Thursday, July 14, 2016

Greatest natural resource

If America had a single object that we all agreed on was our greatest natural resource what do you think we would to protect it? We would make sure it grows to continue to be a great source for us all.. We would feed this great resource  so it could grow and expand to make sure future generations can flourish with this great natural resource. Of course America would invest Billions of dollars every year to protect this great natal resource, right?

Many actually believe our greatest natural resources are "under the ground" in our oil and gas, which by the way Barry Soetero refuses to drill for. Many believe our great natural resource is our Constitution passed down to us from our Founding Fathers. Some believe our waterways, fertile farmlands, colleges and universities, and hospitals make our country chock full of factors that seduce millions every year to come to this great country, and are our greatest resources.

Everything written above pales in comparison to our real true great natural resource in America. There is no denying that the greatest natural resources America, and even the rest of the world is our children. Yes, someday in the future us old timers are going to turn our country and our world over to our children to lead us into their future and future generations. 

Speaking very bias, I have the world's most adorable two-and-a-half year old great granddaughter. Of course I'm her biggest spoiler. Right now all she cares about is her doll "Suzzie", ice cream, chasing the geese and birds on our walk. Teaching her songs and prayers are a joy for my wife and me.

She is surrounded by love from two great parents, aunts, uncles, grand parents, and of course three of us spoiling great grandparents, of which I'm at the top of the list. I'm confident this little two year old "great natural resource" is going to grow and flourish to be prepared to be part of the generation we give the world to.

In quiet moments when I'm rocking her to sleep and watch her eyes close I think of the world she's going to inherit. Will her generation face racism, rising unemployment, rioting and looting in the streets, wars drug addiction, and so many more important issues that will befall her generation.

Recently, I've been watching young people rioting and looting in the streets of the very cities they live in. Were they not taught respect while growing up? Did their parents not instill in them that they will inherit this world someday, and they will be faced with the decisions to make this a better world for the generation that follow them?  Did the parents of these wild rioters and looters not instill in them that their legacy will be to leave this world a better place than what we give them?

Years ago I facilitated Parental Workshops while doing volunteer work the the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. I always stressed that these little bundles don't emerge from the womb with a set of instructions on their little backsides.  What makes a child grow to become Secretary of State, or a renown brain surgeon, while another child grows up taking a life of gang-banging, drugs, and violence with no respect for themselves and others?

Children that grow in a family surrounded by love, with teachings of respect and giving them the avenues to pursue their dreams,  then there is a likely  good chance you won't see these children rioting and looting in the streets, or gravitating to gangs and violence. Parents have so much power and responsibility to raise our children the right and decent way.

On the other hand when a child grows up with not knowing who his/her their father is, and their mother is a drug addict, then there is a chance you may see this child rioting and looting in the streets following a life of drugs and violence. I've always said that good and proper parenting is the toughest, but most rewarding job you will ever have.

It must be the obligation and commitment of every parent to prepare these great natural resources to be ready to take over the world. Like it or not we're going to hand the world over to them, with hope that they will make the world a better place to live in. Any parent that does not follow this is doing their child and the world a great disservice. 

My number one piece of advice is always put your child to bed at night knowing you completely and totally love them unconditionally. However, at full disclosure I'm going to continue spoiling my great granddaughter with ice cream and cookies.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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