Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happy Birthday to me

Today my wife and family are helping me celebrate my 80th. year on this planet.Cake with loads of frosting and all. Greetings from family and friends. Even hugs from my 17-month great granddaughter. Couldn't ask for more. God has been good to me.

Now I haven't seen or done it ALL, but in my 80 years I have a lot of memories, and I'm so grateful to so many, starting with my wife that has given me more good memories than I deserve since we've been together.

I believe in God, and I believe he gave his only son to die for our sins. I'll believe that till my own number is up. Yes, I have friends, and even a close family relative that believes there is no God, and I have a close buddy who's a strong agnostic, and still claims he wants proof.

Well, I'm proud to sing to the skies that I believe in God. But I also believe there's a Satan devil that dwells in the fires of hell. This evil Satan devil spends his time trying to destroy and punish the world. Since the beginning of time Satan has sent his own personal "soldiers" to help him destroy any belief in God or any Judeo-Christian values.

He has sent Karl Marx, Lenin, Adolph Hitler, Stalin, and countless other evil dictators.. All of these evil soldiers of Satan failed in their attempts, but that doesn't mean that the devil Satan will ever stop. No, he will continue to send people to us that will work hard at trying to destroy and punish the good people of the world.

Now, of course I'm not advocating that the man that now resides in America's White House is a "soldier" of Satan, but just take an objective review of what has happened in our great country and the world since January, 2009 when this man became president.

This man has more than doubled the national debt in this country to over $18.Trillion. We have more than 50 million Americans out of work. We have 46 million Americans on welfare, while he keeps preaching that "we are recovering".  We buy products made in China, so that China can take its profits and loan us more money. We owe China trillions. This man in America's White House feels the one per-centers should give "their fair share" to the poor and less fortunate, refusing to realize his Saul Alinsky approach to our crumbling economy will not recover by just increasing entitlement programs to welfare recipients. It's corporations and businesses that create jobs, not welfare programs.

In fact can anyone remember ANY of this man's programs put into effect since 2009 that have been successful? Even his own home state of Hawaii, where he was supposedly born is now desperately trying to opt out of the infamous Obamacare program.

America's relations to the rest of the world has degraded to an all time low. Iran is one of the biggest supporters and suppliers of the mid-east terrorists, and yet the man in the White House is about ready to give them a pass to make nuclear war heads. A White House mid-east summit showed only four of the six mid-east leaders attended. No one respects this man.

Can anyone remember when race relations between Blacks and Whites were any worse than they are now? And this man keeps fanning the fires of racism by his actions. He recently sent three emissaries to the funeral of the Black criminal that was shot by a police officer, but sent no one to the funeral of a young police officer that was gunned down and killed by a Black thug criminal with a long rap sheet.

He is in complete support of his Muslim background, and refuses to name ISIS for what it truly is. Many of his office and chief appointees are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

And has anyone seen a war on Jews and Christians like the war that's taking place today? And who are the aggressors in this war on Judeo-Christian values? You know that answer. It's the evil radical Islamic Muslims. 

And has there ever been a time in our country where our American flag is not only being desecrated in public, but there are actually certain venues where the flag is not allowed to fly.

Chaplains are not allowed to perform Mass on military bases, but Muslims are allowed to get their rugs out and bow to Mecca every day. If god's word is spoken or a prayer is uttered you can bet a lawsuit by the ACLU will shortly follow.

Recently a U.S. Air Force General was chastised by some atheist group just for speaking at a graduation commencement that he owes his success to God. This group wants the General to be court-martialed. Not making this stuff up people.

Every morning I step outside with my morning coffee and say my morning prayers. Today, on my 80th. birthday I prayed extra hard that our great country and our world will be successful in ridding ourselves of Satan's evil followers as soon as possible.  I also prayed that our future generations will be successful in destroying any Satan followers that prey on the good citizens of this country and the rest of the world.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs Politics with Pete)

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