-American that fired his weapon into a police officer, slaying him, and he's now teaching classes at a university.

Then came the New Black Panthers during the 2008 presidential campaign when they threatened White voters flashing their batons as they entered a voting booth in Philadelphia.

Well, I'm not saying "karma's a bit**", or "what goes around comes around", but then appeared on the scene the Zimmerman-Martin trial. Then the grand jury ruling in Ferguson. And now the grand jury decision in New York about Eric Garner.

All we're getting from the Barry-Sharpton show is rioting and looting. If I had a dollar for every White that rioted after the O.J. trial I'd be broke. I haven't heard or seen any broadcasting outside of Fox, that asks, why didn't Mike Brown and Eric Garner just  OBEY THE LAW. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC's Sharpton will ever address that question.

Even with several African-American witnesses stating that Mike Brown did not raise his hands in a surrendering gesture, everywhere the protesters are running rampant with their hands raised.
With every hand raising gesture they are just fortifying the lie supplied by Sharpton and his mob gangs.

Last week, while driving through Virgina after a family visit, I was driving over the speed limit. And there it was, the infamous flashing lights behind me. When the officer approached I rolled down my window, obeyed all his instructions in my very low subdued voice. He issued me a citation, and away I drove with my wife reminding me what an idiot I was for speeding.

And with my blessed/cursed memory I never forgot what my father said to me at dinner one night when I was a high school senior. I was telling the family how cool our field trip to the jail was, as we were studying law in our Civics class. The police officer picked me out to show the class how perpetrators are finger printed, mugged, and walked to the cell. 

I was telling mom, dad, and my sisters how cool it was to be in a jail cell. Dad just scowled at me and said, "you think that's funny"? Before I could even respond Dad further said, "if you ever get picked up for breaking the law and get thrown in jail...let me warn'll be safer in that cell...don't let me come for you".

I'm 79 years young, and those words have never left me. Other than some parking and a few speeding tickets I'm proud to pray to my Dad and tell him I have never broken the law. My point in this is Mike Brown had a father, step-father, and his mother's boyfriend in his life, and yet no one could teach this young man.....JUST OBEY THE LAW.

Store owners in New York had been calling the police authorities complaining that Eric Garner was chasing patrons away from buying cigarettes by selling single cigarettes on their streets without a license and not paying taxes as designated by federal law.  Instead Eric Garner just flat out refused to JUST OBEY THE LAW. Did I mention that Eric Garner had a long police record?

Has anyone else noticed that since Barry Soetero has been in office the race relations in this country are worse off now than ever before? Oh, we're not done with rioting and looting, but I strongly feel good Americans are starting to push back a little more now. Yeah, karma can be a bit**, and what goes around just may come around.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Their true colors

CONGRATULATIONS to all who voted to help oust the evil Dingy Harry Reid from the Senate majority leader's role. We did it! And to throw a little more fuel on the fire, it appears we're going to add Louisiana and Alaska to the roles soon.

While mainly focused on election results from Fox, I did do my share of channel-surfing to get the election result views from other networks. I must say it was almost as entertaining as the election results to watch and listen to the left leaning liberal stations with their meager attempts supporting their views of how the election was supposed to take place.

Of course much entertainment was provided to me by the gang over at MSNBC. Well, what did anyone expect with the line-up of Maddow, Matthews, Mitchell, Todd, Schultz, and my all time dunce favorite, good old marble-mouth Sharpton?

With spittle flying from his mouth the leg-tingler himself, Chrissy Matthews, would not concede. It was so laughable. Even after there were five declared "flips" to the Republican candidates, the old leg-tingler kept spitting out "I still see a sliver of hope....we can take Virginia, probably Alaska, and if Landreau wins the December run-off, then maybe we can just hang on to the Senate."

The MSNBC gang had predicted a 53-45 victory for their beloved Democats during the evening, even when the results of GOP victories started pouring in. Then Joni Earnst from Iowa took us to the magic number of six the Republicans needed to win control of the Senate, and I quickly switched over to the gang at MSNBC. They were still reluctant to call a victory for the GOP, and were among the last of the networks to do so.  Why NBC hasn't shut down that disappointment is beyond the comprehension of millions of Americans.

And maybe the very most entertaining for me came the very day after the election results, and is still going on. It is actually hilarious. Dear old kinky-haired Debbie Washerwoman Schultz spoke up to say, "Our Democratic views are still what the American people want". Really, Debbie? Did you watch the results from another planet?

Then our dear wind-tunneled face Nancy Pelosi says, "This is not a flow of's just a little ebb for now". And even after Barry Soetero wants Sharpton to "help" him to get along with the new SOP Senate, what does the Rev do? He goes on his MSNBC show and announces to his very few viewers that he will "continue to fight against all GOP policies while they have control of the Senate". 

Also, will someone explain to me what Barry Soetero meant when he said, "To the two-thirds of you who didn't vote...I hear you".  What is that supposed to mean? Is he threatening these two-thirds? Is he going to cut off their entitlements?  Talk about very, very poor losers.

OK, enough; no more resting on our laurels. We have a 2016 election to prepare for so we can take back America's White House, and keep the House and Senate in the good hands of the Republican Party. 

NOTE: As a side note, I'll be starting an added phase of Politics with Pete with video blogs, starting Tuesday, November 11, 2014. Please keep an eye and ear out for it.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


It seems like yesterday when I was marking off the countdown days on my desk calendar to the November 4th mid-term elections. Beginning with 365 days, until this morning, with two weeks left until AMERICA'S DAY!

I call November 4, 2014 America's Day because that's the day we take our first step in taking back our beloved country from Barry Soetero and his evil administration. Nearly all of my blogs this past year has dealt with Fast & Furious, The IRS, The DOJ, Benghazi, Obamacare, etc., etc.,....need I go any further? I'm sure the few people who read my blogs are tired of my relentless bloviating about the evilness of Barry and his merry band of corrupt cohorts.

So I've decided to give a break to the few loyal followers who do read my political blogs. This is it for me until the election is over. Next blog I write and publish my blog will be after the November 4th election. I'll either be sobbing in my Scotch or drinking my Scotch in celebration.

I've said and written all that I can think of to urge good American conservative voters to spread the word and vote for our first step; to send Dingy evil Harry Reid out to pasture. Yes, we  all know there are some GOP candidates that we don't favor for office. However, don't lost sight of our initial goal. After we retake the Senate and keep the House then we can focus on the GOP-led road ahead preparing for the 2016 presidential race.

Don't forget what we did to Nancy Pelosi after the 2010 mid-terms. She became the queen of irrelevancy. Her name is hardly mentioned anymore. We must use this opportunity in two weeks to make Harry the king of irrelevancy. Nice titles for them huh? The king and queen of irrelevancy. Love it.

We have to endure Barry Soeter along with his endless golf, vacationing, do-nothingness, lying, arrogance and his lame-duck presidency for the next two years. Well, just maybe with a GOP House and Senate and the evil lying he has been caught at by the Supreme Court, we just may be able to begin impeachment hearings against him.

So, let me end today's blog with a few questions. For the next two years does America want an administration that (1) lied about Obamacare. (2) Traded 5 Taliban killers for a U.S. Army deserter, (3) Refused to ask Mexico to release a true American hero in a Mexican prison, Sgt. Tamarhoosi. (4) Opened America's southern borders allowing illegal criminals to enter the U.S., (5) lied there was not a 'smidgeon" of corruption in the IRS, (6) allowed the Dept. of Justice to spy American journalists, (7) has golfed over 200 times instead of being a presedential leader, (8) would not allow military support for our Benghazi consulate, and then whisked out to Las Vegas for a fund raiser, and (9) just 12 short minutes after announcing the ISIS beheading of an American Barry is on the first tee at the golf course. Don't even want to take up space to write about the economy and Barry's foreign policy.

These are not embellished lies folks; these are pure facts. I refuse to believe that any American that truly loves this great country would not exercise their voting power to rid us of this dictator-type leader and his evil corrupt administration.

Our time is coming people. Don't waste it. We can do this. Let's take our country back. See you in two weeks.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.



Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don't worry-Barry's here

Folks, please don't worry about Ebola spreading throughout the U.S. Also, please don't worry about ISIS infiltrating the U.S. through our porous southern borders. Don't give a thought to our failing economy. Don't think at all about our health care premiums rising in 2015.

And for God's sake, don't think for one second about ISIS overtaking all the oil fields in the middle east while we refuse to drill and frack for oil, and mine coal for energy here in the U.S.
Don't worry about any of these little "mis-steps". They're not worth even thinking about. These are just minor blips that our Dear Leader Barry will take care of. Heck, he can address these small minor blips while he's walking from green to tee on the golf course. He's already golfed over 200 times, so he's proven he can multi-task.

I'll tell you what you should be worrying about...what you should focus on...what should scare you. Folks, we have a gigantic serious problem that is the largest problem we've ever faced here in the U.S. You can feel and experience this serious problem every minute of every day.

Just open your front door and walk outside, and you can experience this horrific major problem firsthand. It's the most dangerous problem facing mankind today. It's called global warming!

