Does anyone know where the racist in chief, Al Sharpton, is hiding? Or is he missing "in action"? He hasn't been seen except for that monkey zoo show he hosts on MSNBC. However, I think those are just taped re-runs anyhow, because he can't be understood when he speaks. MSNBC puts marbles in his mouth when he talks, and instructs him to yell loudly, so he's misunderstood, for liability reasons. He just can't be understood, and that's what MSNBC wants.
Where in the heck is Al? I've even visited the dairy section of many grocery stores looking for his picture on milk cartons. Where are you hiding Al? At a time when so many Black youths need you, you're nowhere in sight.
In Detroit, Chicago, East Cleveland, Milwaukee, Ferguson, and Baltimore crimes have increased At an all-time high. The increase in crimes on the streets of these cities are reaching
an almost war like atmosphere. And yet dear Rev. Al Sharpton is missing.
Baltimore has just suffered their worst month of May with 43 homicides, and yet, where is AL?
Homicides are up in East Cleveland, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, and even Atlanta, and yet where is Al?
Oh, wait a second; all those homicides are Black on Black evil crimes committed by evil Black criminal thugs. In one case in Baltimore a young innocent Black mother and her 7 year old child was gunned down in a cross-fire by evil Black criminal thugs. Where are you Al?
People like Al Sharpton and his Dear Leader Barry Soetero are doing all they can to create a very wide chasm between Blacks and Whites, and why are they doing it? One questions whether they're underlying plan is to create a permanent civil divide for power between Blacks and Whites. Has anyone ever asked, WHAT ARE BARRY AND AL DOING TO STOP THE HORRENDOUS BLACK ON BLACK CRIMES?
Now, more than ever we need Blacks and Whites to band together for our future generations. One of the main reasons is ISIS is aware of the damaged Black and White relations, and are actually recruiting Blacks to join ISIS so the Blacks can have more support as they fight the evil White establishment.
So many good hard-working people believe the greatest helping hands you'll ever find are at the end of your arms. This is a great great country with so many overwhelming opportunities to succeed and contribute to your country, your family, your God, and yourself. We can't make ourself a victim of the cards dealt to us, whether we're Black or White.
Barry Soetero and Al Sharpton are dedicated to divide this great country by fanning fires of racism, bigotry, Jim Crow, and slavery. They have no interest in helping the black communities, especially the Black youths, where unemployment is hovering at 40%.
Instead race-baiters like Soetero and Sharpton are intent on helping the Black youth into becoming victims against the White population. Will someone explain what that is going to accomplish, other than more crime and bloodshed.
No, with this high rise in Black on Black crime you can bet Al is hiding somewhere getting a gallon of pomade spread on his hair as he screams on MSNBC. But the very next time there's a White on Black crime I guarantee Al will be screaming in front of some microphone about racism and race inequality. Al firmly believes the answer to the Black problems are taxing the hard working Americans more so that more entitlement programs can be increased to help the poverty stricken Blacks. Never mind helping them to help themselves. Give, give, give.
The light at the end of the tunnel is that if America elects a strong Republican in 2016 for our White House then Al will return to the world he belongs in; the world of irrelevance.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)
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