The answer that the other networks don't want to admit is that more people trust Fox to report the news "fair & balanced", than any other news network. And the more that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC continue to report fake news only means more and more viewers will turn the channel to Fox News when they want today's news to reported factually and with integrity.
Now that their daily rantings of fake news still won't turn any views away from Fox these fake news networks have taken their hatred of conservatives and Fox News to a whole new level. Now it's the biased personal attacks on Fox News, President Trump and his family, and any of his cabinet members.
When I'm not laughing at these other news outlets, I actually find myself feeling sorry for them. Can you imagine the employees that work for these other news outlets that find themselves day in and day out working for the likes of CNN and MSNBC that don't agree, but have to abide by "the hand that signs their payroll checks"?
One example is a former Fox anchor, Alyson Camarota, who left Fox because they would't give in to her demands, went to CNN. Now she's one of those journalists that report lies and personal attacks on our President, or for that matter, anyone with an R next to their name. Ms. Camarota is even a supporter of Islam and the Muslim preachings, including Sharia Law, suggesting that American women should wear Muslim hi-jabs to honor Islam.
Let's not forget Greta Van Sustern that slimed her way over to MSNBC. She hoped to bring her old Fox viewers over to her new MSNBC show by declaring "MSNBC has given me free reins on my show". And then soon enough to began to drink their Kool-Aid. All MSNBC had to do was remind Greta who signs her check. Remember "The Kelly File"? Well now everyone at Fox is saying Megan who?, and Good riddance.
How bad is Fox News dominating CNN and MSNBC? These two networks are at the extreme bottom of the viewer ratings so bad that they have now turned their lies and personal attacks on the Fox News anchors. Good old Rachel Maddow claimed she had proof of President Trump's IRS cheating because she had his tax return to present to viewers on her show. That debacle was right out of SNL. She's still scraping the egg off her face.
We all know Mika Brzezinski from the Morning Joe show on MSNBC. She said on their show that the women on Fox's noon show Outnumbered "was nothing more than four blonds with short skirts showing off their legs". Rrecently I saw a short video clip of Mika jogging wearing shorts. Well Mika, all I can say is after seeing your legs in a pair of shorts I would advise you not to throw stones at the Outnumbered women at Fox.
We could all write comic stories about the infamous "leg-tingler" Chrissy Boy Matthews. He keeps making Fox look good by his inept and lying reporting. On his Hardball show a few days ago he said, "Only reason Trump and his administration is going after Susan Rice is because she's a Black woman". Of course, like all MSNBC reporting, the leg tingler had no evidence.
CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the media, along with stupid lib Dems will continue to attack Fox News for the simple reason Fox is number one in channel news reporting. Most likely, another reason is their strong hatred for President Trump. They want President Trump and all his policies to fail, and their main reason is....hmm, what is their main reason? Do they even know, or is it because their queen Crooked Hillary didn't win?
Maybe Fox should thank CNN and MSNBC for their fake news reporting and their personal attacks on anchors at Fox. Their lies and distortions are visible to the millions who voted our President in the White House. These are positives for Fox, and for President Trump's 2020 run.
And so, in closing, again I welcome anyone at CNN and MSNBC to answer the question I asked earlier, "Why is Fox News rated number the one news outlet on TV today"?
And that's Politics with Pete today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on You Tube to see videos of Politics with Pete)
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