What? You don't believe me? We've all been told lately of this threatening problem that is the number one crisis facing our world today.  Hey, Barry and his husband Michael said do. Secretary John Kerry said so. Even chubby Bob Beckel from Fox's The Five claims so. And lest we ever forget that the mighty Al Gore has be warning us for years about the warming will soon melt our polar caps. Sneaky Al was so good at marketing this idea that he received a Noebel prize for it while pocketing millions upon millions.

Here's a thought; how come China, Japan, India, and other high producing countries of products they are selling to the U.S. don't give much thought to "steeeenkin" global warming?The "rich producing" countries of products sold to the U.S. realize that global warming is not an issue that will hamper the manufacturing success of their respective country.

We have so many serious issues facing America today; the economy, ISIS, Ebola, amnesty and protecting our illegal immigrant border onslaught. Yet  Barry and his husband Michael, along with John Kerry, Al Gore, Hollywood movie stars, and countless rich progressive libs want to shut down energy production here to "protect" us from global warming.

Here's where I want to interject the profound knowledge of one of my heroes, Rush Limbaugh.
Rush aired during one of his daily broadcasts that if every American were given a "free" year to go out and purposely do all they could to increase global warming, the ambient temperature of the U.S. would not go up one-tenth of a degree.

Rush further stated "so what; should we close down energy production here in the U.S. because of some stupid fear of just possible raising the ambient climate temperature one lousy degree"?

Rush then ended his segment on global warming before he went to commercial break by asking, 
"I'll keep the phone lines open and welcome any calls on information about what the middle east oil-producing countries are doing to stop global warming".  Then Rush laughed in that way only he does by asking, "Does anyone know if there is a middle east oil-producing country even doing anything to prevent a fictitious global warming situation"?

Well, here's the good, no great, news Americans have our opportunity in just three short weeks from today to stop this ridiculous garbage about a proposed ruination of our country due to rising temperatures.

Folks, we need to stamp out and defeat Ebola and ISIS. We need to begin fracking and drilling for energy right here in the good old U.S.A., and tell the middle east where to stick their oil.  We need to prop up our failing economy. We need to resolve the issue of our porous southern borders.
 And we need to focus on the one single person we need to bring over from Mexico; Sgt. Tamahroosi.

Please remember when you walk into that voting booth in three weeks that if you vote the wrong way Barry and his administration will continue to wreak havoc on our country so horrific for the next two years that we may never recover. Vote the right way.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Islam peaceful now??

Two of my favorite athletes of all time are Cassius Clay and Lew Alcindor.  Cassius Clay, a young boxer from Kentucky rose to become agreeably the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.

Lew Alcindor, a tall seven foot basketball player from Power Memorial high school in New York, went on to UCLA and then the NBA to become perhaps the most successful and dominant figure in all of basketball.

There are millions of Americans today who don't know the identities of Cassius Clay or Lew Alcindor. Well, you may know Cassius Clay as Muhammad Ali, and Lew Alcindor as Kareem Abdul Jabar. Both of these great athletes converted to the peaceful faith of Islam.

In the boxing ring they just didn't come any tougher with twelve-round boxing endurance than Muhammad Ali. And all the championship trophies Kareem Jabar received at UCLA in college, and then the NBA speaks volumes about the strength, endurance, and tenacity of this great player.

I've watched Ali win and defend his title many times on TV, and watched first hand Alcindor at UCLA and later the Los Angeles Lakers. I've read books on both of these great athletes, and discovered they were as great peace loving Americans as they were athletes.

Away from the boxing ring and away from the basketball court these two Americans preached and practiced peace in the name of Islam, and still continue to do so. It seemed these two set the bar for people of other cultures and religions to accept the peaceful religion of Islam, while helping all Americans to accept each others religions.  At the time there were no disputes that subsequently escalated into the gigantic chasm between Judeo-Christians and Muslims we have today.

There were no wars, bombings, slaughterings, and even beheadings. To all it appeared that Judeo-Christians and Muslims lived in peace. What happened? When did it start? Why, how, and when did the division between Christians and Muslim start?

Many pundits, TV networks, journalists, etc., have loudly voiced their views on this ever escalating tragedy that befalls our country today. I would like to throw my "pundit" hat in the ring with my opinions and views. I just want to add some food for thought to Americans today.

In my opinion the overwhelming divide between Judeo-Christians seems wider today than it was even after September 11, 2001. The chasm seemed to grow wider and wider beginning January 20, 2009.  Yes, that was the day Barry Soetero was sworn in to become the leader of the greatest country and the greatest military of all time.

From the day of his inauguration he seemed to be a surgeon with a very large scalpel on a mission to promote radical Islam, while destroying the Judeo-Christian values in our very own America. Since he first took office he continues to stack his administrative deck with members of his Islamic faith. Our own leader of the CIA, John Brennan, is a Muslim.

Factions of the radical Islamic war mongering has broken out stronger than ever since Barry took office. Usama bin Laden, El Quiada, and now we today we have the most monstrous threat to our country, ISIS.  Barry continues to downplay the threat of ISIS. He uses "pin prick" attacks instead of attacking this vile threat head on with the mission of destroying them.

It has been reported that ISIS now makes over $3.Million per day selling oil from the fields they have confiscated in the mid-east. They now have the money and power to grow into the strongest threat to our country and way of life since Adolph Hitler.

ISIS must be stopped and destroyed now. We cannot afford to wait as they grow stronger by the day. Our country needs leadership to lead us into destroying these evil terrorists.

Do you ever wonder why Barry Soetero is so very hesitant to attack and destroy ISIS? I think I know why. Maybe, just maybe there's an ISIS terrorist cell that resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It is so hard to believe that Islam is a peaceful religion today.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Here's the difference Hillary!

I just finished watching the Fox News broadcast of "13 Hours in Benghazi" hosted by Bret Baier. I'm going to start this blog before I hit the sack and finish it tomorrow. I don't know what I'm more dismayed and horrified at; the actual killing of four Americans, including a high profile American Ambassador or the cover up by Barry and his State Department.

I watched and listened to these three brave men answer Brett's questions, and how they retold the facts as to what happened that night. Of course the very first person who came to mind for me was Barry Soetero. To this day there is not a clear understanding and knowledge of where he actually was while four Americans were being slaughtered by Islamic radicals committing jihad. There is proof however, that the very same evening of the attack he was on his way to Vegas for a fund-raiser.

All three of these heroes that wanted to rush the three-quarters of a mile to help the Benghazi embassy under vicious attack related the exact same story: "We were told on three occasions by our bureau chief leader Bob to 'stand down'". Not once, but three times.

My wife and I are not ashamed that we both shed tears watching this documentary on Fox. Of course many times throughout the hour we kept saying to each other, "why won't the other news networks broadcast this too"?  Thank God for Roger Ailles of Fox to have the courage to broadcast this highly informative news program, while other networks choose to ignore it.

While these three heroes were reliving their stories to Brett Baier of Fox they also had tears recalling that horrible night I thought of four other individuals immediately. The first two, of course, are Barry Soetero and our former infamous Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 

By now we all know why Barry did not want to order any help to save our Ambassador and the other three Americans. It's very simple; at the time we were only two months away from the presidential election, and Barry didn't want any "news" of a terrorist attack occurring on his watch.

And who among us will ever forget Hillary's infamous quote, "what difference does it make"?
Really Hillary? Four dead Americans and you, your boss, and Susan Rice dismiss this tragedy by saying some anti-Muslim film producer in California caused this attack with a video.

Of course Barry's "buddies" at ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC all carried the water for him and Hillary, and also claimed the attack was the result of the video, even though it was discovered later that less than 300 people even viewed the short video. Maybe now Americans are realizing that the main reason we don't get the truthful news from the media, except for Fox, is because many White House staffers are strongly linked to executives from these media outlets; some even through marriage.

Some other news you'll only get from Fox: After the Benghazi attack both the White House and the CIA held press conferences. Can you guess what news outlet was not invited? If you guessed Fox you are right on.  Another bit of news you won't hear from the media is that Fox's Greta Van Susteren was contacted by the White House and strongly suggested that Greta tell correspondent Jennifer Griffen to cease/stop reporting any news on Benghazi. Ever wonder why?

Maybe my strongest disdain and disrespect in this tragedy is directed at the two, for lack of a more descriptive word, "females" that are the State Department press representatives. I'm writing of course about Marie Harf and Jen Psaki. I cannot imagine how these two "females" got the important task of representing our State Department.

These two "females" continue to spout off there is no evidence there is no evidence of a "stand down" order issued from the embassy bureau chief "Bob" to those government contractors that were on their way to lend support to the Benghazi embassy under attack. They are basically calling these three heroes liars.

I only wish Ms. Harf, and/or Ms. Psaki would have been seated at the interview held by Bret Baier and the three brave heroes that finally defied orders and rushed to help their fallen comrades anyway, at Benghazi. I wish Harf and Psaki would've been at the interview, and still exclaimed there was no evidence of a stand down.  Yes, these three arrived too late, and wished they could've had that thirty minutes back that they were told to "stand down".

