Thursday, July 28, 2016

For the first time

Remember back in 2008 when Barry Soetero won the Democratic nomination, and his husband Michael (Michelle) said "for the first time I am proud of this country"?   And now, just two days ago she spoke at the DNC, and couldn't say enough about how great this country is.

Well, as an old timer who has been around the Birthday block 81 times let me give you a few of my FOR THE FIRST TIME thoughts. 

For the first time in my life, I find it hard to digest that this great country would even consider voting for a person to hold the office of the presidency that has been proven to be a criminal.

For the first time in my life I can't believe that Crooked Hillary will get votes simply because she's a woman.

For the first time in my life I can't fathom that after the FBI director called Crooked Hillary reckless and irresponsible in her handling of emails that there was no indictment.

There were nine mothers on stage at the DNC being acknowledged for the crimes they committed and then got shot by men in Blue, while thirty-two officers in Blue have been assassinated to date this year. For the first time in my life I am ashamed of the DNC for not acknowledging the families of those slain officers in Blue.

For the first time in my life I am ashamed that the Pledge of Allegiance was not spoken every day at the DNC this year.

For the first time in my life I never saw an American flag on stage at the DNC. I am ashamed of the DNC's  position on our flag. No wonder that flag-burning was going on outside the convention.

For the first time in my life I will find it hard to comprehend that our brave men/women in our Armed Forces, or our brave men/women in Blue will cast a single solitary vote for this crooked criminal that should be in prison.

For the first time in my life it is so hard to believe that ANY American would cast a vote for a person that belongs in prison,not the oval office. She has the unmitigated gall to expect Americans to vote for her by promising she will "continue to do President Obamaa's work".

Just remember a vote for Crooked Hillary means, ISIS will continue to expand, our Supreme Court will be over run with progressive leaning decisions, Slick Willy back on the prowl with his new sidekick Weiner, increasing unemployment, increasing welfare, and of course a tremendous increase in our national debt, and of course more lost jobs.

Crooked Hillary continues to promise free healthcare with the continuation of the de-funct Obamacare, higher minimum wages, along with free college tuitions. Great stump speech Hillary, but how come you never explain who is going to pay for all this.

Hillary Clinton is a crooked politician, has violated many of our Constitutional laws, and still feels she is entitled to the reside in the White House. She is a power hungry monster who cares nothing about America and its people. She cares only about grasping for her own power.

The fawning media refuses to ask Crooked Hillary about the millions taken in donations from terrorist countries, and countries that hate us. Will she create more "Irans" while Israel keeps getting downgraded by the White House. And please remember these foreign dictators didn't donate to Crooked Hillary without expecting "something" in return.

Here's our chance America. Please don't waste this great opportunity to rid America of the corruption that has taken place over the last seven and a half years. Or will America allow four more years of Barry Soetero.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube videos Politics with Pete)

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