Today marks the 91st. day Sheriff Donald J. Trump has been in office. Yes, only 91 days, and it's been 163 days (Nov. 9) since the stupid lib Dems and Crooked Hillary officially were notified by the American people that we just don't want her and her lying scandoulus corruption in our White House. Remember that; yes only 91 days in office, and 163 days since election night.
Yes, there were many Americans that voted for Crooked Hillary, but it's really time the stupid lib Dems "give it a rest". Donald J. Trump will be the new Sheriff in town for at least four years, and from the cry baby antics of the stupid lib Dems and the lying media he'll most likely be in our White House for two terms.
No you may not like his hair and his bombastic "take no prisoners" attitude to those that lie and defame him. He's loud, and has a large ego, but he's getting things done, and he's working hard to do what's best for our country. Sheriff Trump did not run on a political platform. He just wants to work hard for the American people.
Right now Sheriff Trump just wants to prove to the American people that voting for him was the right choice and he just want wants a chance. Instead, though, the stupid lib Dems are already seeking to impeach him and refuse to accept him, and let Crooked Hillary wander through the woods while expounding on all the excuses that cost her the election.
Just look objectively at what he's done in his first 91 days in office, and also take a look at what he's trying to accomplish for the future of our country. He was, and will always be, one of the most successful businessmeen in our country, and the first thing Sheriff Trump did even before he took the Presidential oath was to visit many corporations convincing them to create jobs for Americans. He then convinced companies to bring jobs back from their foreign locations.
Then he attacked the very worst healthcare program our country has ever had to endure. Even many Dems in and out of Congress are verifying that Obamacare is not sustainable, and is failing because of very high premium costs and horrific deductible costs. Many states now are not even offering Obamacare to its citizens.
The stupid lib Dems are now crowing that Sheriff Trump is a failure because he didn't put together a better healthcare plan. He and Tom Price are working hard to come up with a plan that his GOP base in Congress will support. Yes, there are glitches right now, but does anyone want to wager against Sheriff Trump not being successful in creating a healthcare plan?
He has increased our military power, and will continue to do so. Unlike Barry Soetero, Sheriff Trump didn't "didn't need no steeenkin' red line". After the evil Asaad from Syria dropped deadly gas on women and children Sheriff Trump responded with sixty tomahawk missles.
It was a successful strike, and Sec'y. of State Tillerson says more will come if Asaad continues down this path. Haven't been any gas attacks byAsaa since.
Due to the fat little upstart in North Korea Sheriff Trump adjusted his position when he asked China to step up and help take a big interest in the threats from N. Korea's fat little idiot.
Then, to the approval and joy of our military leaders Sheriff Trump sent military vessels and fighter jets to the coasts near N. Korea. The military loves this Sheriff.
Millions of Americans were completely against the stupid deal Barry Soetero made with Iran, and his "open border" immigration policy. However, now that Sheriff Trump wants to negate Barry's horrific unlawful directive, he's suddenly the bad guy. And all he asks is to give him the respect due his Presidential office and allow him the four years American have given him.
In Barry Soetero's first 100 days the White House press corps gave Barry softball questions like, "What's your favorite NCAA basketball team"?, "What did you have for dinner last night"?, "how did you and the first lady meet"?. When you tune in now poor Sean Spicer gets hit with dozens of gotcha questions, and never a compliment about the Sheriff or his family.
But the beauty of all this is the American people still overwhelmingly support Sheriff Trump, and will continue to do so for the next 8 years. The more the stupid lib Dems lie about our President, the more he pushes back. Yes Virginia there is a new Sheriff in town, and his name is Donald J. Trump, and we all need to stop the petty pity and hate parties to support our 45th. President.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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