Friday, July 8, 2016

It's the Clintons- Duh!

What I'm surprised at today is that so many people are angry, upset, steaming mad, etc., etc., that the FBI didn't recommend Crooked Hillary for indictment to the DOJ. I'm also surprised that many did not see this coming. I know I did. 

Let's look at some glaring facts before I offer my glowing opinion. Since Crooked Hillary's email scandals surfaced she kept vehemently stating at all her rallies and at the one or two pressers that she gave, that there would never be an indictment against her. She should've ended this sentence with, "because I'm a Clinton".

I really love these factual sequences: 1) Slick Willy waits for hours on the Phoenix airport tarmac for hours waiting for AG Lynch's plane to land. Of course we'll never know if the meeting was scheduled. AG Lynch and Slick Willy said they just talked for 39 minutes about grandchildren and golf. Yeah, right. Remember he's a Clinton.

Then there's 2) Hillary's "interview" with the FBI just a few days later where we don't even know how many FBI agents were there. Crooked Hillary was never sworn in and there was no recording of the "interview". The following Tuesday President Soetero 3) invites Crooked Hillary on AF1 to go campaigning. 

Now here's one of the big questions I have:DOES ANYONE THINK PRESIDENT SOETERO WOULD HAVE INVITED CROOKED HILLARY ON AF1 TO GO CAMPAIGNING IF HE EVEN THOUGHT SHE MAY BE INDICTED? Of course FBI Director Comey swears that no one knew of his decision not to indict until he took the podium. Yeah, right Jimmy. But remember she's a Clinton.

At he Oversight Committee's hearing today Director Comey was shown the TV split screen where Crooked Hillary kept repeating her lies about classified emails, unprotected servers.
The other side of the split screen showed Director Comey telling the truth about the emails, servers, etc. But we must never, ever forget, Crooked Hillary is a Clinton and above the law.

Director Comey slapped every law abiding American citizen squarely in the face. He spent several minutes explaining how Crooked Hillary was reckless, and even acknowledged that her lawyers, who had no security clearance at all erased thousands of emails  from the "in the basement" private server.  

When Comey was asked as to why this private email server wasn't government protected given the severity of the situations, he simply replied "Blah, Blah, Blah, and more blah". After fifteen minutes of Comey explaining all the mistakes, carelessness, and acts of irresponsibility that Crooked Hillary committed, FBI Director Comey said that Crooked Hillary really didn't intend to commit a crime, so no charges will be filed by the FBI.

Like many other Americans I have lost all respect for Director Comey, despite the many accolades praising him have come forward. In reality, Comey was just a puppet doing what his boss AG Loretta Lynch told him to do. I would have felt better if Comey had just told the truth, 
"Crooked Hillary will not have charges against her BECAUSE SHE'S A CLINTON"   

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please visit my You Tube video blogs, Politics  with Pete)

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