Today, the social media; Twitter, Facebook, and the rest are filled with quotes and tweets dropping the "F" bomb because some people have to work for a living and hate it. I even had a family member write that "only after 5 minutes on the F'n job, I hate it".
To me these people are represented by a man in America's White House that never, ever, had a job in his life. He never set the alarm to go off at 6:A.M., and head off to the office or factory.
And what this man has perpetrated is millions of Americans who feel the same way. It's like hard work is evil. This is substantiated by so many Americans today that say "F my job".
Since this man has violated our White House his gang of reparation followers feel it's perfectly normal for hard working Americans to openly and freely give their hard earned dollars to those that just won't work because they feel a misjustice was done to them centuries ago. Really?
When you add that to the people that "F"-bomb their jobs every day this country needs to make a leadership/management change, and soon. As I'm typing this there are 96,260,385 Americans out of work today. Barry Soetero is touting that unemployment is down to 5.3%, while the true unemployment is 18.8%. But do you think he cares at all? Of course not! Starting January, 2017 he'll get a pension for life. Now this is great for a man who never, ever held a job.
Today, our labor force is comprised of only 62% of working-age Americans. There is only one reason and one reason only that we have a 5.3% unemployment rate, and that's because many have run out of benefits, and have just stopped looking for work, thus falling off the charts.
And the biggest hike in unemployment is among the Black youths, who Barry promised back in '08 that he was going to give them plenty of "hope & change". The only thing that's increased among young Blacks is unemployment and crime, especially Black on Black crime.
And what is Barry's answer to all this? Take, take, and take more from hard working people, and give more to the freebie people in welfare, food stamps, free education, subsidized housing, healthcare, and even free cell phones with free minutes. Something is drastically wrong with our system when people can put more money in their pocket living the "freebie" life than working for 40 hours a week at a decent job.
Remember the old American tradition that if you didn't like your job, you got educated/trained for a better job? It seems those days are gone. Another American tradition is that if you love what you're doing you'll never work a day in your life. Instead Barry controls his masses by welfare and promises of reparation.
Famous former NBA player, Charles Barkley, has a great quote, "poor people been votin' Democrat for a hundred years, and they're still poor". Barry Soetero is undermining he wills of people who want to make a living by slowing down job creation and forcing his masses to stay on welfare so they can believe this is all coming from Dear Leader Soetero.
We are faced, also, with a foreign policy crisis, with the like of which we've never seen. This man is befriending ISIS and Iran, while he turns his back on our greatest ally Israel. Think of FDR, JFK, Eisenhower, and Truman. Do you think they would have sat back and done what this man is doing today with ISIS and Iran? Not in a million years.
Conversely, if Barry were president when Japan bombers invaded Pearl Harbor I can hear his press conference now: "I'm sending John Kerry to Japan for a talk, and in the meantime we'll be opening dialogue with the Japanese bomber pilots to better understand their plight".
I can see Barry now in a situation where ISIS converges on the White House, burns it down, and slays everyone but him. He's badly burned and wounded, and he crawls through the rubble, lays on the decimated White House lawn, picks up a stick from a broken branch, and draws a line in the ground, and says, "you guys better stop this, don't cross this line again".
This is the kind of weak man we have in our White House, and don't think for a second that Hillary will be even better. Our great country needs a strong leader to make Iran fear us, and to eradicate ISIS forever.
So to all the workers who "F"-bomb their job today, say a prayer that you have a job, and celebrate our great country's independence, and pray all tyrants stay on the other side of the oceans and seas.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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