Tuesday, February 10, 2015

R.I.P. Kayla Mueller

I have a granddaughter that has the same first name and is the same age of the beautiful Kayla Mueller that was killed by ISIS. I can't fathom my wonderful 26-year old granddaughter taken from my wife and me, as I can't imagine what the parents of this beautiful young woman are going through now. Her life was snuffed out by evil savages at such an early age.

And what was Kayla Mueller's mission in life? She only wanted to help those suffering in the world today. She was not a military warrior. She was not an enemy of ISIS. She was not trying to convert anyone. She didn't lead any protests against the evil radical Islamist Muslims.

While on her journey to help others Kayla just sought out the good in all she encountered.  Many are asking "what harm did the evil ISIS see in this wonderful young woman"?
She was a warm, loving, and generous selfless young woman. Was she killed just "randomly"?

What possible motive could the ISIS have in killing this young beautiful young woman? What message are they trying to send? Did they do this to honor their Muhammad or their Allah?
Do they really believe that their Allah is happy that they slaughtered a young woman whose only purpose in life was to help others and show love to all she came in contact with.

How can we be sure that the evil savages of ISIS are not planning to do this again and very soon?  It's apparent the evil savages of ISIS have no fear of the world at all. Their mission is to destroy all who will not bow to their Muhammad and Allah. They are intent on raping, torturing, and murdering, even randomly, slaughtering all who will not favor their ideology.

And while the world looks to the United States to lead the charge against these evil savages, our own president won't even address the war ISIS has waged against the world. It even seems our president is actually giving a pass to this ideology. The entire free world calls these evil savages by their correct name: radical Islamist murdering Muslims. Our own president won't.

Our president went on a Vox-TV talk show and called the slaughtering in a Jewish bakery in Paris "a random act by zealots".  He then claimed that the media was "over inflating the stories about ISIL for ratings only". He has even claimed that global warming is a bigger threat than ISIS is to the world. He has gone so far as to compare the evil actions of ISIS to Christians of 1,000 years ago. Really?

The evil ISIS savages know that our president is weak, spineless, and indecisive. They know this weak man will not push back against ISIS. He has even called them "a Junior Varsity team".
Even with the evil slaughtering of Kayla Mueller we all know our president will do absolutely nothing about it. He asks the Congress for money, and all Congress is asking is for the president to tell them his strategy. he doesn't even have a plan to spend this money. He just wants it.

There is only one way to deal with the evil savages of ISIS, and that is to put fear firmly in their hearts. And we do this by approaching them the same way they randomly slay people of the free world. These are evil people that must be eradicated at all costs, including declaring war on them. This spineless leaderless man just wants to keep kicking the can down the road till January, 2017.

Kayla Mueller is the fourth American to be slaughtered. How many more Americans need to be killed before this spineless man in the White House steps forward to do something? Didn't this man take an oath to protect our country from all terrorists, domestic and foreign? There is only one main reason our president is acting this way.....he, himself is a radial Islamist Muslim.

And to join all people of the free world my heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the Mueller family. God bless the memory of your daughter forever. She is with God now.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
(pls. follow me on my You Tube V-blog "Politics with Pete)

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