Did anyone else watch that evil race baiting fool on "Meet the Press" Sunday. Yeah, I'm talking about Al (got my minister diploma on-line) Sharpton. He declared on national TV that "there must be legislation to protect the young black man from the white police brutality". Really Al, you want protection for the black thugs who break the law everyday?
Just how far would you like this "legislation" extend to? Here's an idea: When a white police officer comes upon a crime committed by a black thug, he must quickly call his/her precinct and ask for a black police officer come and take over the crime in progress. How about this Al: All white cops are not allowed to carry firearms in heavily populated black neighborhoods.
Even that's not enough for you huh Al? Well, here's my final suggestion. When a white officer comes upon a crime being committed by a black criminal thug, the white officer must quickly holster his/her firearm and throw up their hands and turn their back on the black thug, and walk away from the crime in progress. Seems fair, right Al?
How are those ideas Al? It's the best I can come up with now. Hey Al, if we do all these ideas I just mentioned do you think black crime will come down? No, it won't you stupid bloviating racist.
You must think Americans are really stupid. The high crime rate in the black community is because blacks are committing almost 90% of the crimes against blacks.
Blacks committing crimes against blacks is the highest crime rate ever in the country, and that is a proven fact. And just what are you and the rest of your quartet of Ramblin' Racists doing about it? The answer is....nothing!
We all know you don't give a rat's a** about the young blacks in this country. You only care about your time in front of a camera, and what's in it for you. You have done nothing to help promote programs to help educate and employ the black youths in this country.
You are nothing more than a "race chaser". You were screaming like a raped ape at the Brown funeral screaming for "justice for our young black youths", however you only scream like this when you see just a hint that there may be a crime against a black youth committed by a white person, especially a police officer. You have no concept of what true justice is.
You are doing nothing more than preparing the crowds to start their riots in Ferguson should the grand jury decide not to indict officer Wilson. This episode in Ferguson is nothing more than a platform for you to shoot off your loud mouth caring for no one but yourself. And guess what, Americans are seeing right through your scam.
Just a few days ago, in Utah, a black police officer shot and killed a white youth. Any comment Al? Thought so. Where are you and the rest of your quartet of the "Ramblin' Racists' Barry, Jackson, and Holder on the ever growing high crime rate and killings of black on black? Why don't we ever hear a word of this on MSNBC? So pathetic. A 29-year old black American-Muslim slaughtered a 19-year old white college student. Can you give me any of their names? Thought so.
Your leader, Barry Soetero, is as bad as you. He pretends he cares for the black youths of this country, but we all know better. He cares only for their vote. Beyond that, Barry Soetero is just a lame duck golfer, and you are nothing but an irrelevant racist that wants to see evil stirred up in Ferguson. In fact, you will most likely be disappointed if there's not rioting in the streets in Ferguson soon.
The good news for Americans is that in 67 days, after the mid-term elections you will be more irrelevant than ever, and Comcast will most likely pull the plug on you. Do you understand Al? You'll be gone in about 67 days.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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