Most of us old timers remember Jack Webb's TV detective series "Dragnet". During an investigation, every time Detective Joe Friday and his side-kick would question a lady they would always say, "Just the facts maam..we just want the facts".
What's my point you ask? Well, I'm glad you asked. Remember the good old days when we relied on our main stream media to report "just the facts"? It seems that's a long lost way of presenting the news on our media.
Every time I'm talking to a liberal on the golf course or at a gathering I always get ragged on because I watch Fox News. They say "Fox just reports lies...can't believe them". I always reply with, "How come Fox is number one in reporting news, while MSNBC and CNN are at the bottom"? You can't believe the responses I get.
I truly care what the other networks report because some day down the road the young people that will be taking over our great country are going to wonder why no one told them about the Christian genocide in the mid-east, the swarming illegals at our U.S. borders, our failing economy, our weakened military, and the rest of the news covered up by Barry's fawning media.
Did you ever wonder how the political and societal landscapes would shape up to Americans if ALL news outlets would only broadcast the facts, and ALL news outlets that broadcasted any type of "opinions' were required to present both sides of opinions and questions. Wouldn't it be great if Americans didn't know which political party the network embraced?
Think I'm kidding? Here's an example: During Barry Soetero's first two years in office, when the House and the Senate were both controlled by Democrats did you know....(1) Top income tax bracket went from 35% to 40%, (2) Payroll tax went from 37% to 52%, (3) Capital gains tax went from 15% to 28%, (4) Dividend tax went from 15% to 40%, and (5) Estate tax went from
0% to 55%.
What's impacting is that these tax laws were passed by Democrats only when Barry's House and Senate were both controlled by Democrats. Not a single Republican in the House and Senate voted for these laws. And yet Democrats will keep singing that Republicans want to hurt the hard-working American middle class.
What if all the news networks were to air this information during their broadcasts instead of "carry Barry's water", much like MSNBC and CNN do? Americans just want the news networks to broadcast the news as if the viewer didn't know if the network leaned to progressive liberal views or conservative Republican views.
The biggest violator of fair news reporting is most obviously MSNBC. Is it any wonder that MSNBC anchors like Sgt. Schultz, and old Rev. Sharpton have deplorable ratings that continue to fall every day. One has to wonder how Comcast keeps MSNBC afloat, unless it's from generous Democrat donors who want to be assured that Barrys agenda stays in view.
Another example is Dinesh D'Souza's movie a few years back titled, "2016-Obamas America". Mr. D'Souza was brutally attacked in the media. With the exception of Fox, the movie was desecrated and called untrue and an attack on Barry. Mr. D'Souza made strong predictions about how the mid-east jihadist Muslims would squeeze Israel. The movie even portrayed a cartoon-type graphic description of a large barbed-wire fence surrounding Israel. And now today those predictions are coming true. We were warned! Look whats happening today in Israel.
And now, in the movie theaters is D'Souza's movie, "America-What if never existed". Again the media is brutally attacking D'Souza's documentary. And again, with the exception of Fox, most networks, led by CNN and MSNBC, are crucifying the movie calling it full of lies and deceit.
I don't want to steal Fox's phrase of "fair & balanced", but isn't that the way Americans want their daily news reported to them; truthful, honest, fair to all opinions, and balanced for ALL Americans? Maybe someday news network executives will change their views and follow Fox's successful philosophies in reporting the news.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
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