To even speak the names of Harf and Psaki in the same context of these three heroes is a disgrace to all military personnel that ever wore the uniform.  I hope and pray Trey Goudy can finally get to the bottom and give America the truth we deserve on this tragedy.

And yes, Ms. Clinton, it does make a difference.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Want fries with that?

To me cheating on my wife means I tell her I'm going to Home Depot and then I sneak into a fast-food place and eat a big juicy burger, with fries and a large chocolate shake. Then on the way out I get a large chocolate-chip cookie.  I got it down to a science; I get in the car and suck on a cough drop on the drive home. But I think she knows anyway, and lets me get away with it.

I know I'm biased about living in N.E. Ohio, and I'm proud that the overwhelming majority of waiters, waitresses, and servers that I encounter in restaurants and fast-food places are using their jobs as "stepping stone" jobs while they finish their education. In some cases it's also a part-time job to earn extra money, while on their way to find a career job.

What is inspiring to me is that the overwhelming majority do not and will not make a career out of waiting tables or serving at fast-food restaurants. One of my favorites is a young man working at Subway's while he's in his third college year of pre-med. He also has another job he works at for the summer to earn extra money for his education. His goal? Someday be a Doctor and work for "Doctors without Borders". What a great young man.

What's my point? Allow me to journey through this scenario please. As I'm writing this Barry Soetero is allowing thousands of illegals to swarm across our southern borders.  Thousands of these illegals, along with many minorities, citizen and non-citizens already here, will end up working at these restaurants and fast-food chains. 

What's disturbing is the majority of these that end up in restaurants and fast-food chains have no desire to improve themselves through education. Instead they want their dear leader Barry to raise their minimum wages. In this way they can make a career out of asking, "do you want fries with that"?

I'm very adament about this hopeless scenario, because I have an all time favorite hero. He migrated to this country in 1915, the oldest of eight children. He immediately went to work in the steel mills with his father, so his seven younger siblings could be supported and go to school.

This man labored for forty-eight years in the steel mills and along the way made sure his three children all went to college, so they didn't have to labor in steel mills. He came through Ellis Island and became a citizen the right way. He sacrificed so others could get educated for a better life. He's my hero, and was my Dad.

Raising minimum wages so people make careers out of jobs meant to be "stepping stone" jobs on the way to education and a better and more prosperous life is destroying the very core of America's theme of achieving a better way of life.

And we can all see the negative snowball effect this has. "Stepping stone" jobs will give way to "career" jobs in restaurants and fast-food chains, and that pre-med student, along with others like him, will have trouble supplementing their journey to complete their educational goal, and a better way of life.

Of course you know how I'm going to end today's blog. Much like I end all my blogs lately. Yes, we can do something about this folks. In about fifty-six days we have the constitutional right and privilege to walk into our voting booth and cast a vote to start ending this dictatorial regime.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Barry can declare war!

Come on now people, we do, in fact, have a war president and war administration in America's White House right now as we speak. You all are just mad that Barry is not focusing on the tragedies that he should declare war on; like ISIS, our national debt,  and securing America's borders.

But let's not forget that there are very important areas that Barry Soetero and his administration have declared war on since they've been in America's White House.

First Barry declared war on his version of poverty by hiking up food stamp participation to the highest its ever been.  Didn't matter that he used that tool to "manage" the poor for their votes.
He also declared war on the rich, and even told Joe the Plumber that he wanted to "spread the wealth".  Now that is a positive "war".

Barry declared war on the Cambridge, MA police department; calling them stupid. He, along with his Gestapo of Axelrod, Reid, Jarret, and Pelosi then declared war on the best health care system in the world. His claim, as we now know, was to raise premiums on working Americans so we would pay for all those he wanted to "spread the wealth" for.

He just kept on rolling by declaring war on America's great space program by completely shutting down the greatest space program our world has even known. Even today Barry is advancing his war on our military by continuing to slash our military strength.

Even after the evil Dr. Gosnell murdered all those unborn children Barry declared, and still declares war on pro-life Americans. He has even gone so far as to make Sandra Fluke a poster child for abortions, and has made sure that women get free avenues to abort and prevent births. The frosting on the cake for war declaring on pro-life Barry has even declared war on the Hobby Lobby chain of stores.

This war president of ours leaves no war declaration stone unturned. Along with his spa buddy Holder and his racist czar Sharpton, Barry has now declared war on the Ferguson, Missouri police department. Now that will surely help race  relations eh?

With all these wars declared by Barry, along with his golf and vacationing, he has become a very hard-working and weary commander-in-chief. Therefore he has had unsurmountable difficulty declaring war on problems that might face Americans today. It must be because Barry doesn't think these problems warrant any war-declaring activities.

Ever wonder why Barry won't declare war on ISIS? Even after ISIS has beheaded two Americans Barry doesn't even have a strategy. Is it because he's too busy declaring war on Hobby Lobby? Ever wonder why Barry won't declare war on America's $17.Trillion debt? Maybe it's because he's busy traveling to golf courses. 

Barry is convinced he's doing a great job, and that's only because he has taken pains to surround himself with White House personnel that everyday tell him everything he's doing is great. This hubris, arrogant, self-centered disaster of a leader keeps proving he has no plan or idea to be the leader of the free world. He just doesn't have a clue on what to do.

He heavily relies on others to carry his water with enough insulation to assure their dear leader will never ever have to answer for his actions, or his lack of positive leadership. Today Barry brags that unemployment is down to 6.1%. But will give no credence that the true unemployment is over 12%. Only 142,000 jobs were added last month, and that means more unemployed Americans are just leaving the work force.

However, our clueless leader would have you believe all is fine, and our economy is growing. And what can Americans do about this? Folks, we have the greatest weapon at our disposal to turn this around. In exactly 58 days we can walk into our voting booth and take our first step. Then maybe in 2015 we can start impeachment talks.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"Our thoughts and prayers"

Benghazi, border patrol agent, two slain American journalists, and all this administration can say is, "our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the deceased". Will someone tell Barry Soetero that little saying and a buck will get you nothing more than maybe a cup of coffee.

This administration led by the most incompetent president our country has ever known is more focused on keeping its power in the upcoming mid term elections than the war that is being waged against western civilization by ISIS and other terrorist jihadists.

This morning approximately 11:00 EST American journalist Steven Sotloff was the second American within two weeks to be beheaded by ISIS. And now we discover that ISIS has numerous American hostages, including a 26-year old female. They, ISIS is also claiming that a journalist from England will be next if any other country steps in to help the U.S.

We have also discovered the Barry Soetero has known for a year of the serious dangers of ISIS, and yet he still referred to them as "a junior varsity team". It was further discovered that this man, Barry Soetero, vehemently disagreed with his military strategists about the dangers of ISIS and felt they were not a major threat.

America was sure ready for Barry's admission in his press briefing just a few days ago when he said, "we have no strategy", when asked what he was going to do about ISIS.T Can you believe that was his answer when asked what were his plans to combat ISIS? Wasn't it a great leadership statement when he finally admitted, "ISIS must be contained"?

Is he for real? "Contained" ? Contained, hell, this ISIS must be blown off the map and back to their own personal hell, wherever that is. And we all know the hell ISIS goes to will not have 72 virgins waiting for them.

Our great country now has terrorist groups at war with us, threatening to slay all Americans and plant their Muslim flag in our White House lawn. And what is this president doing? Why he's campaigning to raise the minimum wage and how we can stop global warming. He flatly refuses to say we are at war with ANY terrorist groups. This is all for his own hubris egocentric proclaimed legacy.

This man parallels the dictatorship of Adolph Hitler in the '30's and '40's. We have sixty days left before we can take our first step in the mid term elections. But maybe we can't afford to wait sixty days. There is already proof that there is a gigantic disconnect between the Pentagon and the White House. Why not get all the Generals and Admirals together and march on America's White House to arrest this man for very high crimes and many misdemeanors. 

ISIS is slaughtering Christians and even beheading women and young children, and yet this administration won't even admit the U.S. is at war with ISIS.  Never before has this country needed a strong leader in foreign policy, and yet never before has this country had a weaker more spineless president.

What is this president waiting for to declare war on ISIS? Is he waiting for the ISIS terrorists to slaughter Americans right here in the U.S.?  This man has not only done anything to improve the U.S. since he's been in office, he's done so much to bring our country down further than ever before. He must go.

Maybe we can't wait till November 4th. Maybe we need our military Generals and Admirals to remove this man from America's White House.

America can't wait any longer for Barry Soetero to say those dreadful words, "our thoughts and prayers........."

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Monday, September 1, 2014

When did it really start?

As we watch the radical jihadist Muslims take over the mid-east we keep wondering how and  when  did this escelate.We know there have been wars in these regions for centuries, but the spreading is frightening, and will they ever make good on their threat to come to America? Terrorism is growing and spreading throughout the mid-east with promises to expand to kill all in western society.

History shows that great countries have risen up against dictators and defeated them, dating back to the days of Gengis Khan. In Europe during the 1930's and '40's Adolph Hitler was successful until America, Great Britain and our allies stepped in to bring him down.

