Benghazi, border patrol agent, two slain American journalists, and all this administration can say is, "our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the deceased". Will someone tell Barry Soetero that little saying and a buck will get you nothing more than maybe a cup of coffee.
This administration led by the most incompetent president our country has ever known is more focused on keeping its power in the upcoming mid term elections than the war that is being waged against western civilization by ISIS and other terrorist jihadists.
This morning approximately 11:00 EST American journalist Steven Sotloff was the second American within two weeks to be beheaded by ISIS. And now we discover that ISIS has numerous American hostages, including a 26-year old female. They, ISIS is also claiming that a journalist from England will be next if any other country steps in to help the U.S.
We have also discovered the Barry Soetero has known for a year of the serious dangers of ISIS, and yet he still referred to them as "a junior varsity team". It was further discovered that this man, Barry Soetero, vehemently disagreed with his military strategists about the dangers of ISIS and felt they were not a major threat.
America was sure ready for Barry's admission in his press briefing just a few days ago when he said, "we have no strategy", when asked what he was going to do about ISIS.T Can you believe that was his answer when asked what were his plans to combat ISIS? Wasn't it a great leadership statement when he finally admitted, "ISIS must be contained"?
Is he for real? "Contained" ? Contained, hell, this ISIS must be blown off the map and back to their own personal hell, wherever that is. And we all know the hell ISIS goes to will not have 72 virgins waiting for them.
Our great country now has terrorist groups at war with us, threatening to slay all Americans and plant their Muslim flag in our White House lawn. And what is this president doing? Why he's campaigning to raise the minimum wage and how we can stop global warming. He flatly refuses to say we are at war with ANY terrorist groups. This is all for his own hubris egocentric proclaimed legacy.
This man parallels the dictatorship of Adolph Hitler in the '30's and '40's. We have sixty days left before we can take our first step in the mid term elections. But maybe we can't afford to wait sixty days. There is already proof that there is a gigantic disconnect between the Pentagon and the White House. Why not get all the Generals and Admirals together and march on America's White House to arrest this man for very high crimes and many misdemeanors.
ISIS is slaughtering Christians and even beheading women and young children, and yet this administration won't even admit the U.S. is at war with ISIS. Never before has this country needed a strong leader in foreign policy, and yet never before has this country had a weaker more spineless president.
What is this president waiting for to declare war on ISIS? Is he waiting for the ISIS terrorists to slaughter Americans right here in the U.S.? This man has not only done anything to improve the U.S. since he's been in office, he's done so much to bring our country down further than ever before. He must go.
Maybe we can't wait till November 4th. Maybe we need our military Generals and Admirals to remove this man from America's White House.
America can't wait any longer for Barry Soetero to say those dreadful words, "our thoughts and prayers........."
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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