How many of us have used the phrase, "he/she is a born leader"? Most of us have all interacted with "born" leaders, and we've all used those words "born leader". I'm 79-years young, and I've been around my share of leaders; many I've felt were born leaders, and I've also been around my share of people who had no business in a leadership position.
So, I've always debated the notion, mostly with myself, if leaders are "born", or worked for the role, or in some cases were they even "groomed" by a mentor. I sometimes wonder if leaders have innate qualities that most of us will never achieve no matter how hard we try. And of course some inept leaders are pushed into the position by others for personal gains only.
I've been lucky in my years to have encountered several leaders, some more adept than others.
There were some leaders I didn't care for personally, and certainly didn't want to befriend them, but I sure respected their leadership and ability to make tough decisions. And, of course there were some leaders I personally like, but had no confidence in to lead.
True leaders have the ability, self-confidence, and fortitude to take full responsibility for their actions and decisions. A true leader will make decisions after they research the situation. They will always make the decision in an attempt for a positive outcome for the people that entrust them with the role of leader.
People want to place trust in their leaders that they want to provide support to the leader for a positive outcome. People want to follow their leaders and show support. They only ask that a leader be honest, truthful, and has the best interest of his/her trusting followers. People do not want a leader that places his/her self interests above those of his followers.
Maybe the main ingredient here is that people do not want a leader who lies to its followers, and compounds situations by piling on more lies. Major faults of inept leaders are being untrustworthy, indecisive, shirking responsibilities, and lying. Most people after time will recognize a poor leader. As the great Abe Lincoln so aptly said, "you can fool some people all the time, all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time". Well said Abe.
My point in rambling on in this blog is that our great country, at a time when we truly need a leader that we can rely on, has a man residing in America's White House that is very far removed from having any leadership qualities.
Barry Soetero has displayed time and time again that he cares very little about what is best for the American people. He places his own self interest above all others he has been elected to lead.
He desperately attempts at leaving a worthless legacy to the American people regardless of horrific and sometimes devastating costs to those who elected him to lead.
Barry fully displayed his lack of leadership and care for the safety and security of the American people in his speech yesterday "declaring" war on ISIS. No one likes war. I've lost relatives and friends in war conflicts, but when war is declared, it is supposed to be declared to WIN the war and completely destroy America's enemy.
A true leader does not broadcast to our enemies that "there will be no boots on the ground". Nor will a true leader telegraph to our enemies that "this conflict will last only three years". Remember our true leader Ronald Reagan when he said, "there can be no peace without the show of strength". What this true leader meant was we need to make the enemy fear us BEFORE we go into battle.
Abraham Lincoln was another true leader. I can only think that if Barry Soetero were president in 1861, there would still be slavery, for his selfish Democrat Party was overwhelmingly in favor of slavery.
Never before in the history of our great country do we need a true leader. Maybe one that was "born" a leader, not falsely manufactured for the personal gains of others that do not care about what's best for all Americans.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our toops
(pls. follow me on my You Tube video blog "Politics with Pete")
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