However, today our world and our very own America may be facing the worse crisis ever in mankind.Today we have a "movement" transpiring. And this movement is being abbetted by the leader of the free world, Barry Soetero. 

I have often wondered why a tape that was to be aired on "Hannity" from Fox was pulled by the government. The tape revealed in Barry's own words his true feelings on being a Muslim. he talked about his morning and evening prayers. He ended the tape by repeating "there is no more loving prayer than the prayer to Allah in the Koran".  Of course Sean Hannity never got a chance to air it, but millions of Americans have seen it, and agree that we have a Muslim in our White House,

Today every American, Black, White, Asian, and Hispanic should encourage the likes of Al Sharpton to stop fanning the flames of racism among minorities. All this does is pit Americans against Americans. The real crisis facing us today is Judeo-Christians against radical jihad Muslims. These radical ISIS mongrels have pledged to slay all Christians in western society.

Like many Americans I pondered over when did the extreme Muslim jihad radicalism move into "high gear".  For me the day this ever growing crisis moved into high gear was January, 2009.
When Barry Soetero first took over the office of the presidency one of the first things he did was travel to foreign countries to diminish, downgrade, and apologize for America's exceptionalism and superiority. 

Then he began to laud the accomplishments of the Muslim community touting what they have given to the world. I still don't know what that is. I know it's not Sharia Law, even though there are many communities within our country that honor and abide by this desecrating law.

Then what does Barry do? He begins to appoint Muslims, and Muslim Brotherhood members to his "czar", cabinet positions, and deputy positions in high ranking offices. Our own CIA Director, John Brennan, is a Muslim. Yes, sure you can say, "but he's a good Muslim". Someone tell me the difference between a good Muslim and a bad Muslim. Thought so.

So, now what does our White House Muslim say when asked what is the plan for the ISIS outbreak/ Well, he proclaims, "I have no strategy". Am I the only one outraged at this? There is a jihadist radical Muslim group scourging throughout the mid-east slaying non-Muslims, even beheading women and children, and this president has no strategy. Really?

This man in America's White House that bows to Muslim leaders must be prevented from doing so much damage that soon jihad ISIS Muslims will be attacking our country through our unprotected southern borders. We can only hope that the likes of Sharpton wake up and think for a minute. if Rev. Al thinks a war between Blacks and Whites would be bad, he should realize a war of radical ISIS mongrels against Judeo-Christians could desecrate our country.

We should also realize that in the 1700's our great country rose up against British tyranny and we were successful. Of course I'm not advocating a war or fighting action. What I am stressing is to wage our war in the voting booth in sixty-one days. 

Barry Soetero and Dingy Harry Reid complain that the Republican-controlled House won't pass any bills to help America's middle class. How many Americans know that there are over 300 bills passed by the House just sitting and collecting dust on Reid's desk. And Barry is so afraid of his own base turning against him, there are now stories that he won't pass any executive orders of amnesty until after the mid-term elections. Talk about leading from behind.

The main reason the media will not report any accurate and truthful news to the public is because many high-ranking executives at ABC, CBS, and NBC are married to staffers in Barry's White House and administration. This should tell all Americans why Fox News is the only network that gives accurate and truthful news to America.

Sixty-One days folks. We can do this.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Police Czar, really?

Let me start today's blog with a little history. In June, 1934 Adolph Hitler appointed his political ally, Herman Goring, to head up a state police, eventually named The Gestapo. We all know the horrific and tragic deeds the Gestapo did under Hitler's rule, all the way  until they were defeated in 1945.

But we must never forget the carnage this evil state police did in their eleven year existence. This state police, Gestapo, was partly responsible for Hitler to rise to the "supreme leader", The Fuhrer.  The Gestapo was largely responsible for the torture and annihilation of Hitler's opponents, and of course Jews.

And now we are hearing news oozing out of D.C. that three of the "Ramblin' Racists", Sharpton, Jackson, and Holder are trying to convince their supreme leader, Barry Soetero, to appoint a Police Czar.  A Police Czar, really? What would his/her duties entail? Does this mean police commissioners throughout the country would report to a Police Czar who would report to Barry?

Race agitator Sharpton fueled the fires of appointing a Police Czar, so that "we can oversee the injustice done to blacks by police", after his racist talks in Ferguson.  Really Al?  Does that mean the Police Czar will thoroughly investigate crimes against blacks? Wow, he's going to have his hands full if he does his job correctly; given the enormous high volume of blacks committing crimes against other blacks.

Do you think the Police Czar will investigate black on black crimes? Or will he just focus on white on black crimes in the name of "justice for blacks"?   If the Police Czar wants to do his/her job correctly I've got a few crimes he can start with. How about the black thug from Chicago that turned against his country and joined ISIS? How about the black police officer who gunned down a young white unarmed white male in Utah? How about the 29-year old black thug born and raised in New York, that killed four young males, one a 19-year old, in the name of his Allah?

Of course if Barry Soetero appoints a Police Czar he/she will be an African-American and their main duty will be to insulate Barry from any crimes in the black community, so that Barry can focus on his main duties; campaigning, golfing, vacationing, and hanging out with his celebrity buddies.

Please don't forget this lesson in history on how Hitler started his state police, the Gestapo. Also, remember that Hitler could have named Herman Goring, his own Police Czar. Scary huh?

We must take our first step to stop this man in America's White House. We have a great opportunity in just sixty-six short days to take back our Senate, keep our House, and then maybe start impeachment proceedings in 2015.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hey Rev Al, legislate this!

Did anyone else watch that evil race baiting fool on "Meet the Press" Sunday. Yeah, I'm talking about Al (got my minister diploma on-line) Sharpton.  He declared on national TV that "there must be legislation to protect the young black man from the white police brutality". Really Al, you want protection for the black thugs who break the law everyday? 

Just how far would you like this "legislation" extend to? Here's an idea: When a white police officer comes upon a crime committed by a black thug, he must quickly call his/her precinct and ask for a black police officer come and take over the crime in progress. How about this Al: All white cops are not allowed to carry firearms in heavily populated black neighborhoods.

Even that's not enough for you huh Al? Well, here's my final suggestion. When a white officer comes upon a crime being committed by a black criminal thug, the white officer must quickly holster his/her firearm and throw up their hands and turn their back on the black thug, and walk away from the crime in progress. Seems fair, right Al?

How are those ideas Al? It's the best I can come up with now.  Hey Al, if we do all these ideas I just mentioned do you think black crime will come down? No, it won't you stupid bloviating racist.
You must think Americans are really stupid. The high crime rate in the black community is because blacks are committing almost 90% of the crimes against blacks. 

Blacks committing crimes against blacks is the highest crime rate ever in the country, and that is a proven fact. And just what are you and the rest of your quartet of Ramblin' Racists doing about it?  The answer is....nothing!

We all know you don't give a rat's a** about the young blacks in this country. You only care about your time in front of a camera, and what's in it for you. You have done nothing to help promote programs to help educate and employ the black youths in this country. 

You are nothing more than a "race chaser". You were screaming like a raped ape at the Brown funeral screaming for "justice for our young black youths", however you only scream like this when you see just a hint that there may be a crime against a black youth committed by a white person, especially a police officer. You have no concept of what true justice is.

You are doing nothing more than preparing the crowds to start their riots in Ferguson should the grand jury decide not to indict officer Wilson. This episode in Ferguson is nothing more than a platform for you to shoot off your loud mouth caring for no one but yourself. And guess what, Americans are seeing right through your scam.

Just a few days ago, in Utah, a black police officer shot and killed a white youth. Any comment Al? Thought so. Where are you and the rest of your quartet of the "Ramblin' Racists' Barry, Jackson, and Holder on the ever growing high crime rate and killings of black on black? Why don't we ever hear a word of this on MSNBC?  So pathetic. A 29-year old black American-Muslim slaughtered a 19-year old white college student. Can you give me any of their names? Thought so.

Your leader, Barry Soetero, is as bad as you. He pretends he cares for the black youths of this country, but we all know better. He cares only for their vote. Beyond that, Barry Soetero is just a lame duck golfer, and you are nothing but an irrelevant racist that wants to see evil stirred up in Ferguson.  In fact, you will most likely be disappointed if there's not rioting in the streets in Ferguson soon.

The good news for Americans is that in 67 days, after the mid-term elections you will be more irrelevant than ever, and Comcast will most likely pull the plug on you. Do you understand Al? You'll be gone in about 67 days.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

"Contain" this Barry

I've been warned by my commander-in-chief (wife), to never write a blog when I'm completely outraged. Her favorite warning is, "remember when you hit the 'publish' button you can't take back what you write".

Yes, of course she's absolutely correct, but after what that evil man in America's White House said yesterday about ISIS, I'm so upset, outraged, and angrily out of control toward this man that I just have to write this. I never know who reads my blogs, but today I think I'm writing this more to vent than to have anyone read this.

Did you see and hear this egotistical, arrogant, self-centered excuse for a president stand in front of Americans and people all over the world, and say we must "contain" ISIS. Contain, really Barry, what in heaven's name do you mean by "contain"?

What does "contain" mean to you Barry? Do you think we're going to just ask them nice to stop slaughtering Jews and Christians? Or does "contain" mean we'll try to capture as many ISIS members as we can, ship them to Camp Gitmo?

