Yesterday, the 4th. of July was a great day. Our family celebrated at our grandson's boat dock. Everyone laughing, joking and eating way too much food. Hundreds of pictures and videos were taken. Our little 18-month old great granddaughter was the center of entertainment, especially showing us all her dance moves and trying to speak words of "begging" as she tried to squeeze goodies from all of us. The day was fantastic and glorious.
One of our granddaughters arrived decorated in a red-white-blue attire, even down to her painted toe nails. Amid all the laughing and teasing she said something that started me thinking the rest of the day into today. She said, "Hey, let's not forget today is Happy Birthday to America". Just got me thinking and wandering in my thoughts.
This morning, like everyone else, I woke with promises I'll never eat again. Well, until the wife says "dinner's ready" tonight. Oh well, a man's gotta eat.
Thoughts of my granddaughter's words of Happy Birthday to America, coupled with Vox's left wing blogger who wrote "America should've lost the Revolutionary War, and would be better off under British tyranny", got my mind whirling and twirling.
Enjoying our rights and freedoms that began with the victory of the Revolutionary War should make every day, like my granddaughter said,"Happy Birthday America". Most Americans won't admit that we take our rights and freedoms for granted. We'll put our flags away in the attic, and start thinking of the next upcoming event and/or holiday, with little thoughts of the rights and freedoms that we think that will never be taken from us.
However, and a very big HOWEVER, we must begin to take very seriously the enormous and continuing growth of ISIS, and our very porous U.S. - Mexican borders. Then after thinking about it, we had better start doing something about the ever growing and dangerous ISIS and our porous borders.
We have an administration in our White House now that won't recognize the threat of ISIS on western civilization, and will do nothing to secure our borders. What I couldn't stop thinking about while I was bribing my great granddaughter with chocolate to sit still while I sang to her, was, at that same moment, in cities and villages in the mid-east the evil Islamist radicals were raping, torturing, and murdering Christians as young as the little 18-month old I was singing to.
And at the same time evil criminal felons are "just freely walking across our borders" from Mexico to commit crimes in "sanctuary" cities like San Francisco, with nothing being done by this administration. Not only is nothing being done, there are facets that believe we should give free education, free health care, free, free, free everything to these criminal felons when they come across the border. We all know about the "random" murder of a 32-year old by a illegal felon that was already deported five times, in the "sanctuary" city of San Francisco.
For any of you who read my blogs, and for America, please, please don't take our freedoms and liberties bestowed upon us for granted. We must stand up and protect these freedoms and rights the best way we know how. And that's in the voting booth. We can't afford the liberal progressive Democrat party to fool us again like Barry Soetero did in '08 and '12.
There is Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea waiting in the wings to continue to do exactly what Barry's administration is now doing, and that is absolutely nothing. Remember the old saying, "If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything". For our future generations we can't let that happen. Wake up America. Make every day a day we think of the 4th. of July.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless America...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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