In 2008 when Barry Soetero was campaigning to live in America's White House I spoke, and also wrote many blogs and articles trying to warn anyone who would read/listen as to the type of man America was getting. Barry ran on the promise that he was going to give Americans "hope & change".
Well, we know what happened; he carried over 90% of the African-American vote with all the promises of a world of freebies with welfare, food stamps, free this, free that. Barry also carried much of the White vote because of the hatred toward the GOP and Bush for attacking Iraq.
Immediately Barry began to do his best to diminish our freedoms and rights. His apologies, scandals, corruption, Obamacare, etc., began rolling through our country which gave me thought to start asking all my Dem acquaintances, "hey, how's that hope & change working for you"? I could not believe some of the responses I would get. Mostly, Dems would say "still better than Bush", or some Barry believers would utter, "McCain would've just got us into another war".
Well, Barry was sure making me a prophet. He was doing just about everything, and more, that I predicted. More scandals, lies, and corruption emanated from this man. All I could think of was that in no way would Americans allow this man back for another four years in our White House.
So, during Barry's 2012 I began asking people, "What has this man accomplished during his first four years that you would like repeated"? Or I would ask my Dem acquaintances, "did you get the hope & change that you were promised"? Some of the responses were unbelievable. I knew he would carry the Black vote again, along with, of course, the "freebie" vote.
However, I was dismayed when I heard many Dems say, "Bush screwed things up so bad that Obama needs another four years to straighten up his mess". Other comments included, "Romney is just gonna make the rich richer and take away welfare and food stamps from all who need it".
Many, many Dems were even bold enough to claim, " Well, he's trying, so I'm going to vote for him and give him another chance". Well, Barry got his wish, and as of January, 2013 he's been the lamest lame duck this country has ever had.
Remember when Barry actually condescended toward Romney during a 2012 debate when Romney said Russia should be America's biggest fear and concern. And now just two days ago the incoming Joint Chiefs of Staff, the 4-Star General from the Marine Corps said exactly the same thing. He reiterated what Romney said in 2012' 1. Russia, 2. China, 3. Iran, 4. ISIS.
We all know that Barry is going to continue to bow down, and I do mean bow, to Iran, allowing them to acquire nuclear warheads, and he will do nothing. We all know that Barry will do nothing to off-set China's cyber war attack on us. We all know that Barry will do nothing to battle and destroy ISIS. We all know that Barry will do nothing to even slow down Black on Black crime here in the U.S.
And we also know Barry will do nothing to secure our border and stop crimes by illegal aliens that he releases because he fears losing any Democrat votes. We all know that Barry will do nothing at all to create a single job as he increases the "freebie" world to control his masses, much like the little man from Germany did in the '30's and '40's.
In fact most Americans know and will agree that Barry Soetero will do nothing but golf, vacation, and offer an occasional telepromted speech for the next 18 months.
But do you know what could be worse than having Barry in America's White House for 8 years? It's having, not only another progressive liberal Democrat, but the Hillary & Bill show in our White House again, and bringing Chelsea with them. Can you imagine the Cabinet appointments this corrupt, lying, and scandalous woman will bring to our White House.
She could mean the end of the America we have all loved, and may never see again. Folks, we can't let this untrustworthy woman anywhere near our White House. She should be fitted for an orange pants suit, and put in a prison cell with Barry.
If we love our country, we just can't let that happen.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(Please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)
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