Yes, sure, we'll put them in Camp Gitmo, only to feed, clothe, and treat them with respect, and then later we'll release them back to their world of slaughtering again.  Hey Barry do you remember releasing five high profile terrorists in exchange for a traitor? 

You want to "contain" these ISIS radical murderers, really? These jihadist radical Muslims are slaughtering Jews and Christians as I'm writing this. They only know one way of life. Witness what they did to journalist James Foley. They beheaded him on national TV, and have promised they will do it again soon to another journalist. And your answer is "contain". Are you crazy?

ISIS has declared they will overtake Iraq, then the middle east. They have also declared they will fight with all their beings to overtake our own United States.  They have gone so far as to tell the world that the U.S. will suffer another 9-11 attack, even more brutal and devastating.

And now we have proof that ISIS has cells here in our country. So what are you going to do then Barry, if/when ISIS starts slaughtering Americans? Are you still going to stand in front of your infamous telepromter and declare that we must "contain" ISIS? 

You are a worthless president. The American people voted you TWICE to be our leader and protect our great country. You weren't elected to be a golfing, partying, vacationing figure head.
Even your military advisers are telling the world that ISIS is the worst and ever-growing terrorist group our world has ever known.  ISIS makes Hitler appear to be a kindergarten teacher.

"Contain"? "negotiate"? Are you nuts? No, of course no American wants to see our young people go off to war, but our very existence is being threatened by an evil terrorist army that is bent on destroying all in the world who do not believe in their jihad. We must decimate these evil terrorists. We must completely destroy ISIS so that they will not and cannot rise up again.

Can you imagine in December, 1941 if then president FDR, instead of declaring war he proclaimed that we must "contain" Japan and Germany? ISIS knows we have a very weak man in America's White House. This evil man in our White House has known that turning our southern borders into a geographical "sieve" that would make it very easy for ISIS to cross our southern borders into our country.

The United States now more than ever needs a strong robust president that will take the war directly to ISIS on their home front, not ours. Using the word "contain" just emboldens the therrorist ISIS army more.  By the way, where is Homeland Security in all this. They have been silent throughout this whole terror threat.

I only hope we can take back the Senate and keep the House in 70 days. Maybe starting in 2015 we might be able to get the ball rolling the right direction. Getting out to vote this Novembe may be the biggest responsibility Americans have in their life time.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Thursday, August 21, 2014

#1Bully-Barry Soetero

Growing up I was always told by elders and mentors that if you hurt someone's feelings by making a mistake or forgetting to send a kind gesture, well that's just a mistake that you can quickly repair.

But when someone overtly and consciously does things that they know ahead of time will greatly destroy someone's feelings, well that's just pure evil, especially if they actually enjoy hurting someone else.  Yeah, there's a big chasm of difference between being hurtful,  mean-spirited and being just pure evil.

To many Americans, Barry Soetero is just plain evil. He is so arrogant, self-centered, hubris, and self-contained that he cares not for any of the values of Americans. Conversely he goes out of his way to purposely act and do things that he knowingly will hurt the values of this great country, just to show us all he's above it all.

Now, that's just pure evil. This man was elected, TWICE to be our leader, our beacon of light in these troubled times. He has not only completely failed, but he continues to make sure we all know he's "in charge", and can do as he pleases, with no concern at all for the good of the American people who chose him to lead us.

He is so insecure that he wants to make sure we know who's in charge. He is really not an intelligent person. Why would he need so many of his "followers" to make the important decisions on matters? It's because he actually believes he is above all the problems the common people of America face every day. 

What is worse for our country is this man purposely perpetrates actions that he knows in advance will rile up his critics. He feels he must do that to prove he's above it all. His most recent actions showed what a arrogant shallow man Barry Soetero really is. He gave a very boring 3-minute speech about the slaying of journalist Foley, and then just a few short minutes thereafter he was on the golf course laughing and joking, while Foley's family appeared on national TV in tears.

He knew very well that this would disturb many Americans, but he didn't care at all. In fact he enjoys doing this sort of activity. This is part of his on-going pursuit to show Americans that he really doesn't care about what the country wants. His wants are all that matters to him.

He did absolutely nothing about the slaying of border patrol agent Terry, but quickly dispatched his brothers Sharpton and Holder to Florida for the Zimmerman-Martin trial, and then to Ferguson, Missouri to fan the flames of racism against the White police office.

This evil man is so quick to party, golf, vacation, and hang out with his celebrity friends, but takes no time at all to be our leader and president. This man actually believes he is above the office of the president of our great country. 

OK, we made a mistake TWICE in allowing this man to live in our White House, so what can we do about it? We can't do it in one swoop. It's going to take steps to repair what this evil man has done and continues to do. 

We start by voting his Gestapo leader Reid out of the Senate majority leader role in 72 days when we walk into the voting booth. And then who knows....with a Republican House and Senate, maybe, just maybe we have the strength to start impeachment hearings against this evil man.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How far behind Barry?

This man in our White House, Barry Soetero, gives a new meaning to "leading from behind". What Americans want to know Barry is just how far behind are you going to lead from? The truth is you're not leading at all.  Leading from way, way behind gives Barry a great "Teflon" cover to make sure nothing at all sticks to him.

This man in our White House is definitely more concerned about his popular and likeable image then he is about making decisions to lead our country out of our current problems. Instead he uses his famous words, "I", "me", "mine" and "my" to try to fool the American that his is leading. However, the American people are fast approaching the time when this man in our White House cannot be trusted to lead America any longer.

This man has no idea what the word leading really means. It does not mean having White House parties with Jay-Z and Beyonce till 2:00 A.M. It does not mean golfing with famous athletes. It does not mean photo-ops eating ice cream, and riding his bike around Martha's Vineyard. Leading certainly does not mean spending taxpayers' dollars flying around the country to campaign for his Democrat party. 

Barry's approval ratings are so poor that even members of his own party that are up for reelection and election don't want to appear on a campaign stage with this man. It's obvious this man knows nothing about leadership, and only knows how to read from a teleprompter that is prepared by someone else.

There are no reasons to bring attention to all the tragedies that this man has just completely ignored; Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, Obamacare, etc. But what is interesting is that because of the recent failures to lead in the most recent serious problems, many Americans are beginning to believe the strong indicators that we actually have a radical socialist Muslim living in America's White House.

This man is brutal, bordering on evil, with his forced downsizing of our military. He's actually forcing Army and Navy active duty personnel to "leave" their duty rosters. We have a Marine hero captured in Mexico on bogus charges, and this man will not even discuss this traffic mishap with the Mexican president. And maybe his biggest expression of disdain for our military is that when a hero, Two-Star General Green, was killed in Afghanistan, this evil man went golfing during General Green's military honor burial ceremony. He didn't even send his number one flunkie, Biden to at least show some recognition to this hero.

And now today, we may have our biggest indicator ever; his total lack of leadership surrounding the slaughter in Iraq by ISIS. By admitting there is a serious upheaval in Iraq by ISIS would degrade his legacy that he kept repeating over and over again and again, " I ended the war in Iraq and I killed bin Laden". 

This is another indicator that this man cares nothing at all about anything or anyone in our country, or for that matter, any of America's allies. He is actually stopping arms and support equipment to Israel as they battle the Hamas terrorist group.

This man refuses to roll up his sleeves and address all his attention to what is good for ALL Americans. He gives new meaning to the term "lame duck". It's not a question anymore of what Barry is going to do. The major question is what are Americans going to do about this? Well, the best answer is that in 73 short days we can take our first step. Don't let it pass us by.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Never before in my 79 years n this earth have I ever witnessed such racial division in our great country.  And who is at the base of this "fanning the fire"? Well, it's our very own Barry Soetero, along with his loyal followers, Eric Holder, Jessee Jackson, and the infamous Al Sharpton.

Yesterday Barry gave credence to the rioters in Ferguson, Missouri by blaming their problems on "racial inequality". Does this man realize what he just did? I really don't believe he's intelligent enough to realize that he just gave the OK to these looting rioters. He's allowing these African-American looters and rioters to hate Caucasian Americans even more then they already do.

And what does Barry do to fan the flames more? Well, he sends the African-American Attorney General to Ferguson.  You can bet that will just fan the flames of racial unrest more. This quartet of Barry, Holder, Jackson, and Sharpton focus only and highlight only crimes committed by Whites against Blacks. 

Remember Sharpton during the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman fiasco. He railed on and on inciting rioting by Blacks. So many times we've heard the phrase, "what if Zimmerman was killed by Trayvon...would Sharpton still be inciting Blacks or even Whites"? Well, in the 500 days following this trial over 10,000 Blacks were killed by Blacks. I would be willing to send a case of Sharpton's favorite booze if he can just name one of these 10,000 Black slain victims.

Barry and Holder have not yet, and will not, visit our southern borders where crime is being committed by the hour by the illegals swarming our border. All Barry wants to do is give them amnesty and register them Democrat.  Barry and Holder have yet to visit any part of Chicago to address the high crime of Blacks against Blacks, that is increasing daily.

