Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I'm not PC !

I'm so very proud to write, say, shout,  bloviate, and yell to the tallest roof-top that I'm not politically correct, never have been, and never will be. By the way would someone please tell me what the hell does "politically correct"mean anyway?

Does it mean you won't say or write anything that may offend those who do not share your values or interpretations? Does it mean you must sacrifice your own personal religious, political, or cultural beliefs so as to "fit in"with other popular main stream beliefs?

If that's the norm, then please mark me among those who are proud to not be politically correct. If I choose to praise my own beliefs, while very strongly disagreeing with other beliefs, be them religious, cultural, or political, well too freakin' bad.

I'm still a little confused, so maybe the pundits at CNN and MSNBC can help me better understand this "politically correct" message that's floating around this country in a manner that takes away our fundamental  Constitutional values, especially the 1st, 2nd, and 4th. Amendments.  Heck, for that matter, someone tell me why it may be considered not politically correct to believe and follow our entire Constitution laid out by our Founding Fathers.

I'm smart enough to realize there's evil in all cultures, religions, and certain beliefs. But that surely isn't going to stop me from speaking and writing my own personal beliefs, praises, and criticisms of any religion and culture I choose to speak or write for or against.

I love myself as well as I love being a White, Italian-American Catholic. There I wrote it,  and if that offends the Al Sharptons and Barrry Soeteros of this great country, well too freakin' bad.
I'm proud to consider myself a strong patriot, proud to have served four years in our military, and am disgusted at the treatment our symbolic American flag receives by those who someone gave their life for. And don't tell me it's just a piece of red-white-blue cloth. It's our symbol.

While I openly disagree with many of the man-made laws of my Catholic religion, I strongly believe in the teachings of my God and his son Jesus Christ, and yes I will state my spoken and written criticism of other religious beliefs.

While I realize there are millions of peaceful Islamic Muslims, I strongly detest their Sharia laws that include honor killings, marriage of children as young as five, public stoning of women who do not wear their veil, or complain after being raped in public by several men.

I openly detest their Sharia law that proclaims Muhammed and Allah condone the beheadings of Christians, while calling them infidels. While I believe my God wants peace throughout the world, I believe these radical evil Islamist Muslims must be eradicated, and I pray for the day the American people will elect a leader in our White House that will do just that....eradicate these evil Sharia law extremists.

I am also extremely proud to be a long-standing Republican with strong GOP beliefs and values. In fact, when asked, I tell people I'm to "the right" of one of my heroes Rush Limbaugh. 
Of course that deeply offends many of my progressive liberal acquaintances, but take a look at some facts, please.

The states and cities in this country that continue to suffer with rising crime rates, below average education results, high welfare participation, dilapidated housing, increasing gang participation, looting, robbery, single parent living, and race-on-race crimes are those states and cities with liberal progressive Democrat leaders. 

You can say and write all you want to contest these facts, but take a look at Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Atlanta, Los Angeles, along with many other progressive liberal Governors of states.
Yes, I'm white, and have African-American friends that I served with in the military, was in high school and college with, and professionally worked with. And I can assure you these African-American friends of mine are ashamed of the Black crime that is escalating in our country at this very minute.

I know the Barry Soeteros and Al Sharptons will claim I'm a racist for saying and/or writing that over 80% of crime committed in this country are at the hands of African-Americans, and over 75% of prisoned criminals are African-Americans. That's not racist, those are pure and simple facts.

I'm just going to close out today's blog with another simple fact that I've been preaching and writing for several years now: Whites, African-Americans, Latinos, American-Indians, and Asians that are from homes with strong family values have a greater opportunity to succeed in this great country, and not fall into a life of crime than those that are raised with little or no family values.

If this blog means I'm not politically correct, that kudos to me. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(please follow me on my You Tube video blog, Politics with Pete)

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