Sunday, July 10, 2016

Look, I'm "privileged"

According to Sharpton, Jackson, and many other notable African-Americans I am a "privileged"White person. Wow, I didn't know I was so privileged. Wish someone would've explained what being "privileged means.

Does being White and privileged mean I don't have to work, and I still get free food with stamps? Does being privileged  mean I get free education and health care, along with extended unemployment benefits, and subsidized housing? Is that what White privilege means?

Now, if there is someone who can really lay claim to White privilege it's Crooked Hillary. Or should we say that Hillary has "Clinton privilege"? And yet just yesterday, Hillary, speaking out on the horrific Dallas shooting never once mentioned the five police officers who were killed protecting even the protesters. 

Crooked Hillary didn't mention them, but she sure took the opportunity to pander to the African-Americans by saying, "Whites must be more empathetic to the African-American, and understand their plights in life".  Way to go after the Black vote Crooked Hillary.

I am 81 years young, and throughout my entire life of family, school, military duty, college, and working have I never felt "White and privileged" Wish there were some Whites out there who can explain where I got all this alleged privilege just because I'm White.

Mom and Dad came from Italy though Ellis Island,, and immediately Dad went to work in the steel mills for 48 years taking care of his family. I can't ever remember Dad being privileged because he was White. One of Dad's favorite sayings was, "hard work won't kill you, but worrying about not might".

Look at the programs and organizations afforded the African-American community. The most notable are the NAACP and the United Negro Fund. There are also notable celebrities that have established scholarships for young African-American students. Most recently Magic Johnson just raised millions for young Blacks.

On the social scene Blacks enjoy many outlets. They enjoy BET (Black Entertainment Television), they have their own Miss Black America pageant.  In many colleges and universities Blacks have their own "Black only" fraternities and sororities. By the way does anyone think the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter are helpful to the African-American community? Think about that.

Can you imagine the vociferous outrage by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson if there were equal programs for "Whites only"? How about a NAAWP, or a United White Fund? How about  raising funds by organizations/celebrities for White only students? Hey, what do you think of a White Entertainment Network, or maybe a White only Miss America Pageant?

Have you ever heard African-Americans take responsibility for any of their "woes"? No, and you never will. My uneducated hard working father always said, "the greatest helping hands you'll ever find are at the end of your arms".

Blacks make up 6% of America's population, but are responsible for over 52% of homicides here in America. Blacks also have the highest rate of high school dropouts, along with the highest rate of one parent families. A large majority of these families are without fathers, who are in prison on drug charges.

Recently, Barry Soetero, half-Black himself, and Crooked Hillary, nationally spoke on TV that
"Whites are mostly responsible for the problems and transgressions of African-Americans". The truth is that African-Americans are given more opportunities than Whites to succeed. However, many of them feel it's easier to take advantage of the "freebie" programs that the Government offers rather than work hard and become role models for their children.

Talk about slavery. Isn't it a form of slavery the way Soetero, and Maybe Crooked Hillary want to get the Black vote, and keep the African-American community happy with all the "freebies" offered and easily attained by African-Americans?It's easier to control the African-American community with freebies and condoning their mob violence with their protests.  Someone, anyone, please explain to me what is the ultimate long range benefit of mob protesting, violence, and looting. What does that accomplish? 

Protesting, rioting, looting, and vandalism is certainly not going to help race relations, but only serve to widen the chasm between Blacks and Whites. Many don't know the answers to solve this problem that has escalated in the past seven-and-a-half years. Do you think maybe the Blacks can step forward and start making positive moves

Black on Black crimes have risen to the highest it's ever been, especially in Chicago, and yet Barry Soetero blames it on Whites and guns. Not one Black criminal apprehended in Chicago said he obtained his gun legally. Most guns used in crimes on the streets of Chicago were bought on the street from other gang members. 

Maybe Blacks should feel "privileged" with all the great opportunities offered to them. They just need to take advance of them, instead of turning to gangs and violence. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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