You will never witness Barry, Holder, Jackson, or Sharpton address the pure fact that African-Americans make up less than 15% of the American population, but have committed over 50% of all crimes. Where is the outrage there?

Has Barry ever visited one of the reasons that there is such unemployment among young African-Americans? With the entitlements Barry has afforded our young African-Americans in welfare, unemployment, food stamps, and subsidized housing why should they work?  And what does Barry attribute to high unemployment among young African-Americans? Why it's because we enslaved them years ago, and it's because we have so much racial inequality today. Yeah, those are sure valid reasons.

If he were alive today, Martin Luther King Jr. would be ashamed of Barry Soetero. King did not lead us in the '60's civil rights movement only to have it destroyed by this Divider-In-Chief.
Why hasn't Barry met with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in hopes to initiate inner city programs to educate young African-Americans?  It'll never happen. Barry would rather fan the flames of racial unrest, and get their vote.

Barry feels he can continue to carry the African-American vote for his Democrat party by constantly pandering to the African-American voter. His pandering consists of looking the other way at the ever growing high crime rate among the Blacks. He really doesn't care how many crimes the young Black man/woman commit, as long as they push the voting button Democrat.

Barry has lost a lot of the  American support when he accused the Cambridge, MA police of "acting stupidly" when they arrested professor Gates. Then he lost more support when he declared, "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon Martin".  I guess one of his White House staff members advised him not to say if he his "son" Trayvon had a brother he'd look like Mike Brown from Ferguson.

It seems lately though that the African-American community is waking up to the message that the "Rambling Racists" quartet of Barry, Holder, Jackson, and Sharpton really care nothing about the African-American community. They care only about promoting their own narcisstic platform.

The odds are great that none of the "Rambling Racists" will be seen in Chicago unless and/or until there is a White on Black crime. They will do nothing to help in the education of the young African-American, so they can contribute to this great country, and to make a better life for themselves and their families. They care only about your vote.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Can't happen here?

This morning my wife and I took our ritual daily 1.2 mile walk, had coffee, cereal and fruit, and turned on the TV for the morning news. We watched the broadcasts of riots in Ferguson, Missouri, the massacres of Christians in Iraq, the bloodshed between Israel and Gaza, and of course the swarming of illegals, and starving children flooding our southern borders.

As we were enjoying our breakfast, and during the commercial breaks we discussed what we were having for dinner. Hey, we went to 4:30 Mass yesterday, and prayed for all those people throughout the world having all these horrific problems. Seems enough huh?  Wrong!

Watching these poor suffering people while I sat in my comfortable home with a kitchen full of food I suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of guilt spreadin over me. I realized that because of what our Founding Fathers did 238 years ago I had the God-given blessing to live this way.

I realized how much I take for granted. No one was smashing my door down to slit my throat because I am a Roman Catholic Christian. No one is going to steal my food. We watch these horrific tragedies happening all over the world within the comfortable confines of our home, and we think, "yeah, that's terrible, but it could never happen here".

Then an ugly feeling started to worm its way into my thinking. Who says it can't happen here? Is there some divine intervention rule that says while these tragedies occur daily in Afghanistan, Africa, Iraq, Israel, Gaza, Syria, etc., it certainly can't happen here in my little old suburbia?

Well, folks, don't take our great American way of life for granted, and don't ever for one iota of a second believe that it cannot happen here. We must also never forget that our country has an administration led by a Hitleresque president that in six short years follows a path resembling the same path Adolph Hitler  did in Europe in the '30's and '40's.  Hitler's mantra was to all necessary to control the masses.

This administration continues to raise taxes so high on corporations they are relocating and incorporating in foreign countries. He controls his "masses" with lives of entitlements, instead of promotions to have Americans become educated so they can contribute to the growth and success of our great country.

What is so disturbing is the lazy uninformed entitlement people actually expect these freebies, while even expecting more and more from "the wealthy". Does anyone, besides me, believe that eventually the "freebie" money will run its course and fade completely away?

Have you ever asked yourself, "then what happens"? At 79 years young I'm going to long be cremated ashes before tragedies and complete unrest happens here in suburbia. But when I hold my 8-month old great granddaughter I wonder what kind of unrest she will grow into.

Do not think for a second that this cannot happen here in our great country. We have a Hitleresque man and administration that is actually aiming to erode our liberties and freedoms. We can't let that happen. Not here! Not in our great country!

OK. OK, you know how I'm going to end this blog. Just like I end most of my blogs. What are we going to do with this potentially dangerous way of life? Well we can take our first step to correct the evil deeds committed by this evil administration. In exactly 77 days we have the right afforded by our Founding Fathers to walk into our voting booths and start to "right our ship".

Just remember folks, if we don't then you can expect Barry, Reid, Holder, and Jarrett will continue to proceed in their patented Hitleresque manner. It's your call. How much do you love our great country, and want it to return to what it should be? And don't ever forget that "it" can happen here.

And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country...and our troops

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Barry wants divisiveness!

How many more indicators and how much more proof do we need to fully understand we now have someone in our White House who is the holder of dual identities. Barry Soetero is not only a radical jihadist Muslim, it is now evident he is most definitely a racist. The incident in Ferguson, Missouri is surely proof of this.

First this man blocks shipments of arms to Israel while they are in the middle of a war against the evil Hamas.  And then Barry follows up with paying very little attention to the massacre of Christians by ISIS in Iraq. We all know why he's just "pin-pricking" the ISIS terrorists with hardly any damage. He's a Muslim. Then Barry goes on national TV and claims that the Christians are "now OK, and are back to normal". This is nothing more than an overt blatant lie. Christians are still be slaughtered by ISIS every single hour of every single day.

All this going on in the mid-east, and this radical jihadist Muslim tries to fool the American people into believing that "America is in better shape now than when he took office in '09". Really Barry?

Now, do you want some more gasoline on the fire? Before any viable evidence has been put forth Barry takes a stand against a supposed gunfire slaying of an 18-year old  in Ferguson, Missouri. He, Barry, takes a subtle stance on national TV just like he did about the Cambridge, MA police a few years back.

Barry, along with his followers Sharpton, Jackson, and MSNBC are just fueling the fire of riots in Ferguson, MO.  This evil jihadist in our White House has done more to divide this country into racial unrest than ever before. The African-American community has suffered financially more in the past six years than ever before. And yet they still carry Barry's water for him, because he's "one of us".

And Barry controls these uninformed African-American masses through his gigantic freebies. The overwhelming problem is these very same uninformed African-Americans don't have the foresight to realize the damage this man is doing to them. They are satisfied as long as Barry keeps dolling out their freebies. Wonder what they're gonna do when the money runs out. Riot, like they're doing now in Ferguson?

Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, along with MSNBC and CNN are constantly stirring up riots in the African-American communities every time there is a Black on White crime, especially if there's a news camera around. Do African-Americans really think Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN are helping them? Do they believe Sharpton and Jackson even care?

And where was Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN last year when four African-American thugs jumped a white male in Ferguson, Missouri and hammered him to death? Anybody read or hear about that? And where in the hell are Barry, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN with all the Black on Black violent slayings that are occurring every single day in Chicago and Detroit? 

More Blacks are being murdered daily in Chicago than soldiers being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is Barry's home town, and he, Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN won't even appear for a "calming talk".  What's wrong with this picture?

Last word: It seems African-Americans have very short memories, or else they are really misinformed. It was a Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, that voted in a Democrat-controlled Congress to abolish slavery. Democrats were completely against freeing the slaves. Why is it today it seems the mantra of African-Americans are to hate the white Republican.

Really last word: Does any African-American remember in 1965 when president Lyndon B. Johnson passed the civil rights movement, and said, "With this movement I'll have these ni**ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years". 

Wake up America, especially African-Americans. This evil race baiter, along with Sharpton, Jackson, MSNBC, and CNN are doing more harm than good. Someone please call me the next time any of these people go to Chicago and Detroit to give speeches on Black on Black senseless crimes.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Just the facts maam!

Most of us old timers remember Jack Webb's TV detective series "Dragnet". During an investigation, every time Detective Joe Friday and his side-kick would question a lady they would always say, "Just the facts maam..we just want the facts".

What's my point you ask? Well, I'm glad you asked. Remember the good old days when we relied on our main stream media to report "just the facts"? It seems that's a long lost way of presenting the news on our media.

Every time I'm talking to a liberal on the golf course or at a gathering I always get ragged on because I watch Fox News. They say "Fox just reports lies...can't believe them".  I always reply with, "How come Fox is number one in reporting news, while MSNBC and CNN are at the bottom"? You can't believe the responses I get.

I truly care what the other networks report because some day down the road the young people that will be taking over our great country are going to wonder why no one told them about the Christian genocide in the mid-east, the swarming illegals at our U.S. borders, our failing economy, our weakened military, and the rest of the news covered up by Barry's fawning media.

Did you ever wonder how the political and societal landscapes would shape up to Americans if ALL news outlets would only broadcast the facts, and ALL news outlets that broadcasted any type of "opinions' were required to present both sides of opinions and questions. Wouldn't it be great if Americans didn't know which political party the network embraced?

