We're closing in on seven years with this administration, headed up by a corrupt, lying, and totally unqualified self-centered ego maniac, Barry Soetero. It's almost like this man wakes up every morning and says, "what can I do today to screw up this country and the American people"?
This man is a complete and utter disgrace to the highest office in the land of our great country.
This man cares nothing for good American people. He does nothing to advance the trials and tribulations of hard working Americans. He cares only for control, and the best way for a dictator to control is to continue giving empty promises to the downtrodden.
Once, a former Fox news anchor, Glen Beck, called Barry Soetero a racist. Beck was bombarded by the media. Many calling for his dismissal from Fox. Beck eventually left Fox. There is no proof as to what led to Beck's departure. However, today, I am in strong agreement with Blen Beck .Barry Soetero is a racist, along with being a racial Islamic Muslim.
For right now forget about his disastrous handling of Obamacare, Fast & Furious, the IRS, the DOJ, and the infamous Bergdahl for terrorists swap. Just concentrate on what he has purposely done to the American people in just these past few weeks.
First he directs a DOJ investigation of Mike Brown shooting in Missouri. Then he sends White House representatives to New York for a Black thug's funeral. Then he asks new AG Loretta Lynch to investigate a Black criminal thug's death in Baltimore.
And he didn't stop there. He flies in our Air Force One to Charleston SC to give the eulogy to the Blacks that were killed by a White racist. He even sang "Amazing Grace", which, by the way, did a horrible job.
But not a word, nary a single remark from this horrible leader or his White House representatives surrounding the senseless murder of a young beautiful woman, Kate Steinle, by an illegal immigrant who has a felony rap sheet a mile long. This illegal alien has been deported five times, and keeps returning, admitting that he went to sanctuary city San Francisco because he knew he's be safe from deportation there.
This horrible excuse for a leader has not and probably will not ever contact the parents of this senselessly murdered young woman. Now you can bet that if Ms. Kate Steinle were African-American, and the killer was White, Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and the whole freaking NAACP would have swarmed all over San Francisco, demanding justice for the murdered woman. That is if she was Black.
OK, you're ready for some frosting on the cake. Barry Soetero has now granted our biggest mid-east foe, Iran, the right to build nuclear arms. He says not so, and there are many provisions, but those provisions and restrictions have more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese.
Iran is the biggest mid-east supplier of arms to the terrorists. They are responsible for the deaths and injuries to thousands of Americans, along with the slaughtering of mid-east Christians. While nuclear negotiations were going on with Iran there were chants of "Death to America" outside the negation site. Iran has admitted they want to wipe Israel, our strongest mid-east ally, "off the face of the earth", while claiming "there was no WWII Holocaust". Yes this is the same horrible regime that we are going to lift sanctions and send billions of dollars to.
Want more to prove Barry cares nothing for Americans? Iran now holds four Americans in captivity, and the very same horrible president that swapped traitor Bergdahl for five Taliban terrorists would not even mention the four captive Americans during Iranian negotiations.
What else must this horrible leader do to defy the Constitution of the United States and its citizens? Can we endure him until January, 2017? Why aren't the Generals and Admirals arresting this man for consorting with one of our biggest enemies and violating his duties to protect our country? And don't forget his promise to Putin, "after this election I will have more flexibility".
And don't forget Hillary, who doesn't object to receiving donations from our adversaries, is waiting in the wings. God and heaven help us.
And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country..and our troops
(please follow me on my video You Tube blogs, Politics with Pete)
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