Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hooray for Hollywood!

Today we are faced with many challenges; economy, jobs, Syria, foreign policy, Trump-haters, Trump lovers, Crooked Hillary supporters, etc.,, etc. With all of these challenges we just have to try and interject some levity, jokes, teasing, and laughter into our daily lives. As the Reader's Digest always promoted in their monthly publications, "Laughter is the best medicine."

Let's talk about the things that now are actually becoming comical. First there was "the gang of escape artists" from Hollywood. Of course these escape artists fully believed that their Goddess Crooked Hillary was a pure favorite to be their next president. And they were so positive they got a lot of media attention, and their recycled fifteen minutes of fame by declaring to leave the U.S. if Trump won. Remember when Samuel Jackson bloviated, "If that mother-f****r wins I'm taking my Black a** back to Africa". Hilarious huh? 

Of course we all know what happened next. These Hollywood spineless "elites" all backed down from their threats. Probably all their agents had a fit, and convinced these elites they make their best revenue from the movies and TV  right  here in the good old U.S.  I laughed when Whoopi tried to get the last word, "I'm rich enough that I could move to any country, but I've decided to stay".  Yeah, right Whoopi.

Then, there was the combined useless efforts by the Hollywood irrelevant has-beens and the media that started immediately after the election.  Even before the voting began during the campaign Crooked Hillary kept parading the Hollywood elites on her stage everywhere she went as she spewed and ranted on during her many useless speeches. I'm sure the stupid lib Dems felt Americans were so gullible that American voters would believe anything Crooked Hillary said. After all, she had Whoopi, Joy, and Rosie supporting her.

John and Jane Doe sit at the kitchen table every month pay bills, and try to save for the kids' education, while being grateful to have a few bucks left over to carry them through another month. Did the stupid lib Dems and Crooked Hillary think that Springsteen jumping around the stage screaming, or Beyonce shaking her booty was going to change anyone's mind to vote for Crooked Hillary?

Of course, after the election the vile hatred by Hollywood escalated to the point that Class B actors like George Clooney actually thought he could lead a revolution to have President Trump impeached. George was overjoyed when Scarlett Johanssen and Shia Beiloff joined him.

Dare I write that the truth is more Americans are smarter and have more common sense than Clooney, Johansen, and Bieloff combined. And then the most comical ever was dropped by our brilliant Hollywood bafoons. Read....wait for it comes.

George Clooney and Whoopi (Jabba-the-Hut) Goldberg actually believed they could convince Hollywood movie and TV actors to go on strike and discontinue making movies and TV shows until President Trump was thrown out of office. What ever possessed them to believe they had that much power? That was the funniest thing I ever heard.

What is more hilarious is their boycott of President Trump and their threatened "strike" has completely backfired on Hollywood. First the movies and TV shows that these so called "elites" are in are total flops.  Their movies and TV shows are so bad that Americans are now hoping that people like Clooney, Shia Beiloff, and Scarlett Johansen do go on strike. Their movies are actuallly losing money.

Ever notice who is making the most noise? Yeah, people we will really miss if they move or go on strike. Yeah, right. This is definitely a group not only will no one miss, we actually hope and pray they will go on strike.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my videos on You Tube, Politics with Pete)

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