Sunday, September 7, 2014

Here's the difference Hillary!

I just finished watching the Fox News broadcast of "13 Hours in Benghazi" hosted by Bret Baier. I'm going to start this blog before I hit the sack and finish it tomorrow. I don't know what I'm more dismayed and horrified at; the actual killing of four Americans, including a high profile American Ambassador or the cover up by Barry and his State Department.

I watched and listened to these three brave men answer Brett's questions, and how they retold the facts as to what happened that night. Of course the very first person who came to mind for me was Barry Soetero. To this day there is not a clear understanding and knowledge of where he actually was while four Americans were being slaughtered by Islamic radicals committing jihad. There is proof however, that the very same evening of the attack he was on his way to Vegas for a fund-raiser.

All three of these heroes that wanted to rush the three-quarters of a mile to help the Benghazi embassy under vicious attack related the exact same story: "We were told on three occasions by our bureau chief leader Bob to 'stand down'". Not once, but three times.

My wife and I are not ashamed that we both shed tears watching this documentary on Fox. Of course many times throughout the hour we kept saying to each other, "why won't the other news networks broadcast this too"?  Thank God for Roger Ailles of Fox to have the courage to broadcast this highly informative news program, while other networks choose to ignore it.

While these three heroes were reliving their stories to Brett Baier of Fox they also had tears recalling that horrible night I thought of four other individuals immediately. The first two, of course, are Barry Soetero and our former infamous Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 

By now we all know why Barry did not want to order any help to save our Ambassador and the other three Americans. It's very simple; at the time we were only two months away from the presidential election, and Barry didn't want any "news" of a terrorist attack occurring on his watch.

And who among us will ever forget Hillary's infamous quote, "what difference does it make"?
Really Hillary? Four dead Americans and you, your boss, and Susan Rice dismiss this tragedy by saying some anti-Muslim film producer in California caused this attack with a video.

Of course Barry's "buddies" at ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC all carried the water for him and Hillary, and also claimed the attack was the result of the video, even though it was discovered later that less than 300 people even viewed the short video. Maybe now Americans are realizing that the main reason we don't get the truthful news from the media, except for Fox, is because many White House staffers are strongly linked to executives from these media outlets; some even through marriage.

Some other news you'll only get from Fox: After the Benghazi attack both the White House and the CIA held press conferences. Can you guess what news outlet was not invited? If you guessed Fox you are right on.  Another bit of news you won't hear from the media is that Fox's Greta Van Susteren was contacted by the White House and strongly suggested that Greta tell correspondent Jennifer Griffen to cease/stop reporting any news on Benghazi. Ever wonder why?

Maybe my strongest disdain and disrespect in this tragedy is directed at the two, for lack of a more descriptive word, "females" that are the State Department press representatives. I'm writing of course about Marie Harf and Jen Psaki. I cannot imagine how these two "females" got the important task of representing our State Department.

These two "females" continue to spout off there is no evidence there is no evidence of a "stand down" order issued from the embassy bureau chief "Bob" to those government contractors that were on their way to lend support to the Benghazi embassy under attack. They are basically calling these three heroes liars.

I only wish Ms. Harf, and/or Ms. Psaki would have been seated at the interview held by Bret Baier and the three brave heroes that finally defied orders and rushed to help their fallen comrades anyway, at Benghazi. I wish Harf and Psaki would've been at the interview, and still exclaimed there was no evidence of a stand down.  Yes, these three arrived too late, and wished they could've had that thirty minutes back that they were told to "stand down".

To even speak the names of Harf and Psaki in the same context of these three heroes is a disgrace to all military personnel that ever wore the uniform.  I hope and pray Trey Goudy can finally get to the bottom and give America the truth we deserve on this tragedy.

And yes, Ms. Clinton, it does make a difference.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


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