Monday, June 29, 2015

When Barry, when?

Dear President Soetero:
When the hell are you going to start doing your duties as to what is best for Americans? For God's sake you can't even help out the African-American community. Black on black crime in Detroit, Chicago, Washington D.C, and New Orleans  has propelled our great country to number one in crimes committed in the world.  And if you subtract the crimes in just those four cities the U.S. is fourth from the bottom in crimes committed in all countries on this planet. And all you have to show for it is Al Sharpton. Really?

And did you know those four states all have Democrat mayors? Of course you knew that!
It is more lucrative for a young man to live at home with his parents, buy a home, rent it out to his girlfriend. They have two children together, and from that point on she makes more money living off the government than staying at home to take care of her children.

She gets food stamps, welfare to take care of herself and her two children, free health care, subsidized housing from the government, food stamps, and even a free cell phone. Now why would she even want to go to work. But, of course you know who's paying for all this. No wonder we're over $18.Trillion in debt.

By the way Barry, have you advisers informed you that when we get to $24.Trillion in debt we will become Greece, and may never return from financial disaster. And you're just golfing and vacationing until you can walk out and kick the can down the road. You're an insult to the term "lame duck". You're a totally crippled immobile duck. You give a bad name to the term lame duck.

You, and you alone are allowing Iran to develop nuclear war heads to initially attack Israel, and then the U.S.  Even important members in your own party are strongly telling you to stop this nonsense with Iran. At a time when our country needs a strong decisive leader we get a lily-livered spineless wuss that lights up our White House with rainbows. Really Barry, bet that made Valerie happy. Does that mean you and Michael can finally get married?

Many of us believe you are a racist that has a strong disdain for America and its people. You should be loading up our bombers with arms to go over and annihilate Instead you make excuses for them at every turn. During Ramadam, which is the holiest time of the year for Islam the ISIS is invading towns and villages to rape, torture, and murder Christians. And you want us to believe Islam is a religion of peace. Hell, you won't even call them by their right name.

When, are you going to step forward and do something about these evil ISIS terrorists? Please step down, and even Biden would step forward to protect our nation better than you.

Let's face it. Your failing Obamacare is going to be gone in a couple of years. You have no legacy. No one cares what SCOTUS voted on. And no really cares about LGBT laws. Americans are more concerned about our economy and safety from the evil ISIS. Not too many of us give a rat's a** about someone's sexuality. 

Wake up Barry. Wake up and resign. America needs you to do that at least.

And that's Politics with Pete for today. God bless our country..and our troops
(Please follow me on my video blogs on You Tube, Politics with Pete)

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