Think I'm kidding? Here's an example: During Barry Soetero's first two years in office, when the House and the Senate were both controlled by Democrats did you know....(1) Top income tax bracket went from 35% to 40%, (2) Payroll tax went from 37% to 52%, (3) Capital gains tax went from 15% to 28%, (4) Dividend tax went from 15% to 40%, and (5) Estate tax went from 
0% to 55%.

What's impacting is that these tax laws were passed by Democrats only when Barry's House and Senate were both controlled by Democrats. Not a single Republican in the House and Senate voted for these laws. And yet Democrats will keep singing that Republicans want to hurt the hard-working American middle class.

What if all the news networks were to air this information during their broadcasts instead of "carry Barry's water", much like MSNBC and CNN do?  Americans just want the news networks to broadcast the news as if the viewer didn't know if the network leaned to progressive liberal views or conservative Republican views.

The biggest violator of fair news reporting is most obviously MSNBC.  Is it any wonder that MSNBC anchors like Sgt. Schultz, and old Rev. Sharpton have deplorable ratings that continue to fall every day.  One has to wonder how Comcast keeps MSNBC afloat, unless it's from generous Democrat donors who want to be assured that Barrys agenda stays in view.

Another example is Dinesh D'Souza's movie a few years back titled, "2016-Obamas America". Mr. D'Souza was brutally attacked in the media. With the exception of Fox, the movie was desecrated and called untrue and an attack on Barry. Mr. D'Souza made strong predictions about how the mid-east jihadist Muslims would squeeze Israel.  The movie even portrayed a cartoon-type graphic description of a large barbed-wire fence surrounding Israel. And now today those predictions are coming true.  We were warned! Look whats happening today in Israel.

And now, in the movie theaters is D'Souza's movie, "America-What if never existed". Again the media is brutally attacking D'Souza's documentary. And again, with the exception of Fox, most networks, led by CNN and MSNBC, are crucifying the movie calling it full of lies and deceit.

I don't want to steal Fox's phrase of "fair & balanced", but isn't that the way Americans want their daily news reported to them; truthful, honest, fair to all opinions, and balanced for ALL Americans?  Maybe someday news network executives will change their views and follow Fox's successful philosophies in reporting the news.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Don't sue or impeach....ARREST!!

Yes, I know I'm biased against this evil jihadist Muslim in our country's White House. I strongly feel that he puts his hubris, arrogance, and lust for power very high above the Americans in this great country; even above the very people who voted him in office....TWICE!!

But setting aside my prejudice, let's look at the facts that are occurring now under this man's watch, and exactly what he's doing about the crises going on in the world today, starting with our own country.

Tens of thousands of illegals are swarming our southern borders, the House has voted to secure the border, the Senate goes on summer break and what does Barry Soetero do? He threatens the very economic core of our homeland economy by threatening to sign an executive order to halt any deportations of the illegals. Many of these very same illegals are being recruited to join gangs on the streets of our major cities. And what is Barry doing about it? Absolutely nothing other than vacationing and golfing for two weeks in Martha's Vineyard.

The terrorist group ISIS is slaughtering Christians and other minority religious groups  in their quest to take back Iraq. Thousands of Iraqi citizens are fleeing their homes for the hill. And what does our esteemed leader do? He sends a few food packages, sends a few jets to the zone, and then goes vacationing and golfing for two weeks. 

In Israel and Gaza the terrorist group Hamas is at war with our biggest mid-east ally, and not only does Barry turn his back on Netenyahu and Israel, he actually condemns Israel from bombing the very terrorist group trying to slaughter all Jews in Israel. And what is Barry doing about this? Well, what any great American leader would do....he vacationing and golfing in Martha's Vineyard for two weeks.

Because of his ideological political beliefs he won't declare that there is now a serious jihad going on in Iraq, and we are at WAR with the ISIS. Oh no, he can't say that, because his "legacy" was he was going to "end the war that Bush started". Well, talk about backfire! I'm sure he'll ponder that a lot as he stands over his four-foot putts on the golf course.

In Afghanistan a brave Army hero, two-star General Green was slaughtered by the very same people we are there to help. And what does Barry do about it? Well, of course, he goes vacationing and golfing in Martha's Vineyard. What else do you expect of this inept leader?

How about people that are still in prison versus the people released from prison? The very Doctor that helped Barry get bin Laden is still in prison. A Marine hero who made a wrong turn at the Mexican border has been in prison for nearly four months.

Yes, these people are still in prison, but guess who isn't? Five, yes five Taliban ruthless killers were released from Gitmo, only to return and continue their jihad against America. And what did we get in return? An Army traitor who went over to fight in the jihad against America.

And what does Barry do in the midst of all these tragedies? Well, of course, he goes vacationing and golfing in Martha's Vineyard. Now that sounds logical doesn't it? This great country of ours would be so much better off without him.

We shouldn't sue Barry. We shouldn't impeach Barry. We should send military groups from the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force to OUR White House and simply arrest this treasonous man, along with Holder, Reid, Pelosi, and Jarrett. Put them in handcuffs, and take them directly to the Supreme Court for a trial and prison time. 

Yes, I know that may be a little far-fetched, but think about that objectively. Think about the hubris and arrogance of this man, and what he's done already in nearly six years. We have just eighty-four days to take our first step in stopping this dictatorial regime. We start in the voting booth. Please don't let this chance pass us by.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Decline & Fall of U.S.

In 1955, as a member of the USAF, I was stationed in England, about fifty miles south of London.
I was twenty years young at the time, and felt a need to read some world history instead of the cartoons in the daily "Stars & Stripes" military newspaper.

So I went to the base library and checked out the thick book, "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire". It was so interesting and packed with historical facts that I will never forget it. It impacted me so much so that in 1956 my close friend and I took a two-week leave and get a military hop to Rome. I wanted to see this historical city first hand.

WOW is all I can say. Since then I've returned to Rome twice on vacations; in 1997 and again in 2004. I suggest and urge all to visit and drink in the beauty and history of this "eternal" city. Of course being a first generation Italian-American just made it more meaningful to me.

So you ask, what's your point old-timer? Well, I have to admit, even though I found the information I read in the "Decline......." book back in 1955 interesting let's remember I was twenty, and at the time was really more interested in getting week-end passes to go to London and chase the beautiful English ladies. What? Did that make me a bad person?

When Barry Soetero entered the presidency in 2009 I began to see a pattern when he began to "fundamentally change" our great country into a dictatorial monarchy. I began to see parallels to the fall of the Roman empire equating to the destruction that Barry Soetero has been trying to force on our United States of America.

After six years of Barry in OUR  White House it is becoming more and more evident of his plan to eradicate all the values and strengths that made the United States of America the greatest country ever. We should have all seen this when he started his presidency by going around the world "apologizing"  for the U.S. while praising his Muslim roots, and his Allah.

So, a few months ago I went to the library here in N.E. Ohio and checked out Edward Gibbon's book like I did way back in 1955 and began to again read his book, "Decline & Fall.......". Author  Gibbon wrote the "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire" in 1923. As his book details,  Rome was the eternal city of the world at the time of Christ's birth. Then came the start of the decline.

Starting with Julius Caesar, Rome was transported from a republic to a monarchy. Rome, under Caesar began to down-size its military. However, soon countries did not honor and respect Rome's monarchy and did not want to do business with them. Other countries began to disrespect Rome and was not afraid of their military might any longer.

Business and wealth became so bad that Rome had to create additional money. Too bad they didn't have money printing machine back then like we do now. Sound familiar? As author Gibbon wrote in his ", Rome, once the most powerful empire in the world began an inner moral decay within their society. Rome, once so powerful, took nearly 400 years to completely collapse. 

Now let's fast forward to Barry's six years at the helm of our great country. He's down-sizing our military. He just issued "pink slips" to over 500 Army officers; many close to retirement. He has halted our space program, to make us a "follower' instead of a leader in space. He has increased our national debt to over $17.Trillion. Nearly 12 millions of Americans have left the work force since he's been in office.

He has increased the welfare/food stamp/subsidizing roles to the highest it's ever been since WWII.  Barry does this so he can control the masses, much like Julius Caesar and Adolph Hitler did before him. Our great country should be preparing our young people to rise up and make our country even greater than our predecessors have.  Instead Barry is trying to create a country of "freebie" followers. They are easier to control

We must break the ties with this dictatorial monarch, and we are getting our chance in just 88 short days to take our first step. We can send Barry's main henchman Dingy Harry Reid to the back of the room. It's so logical....if Barry writes another executive order to allow more to swarm our border while halting deportations this is will be a part of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Then with the House and Senate under Republican order we have such a strong hold on starting impeachment hearings against this man. 

It took 400 years for the collapse of Rome, and we are only 238 years old. Think about it folks. If we don't take back our Senate and keep our House we can expect the dictatorial monarch Barry Soetero to continue his onslaught to ruin our great country's freedoms and rights.

We can do this people. Let's do all we can to get the vote out this November to keep our House and take back our Senate.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


In the 1930's Adolph Hitler vehemently believed Jews should be exterminated and wiped off the face of Europe, and then the world when he became the "World's Fuhrer". And before he was stopped he did succeed in killing over six million Jews, and holding many others in concentration camps.

