To me cheating on my wife means I tell her I'm going to Home Depot and then I sneak into a fast-food place and eat a big juicy burger, with fries and a large chocolate shake. Then on the way out I get a large chocolate-chip cookie. I got it down to a science; I get in the car and suck on a cough drop on the drive home. But I think she knows anyway, and lets me get away with it.
I know I'm biased about living in N.E. Ohio, and I'm proud that the overwhelming majority of waiters, waitresses, and servers that I encounter in restaurants and fast-food places are using their jobs as "stepping stone" jobs while they finish their education. In some cases it's also a part-time job to earn extra money, while on their way to find a career job.
What is inspiring to me is that the overwhelming majority do not and will not make a career out of waiting tables or serving at fast-food restaurants. One of my favorites is a young man working at Subway's while he's in his third college year of pre-med. He also has another job he works at for the summer to earn extra money for his education. His goal? Someday be a Doctor and work for "Doctors without Borders". What a great young man.
What's my point? Allow me to journey through this scenario please. As I'm writing this Barry Soetero is allowing thousands of illegals to swarm across our southern borders. Thousands of these illegals, along with many minorities, citizen and non-citizens already here, will end up working at these restaurants and fast-food chains.
What's disturbing is the majority of these that end up in restaurants and fast-food chains have no desire to improve themselves through education. Instead they want their dear leader Barry to raise their minimum wages. In this way they can make a career out of asking, "do you want fries with that"?
I'm very adament about this hopeless scenario, because I have an all time favorite hero. He migrated to this country in 1915, the oldest of eight children. He immediately went to work in the steel mills with his father, so his seven younger siblings could be supported and go to school.
This man labored for forty-eight years in the steel mills and along the way made sure his three children all went to college, so they didn't have to labor in steel mills. He came through Ellis Island and became a citizen the right way. He sacrificed so others could get educated for a better life. He's my hero, and was my Dad.
Raising minimum wages so people make careers out of jobs meant to be "stepping stone" jobs on the way to education and a better and more prosperous life is destroying the very core of America's theme of achieving a better way of life.
And we can all see the negative snowball effect this has. "Stepping stone" jobs will give way to "career" jobs in restaurants and fast-food chains, and that pre-med student, along with others like him, will have trouble supplementing their journey to complete their educational goal, and a better way of life.
Of course you know how I'm going to end today's blog. Much like I end all my blogs lately. Yes, we can do something about this folks. In about fifty-six days we have the constitutional right and privilege to walk into our voting booth and cast a vote to start ending this dictatorial regime.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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