Thursday, June 4, 2015

Maybe we DON'T care !

"You never stand so tall as when you stoop down to help someone else". So many of us have tried to live by that creed, and for decades, even back to the Revolutionary War this great country proved that to be true and fruitful.

Even with some setbacks, it seemed that America, for the most part, adopted that philosophy
well. American service men and women that served in WWI and WWII, and the Korean conflict were treated with honor, dignity, and respect. We treated our fellow man the same.

Then came the "Springsteen era" and the Viet Nam war. Springsteen started screaming his anti-war songs, and kept preaching and singing to the younger generation about "always question authority... stand against the establishment, even capitalism, and make it all about you instead of the'man'".

The youths, and even some adults bought into Springsteen's screaming ideas so much that anti-war protests became unruly in some cases. Anti-establishment protests became the norm. I always found it interesting that Springsteen was so anti-establishment and anti-capitalism while he enjoyed his riches and his many mansions behind guarded fences with armed guards.

Bruce would run on stage with his tattered jeans and ripped open shirts and sing about the poor downtrodden American, urging them to stand up against war, the establishment, and capitalism while he enjoyed being one of the richest entertainers of all time.

It appeared Springsteen wanted to obliterate the idea of DON'T care for America or your fellow man; DON'T volunteer for the military; DON'T listen to  the "man".

I'm not personally against Springsteen. In fact, I've listened to his music for years. I've seen him in concert, and much of his music I enjoyed. But it stops there.

But if Springsteen, or anyone else thinks this great country will climb back to its rightful place as the number one country in the world, we had better throw away any idea of DON'T care.
Too many forget the great words of JFK, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country".

Philosophies of "I" and "me" and "mine" are flooding over to the leaders of this country, and it is filtering down to the masses that rely heavily on the government taking care of them with welfare, food stamps, unemployment, etc.

I have a very close friend who migrated from Denmark to Canada, and then to the U.S. with nothing more than a 7th. grade education. He often said to me, "people born and raised here don't seem to realize the opportunities this country offers".He worked hard and rose to become the owner/president of a company that enjoyed huge success. He's one of my heroes.

Our White House resident seems to take the biggest approach to "I", "me", "mine". Just listen to one of his speeches. But also take notice of his actions rather than his words. He cares more for his legacy than he does for the people of this great country. 

The tragedy is that this man is convincing millions of Americans to forget the wise words of JFK, and just focus and getting taken care of by the entitlement programs initiated by this administration. It's tragic that so many Americans are drinking his Kool-Aid.

I don't want to believe that so many good hard-working Americans want to adopt this man's policies of DON'T care. This man will be dangerous for the next nineteen months. We must care, and be prepared to rebuild this great country after this man leaves office. And please DON'T believe that Hillary Clinton will be any better. She could well become worse as she tries to dodge her scandals and corrupt baggage.

Please care for your country, your family, and your fellow man.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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