Hitler was brilliant in amassing the military, the schools, the media to support his diabolic dictatorship to mercilessly carry out his deeds, and while Adolph Hitler was accomplishing this he actually had citizens of Europe believing he was doing what needed to be done, and that was to eliminate Jews.

Let's fast forward to today. There is an evil black ooze emanating from OUR White House.This "ooze" is really Barry Soetero and his administration trying to eliminate Jews and Christians here in our freedom loving country, and hoping it spreads around the world. In fact, it's already evolving in the middle east.

This is being done in an effort to bolster the Islamic radical movement that is taking place now in the middle east, and is spreading throughout the globe. Islamic jihadist Muslims in Iraq are threatening Christians to "convert to the Muslim faith and pay a fine, or stay a Christian and get executed". Christians are fleeing their towns and villages in Iraq leaving all their earthly possessions behind with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Evil jihadist Islamic radicals are actually patrolling these towns and villages and painting the letter "N", for Nazareth on the doors of the Christians signifying their Judeo-Christian beliefs, setting them up for slaughter. Now add to that Hamas trying desperately to obliterate Israel.

And where is Barry in all this? I'll tell you; he's directing the DOJ and IRS to target  only conservative Jew and Christian to stop them from any 501-3C qualifications. This man in OUR  White House wants to eliminate any Judeo-Christian churches and synagogues and replace them with mosques. 

However, and this is a big HOWEVER, Americans want to know why the IRS, DOJ, and ACLU are targeting only conservative Judeo-Christian organizations. Americans want to know why the DOJ, IRS, and ACLU are not going after the religious organizations of Sharpton, Jessee Jackson, or Rev. Wright. 

And where is Barry Soetero in all this? Not only has he completely turned his back on our greatest mid-east ally Israel, he actually wants to completely annihilate all Judeo-Christian beliefs here in America. 

Our heroes fighting and dying in Afghanistan are not allowed to carry a bible with them. Catholics are not allowed Mass and Communion. Our fighting troops are now directed to learn more of the Muslim beliefs. Some are even told they can't eat in front of a Muslim. Some troops are even told to start wearing turbins.

I ask all to think objectively about the comparison to what Hitler did in the '30's to the Jews, while he had the media and the military behind him. Now compare that time in history to what Barry Soetero is doing now. Please think about it. Barry is downsizing the military while he's directing the military to "embrace" the very people who want to slay all Jews and Christians.

Barry also has the DOJ, IRS, and ACLU supporting all his efforts to accomplish these horrible acts. His fawning media are behind Barry 100%, that is until he threatens them. And you can bet these people that support Barry are nothing more than food for the bus he will eventually throw them under.

Ninety-Three (93) days left folks, and we can exercise the right afforded us all by our Founding Fathers. We get to be the King/Queen collectively as we walk into the voting  booth to decide whether we're going to let this "Hitleresque" man continue to damage our great country.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This is OUR country Barry!

Dammit, Barry Soetero, this is our country.  We fought and died  in wars and conflicts througout history for the great privilege and right to live in this great freedom loving country. It's OUR country, not yours to relinquish to a bunch of Judeo-Christian hating jihadist Islamic radicals like yourself.

If George Washington had been like you we would all be speaking "the Queen's language". If FDR, Eisenhower, MacArthur, and Patton had been like you are now we would all be speaking German and/or Japanese. 

No, Mr. Soetero, this is not your country to throw away or trash to the hands of Muslim Islamic jihadists. No way!  You can fly OUR Air Force One to all the fundraisers you want. You can go to as many golf courses as you want. You can take as many vacations you want. But you just remember that on November 4th of this year. We are taking step one to take this great country of ours back where it belongs; in the hands of Americans.

We know you were born in Kenya, and attended college here as a foreign student. We know you're of Muslim faith. We know you have a Connecticut social security number. We know you're not even legally the president of this great country. But you know Barry, all that doesn't matter right now. We're Americans from the greatest country ever in mankind, and we're just not going to take it any more.

We fought off the tyranny of Britain and won. We survived the deadly Civil War. We beat back the Japanese Imperialism. We defeated the evil maniacal monster Adolph Hitler. What makes you think we can't push back on you with your dictatorial ideology?  And we're going to do it starting in 96 days, by first taking back OUR Senate and sending Dingy Harry to the irrelevancy he deserves.

Do you honestly believe American people are stupid? Yes, you had us for a while with your slick talking speeches, and rhetorical speeches that the "freebie" people fell in love with. But as Abraham Lincoln so correctly stated, "You can't fool all the people all the time". We know you're out to destroy Christianity, and we know why; it's simple, you're a radical Muslim.

Do you think we didn't notice that you didn't wear any jewelry during Ramadan because it's forbidden in the Muslim world? We know you're gay and married to a transvestite. We know you belong to a Chicago spa club that you enjoy with Rahm and Eric. The truth is that Americans find that easier to digest than the evil dictatorial way you're running and ruining our country.

Have you noticed that even your Democrat base is turning its back on you? Your fund raising pool is not only dwindling, but donation amounts have decreased by large amounts. Vulnerable Democrats up for reelection in November want you to raise money for them, but don't want to appear with you on stage. Why do you think that is Barry?

There are even Democrats running on the platform that they are going to stand against you if elected to restore this great country to the energy creating giant we should be. Why do you think that is Barry? You don't even know the definition of the word "leader". You have to be more than just "present".  It's like one of my old coaches used to say, "the first step in winning is you just gotta show up".

A presidential leader does not lead from the golf course, or from Hollywood, or from a teleprompter on a fund raising stage, or from a sixteen day trip to Martha's Vineyard.  But then, the bottom line is you really don't know how to lead, or what it means to be a leader of any kind.
Community organizing does not a leader make.

Here we come Barry! You've pushed back this great country enough, and we're finally fed up to our gills with it. First step: Dingy Harry is gone in November, then maybe impeachment for you and Holder.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Not even "present"

Can you imagine a home ablaze with burning flames, with people trapped inside? Pretty gruesome huh? But fortunately one of the family members uses their cell phone and immediately calls the fire department, and gives hope to everyone that "help is on the way...we'll be saved".

Within minutes the gigantic fire truck rolls into the neighborhood of the burning home. However, instead of hooking up the hoses to save the burning home, the firefighters change their tactics.
They walk to the front door of the house next to the burning home and knock on the door. The owner of the house opens his door with a quizzical look, wondering why the firemen aren't putting out the fire at his neighbor's home.

The lieutenant  firefighter brandishes a raffle ticket booklet and  asks the homeowner, "Sir, would you like to purchase a raffle ticket, $1.00 each, 5 for $4.00?....We're raising money for our gigantic annual firefighter's ball". The neighbor of the burning home was stunned, and asked, "You're trying to sell me a raffle ticket and my neighbor's house is burning....what's wrong with you?"

With that the lieutenant firefighter calmly replied, "Oh, no problem, we'll get to that and the other two houses that are burning.....right now we're trying to raise money, and that's our main priority now". As the homeowner started to slam the door on the firefighter, he was asked, "Do you know of anyone else in your neighborhood that may want to contribute to our firefighter's ball?"

Right about now your head is probably spinning, but folks this is exactly what's happening now from Barry Soetero in our White House. This man is not and will not engage in any of the tragedies that are occurring today; the war in Israel, the illegals swarming our borders, and Putin's reconstruction of the USSR. Instead he just does what he knows how to do, and that is fundraising. It's clear that this man has given no thought to the tragedies that befall our country today. He is not doing the will of the American people.

This Islamic radical in our White House is so arrogant that he won't even declare "present" as he did as a 143-day Senator. He is so naively ignorant that he actually feels it's OK to go golfing, spend fifteen days at Martha's Vineyard, fly to fundraisers. His White House aides and fawning media keep on applauding and propping him up, and that's what sustains him.

He has no conception of what leadership really is all about. All we hear is that "no matter where the President is he gets constant updates from his team".  So I can just see him leaning over a 4-foot putt, the phone rings, and it's from Putin, Israel, or Governor Perry to visit the Texas border.  I think he'll ignore the phone call,  finish the putt, probably miss it, and blame it on Bush.

This man just doesn't care about what America needs. He does the only thing he can do. He organizes and attends fund raisers to raise money for his liberal progressive party. He has been a lame-duck president since January, 2009. We all know that Valerie Jarrett runs this country, not him. I'll wager good money he has no idea what's even in his 3,000 page Obamacare bill. 

Can you imagine holding a leadership role in your career, and never even showing up for work to lead your team? How long do you think you'd last in your job? I'm even suggesting that we let the illegals swarming our southern borders be given bus rides to live in the White House. Why's practically vacant now. Another brilliant idea is to make the White House a national monument museum, charge a hefty fee to tour and use the money to pay down the national debt.

The hopeful news is we win a strong GOP Senate and House in November, put Reid to pasture, and let Barry be a true lame duck by vacationing and golfing for his last two years. Just keep him out of harms way.  Only 98 days folks...get ready!

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops