While I was swearing and screaming at the TV this morning my wife was sitting calmly on the couch drinking her second cup of coffee. She then said, "now don't be stupid and write a blog while you're all worked up....calm down". Of course I always get the last word....I meekly said, "Yes dear".
But it just couldn't didn't stop the fuming and outrage. I just kept it inside so "the boss" wouldn't notice. What's my point? Does anyone else feel like I do right about now? Just a useless piece of cheese between two stale slices of bread.
One piece of the stale bread is Barry Soetero and his merry band of evil-doers. The other slice of bread is the gutless Republicans in name only, RINO's. And we Americans are being squeezed right in the middle of these two ugly meaningless "slices of bread".
These two "slices of bread" really think we Americans are stupid and don't see through their camouflage. It's obvious we are at the the mercy of these two power hungry groups are not conducting their actions in the best interest for the freedoms and rights of the people of this country.
First, let's look at what Barry has done and is doing. As recent as today Barry Soetero vetoed the Keystone Pipeline after the bill was successfully passed in the House and Senate. This bill would immediately put a minimum of 42,000 people to work, not to mention ancillary jobs down the road. It's a win-win for all of America. It will lessen our reliance on mid east oil.
It's easy to understand why Barry won't approve the pipeline. He will lose a very large constituency that heavily donates to him. Leading the pack are George Soros and Tom Steyer, both billionaires that have a heavy interest in stopping the pipeline. And who suffers from this? We, the American people; people out of work that want to return to providing for their family.
Since this sorry excuse for a leader has been in America's White House we have suffered through more than twenty, yes twenty scandals. No, I won't take the time to mention them all here. You know what they are, and some of these scandals are still going on.
At the same time Barry stands in front of his teleprompters, shedding crocodile tears reading that if Congress does not fund his Homeland Security law, our great country will lose much of its protection. Of course he hasn't addressed making our country secure by turning our borders into sieves for illegals to just march across.
Barry won't address our war with ISIS. he wants to "make nice" with this evil murderers. Heck, he won't even call them by their correct name. He's actually downplaying the plight of these evil doers, telling America that "the media is overblowing these stories for the sake of ratings". Yeah, right Barry! Today ISIS overtook a village and captured nearly a hundred Christians with promises of slaughter.
And the other "slice of bread" is loaded with Republicans In Name Only (RINOS). They are gutless and afraid of this radical Islamic Muslim. Barry Soetero must be arrested for treason and for unlawfully fulfilling his duties of protecting and doing what is best for America.
Are you going to call your Senator and your Congressman/Woman to voice your complain or or your going to continue being a piece of cheese squeezed between two stale slices of bread?
And that's Politics with Pete for today....God bless our country..and our troops.
(please follow me on my YouTube video blog "Politics with Pete")
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