Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How far behind Barry?

This man in our White House, Barry Soetero, gives a new meaning to "leading from behind". What Americans want to know Barry is just how far behind are you going to lead from? The truth is you're not leading at all.  Leading from way, way behind gives Barry a great "Teflon" cover to make sure nothing at all sticks to him.

This man in our White House is definitely more concerned about his popular and likeable image then he is about making decisions to lead our country out of our current problems. Instead he uses his famous words, "I", "me", "mine" and "my" to try to fool the American that his is leading. However, the American people are fast approaching the time when this man in our White House cannot be trusted to lead America any longer.

This man has no idea what the word leading really means. It does not mean having White House parties with Jay-Z and Beyonce till 2:00 A.M. It does not mean golfing with famous athletes. It does not mean photo-ops eating ice cream, and riding his bike around Martha's Vineyard. Leading certainly does not mean spending taxpayers' dollars flying around the country to campaign for his Democrat party. 

Barry's approval ratings are so poor that even members of his own party that are up for reelection and election don't want to appear on a campaign stage with this man. It's obvious this man knows nothing about leadership, and only knows how to read from a teleprompter that is prepared by someone else.

There are no reasons to bring attention to all the tragedies that this man has just completely ignored; Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, Obamacare, etc. But what is interesting is that because of the recent failures to lead in the most recent serious problems, many Americans are beginning to believe the strong indicators that we actually have a radical socialist Muslim living in America's White House.

This man is brutal, bordering on evil, with his forced downsizing of our military. He's actually forcing Army and Navy active duty personnel to "leave" their duty rosters. We have a Marine hero captured in Mexico on bogus charges, and this man will not even discuss this traffic mishap with the Mexican president. And maybe his biggest expression of disdain for our military is that when a hero, Two-Star General Green, was killed in Afghanistan, this evil man went golfing during General Green's military honor burial ceremony. He didn't even send his number one flunkie, Biden to at least show some recognition to this hero.

And now today, we may have our biggest indicator ever; his total lack of leadership surrounding the slaughter in Iraq by ISIS. By admitting there is a serious upheaval in Iraq by ISIS would degrade his legacy that he kept repeating over and over again and again, " I ended the war in Iraq and I killed bin Laden". 

This is another indicator that this man cares nothing at all about anything or anyone in our country, or for that matter, any of America's allies. He is actually stopping arms and support equipment to Israel as they battle the Hamas terrorist group.

This man refuses to roll up his sleeves and address all his attention to what is good for ALL Americans. He gives new meaning to the term "lame duck". It's not a question anymore of what Barry is going to do. The major question is what are Americans going to do about this? Well, the best answer is that in 73 short days we can take our first step. Don't let it pass us by.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.


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