Saturday, June 28, 2014

The lazy "uninformed"

Rush Limbaugh is a lot nicer than I am. He calls people that don't know or care what's going on as the "uninformed masses, that rely solely on the Democrats to give them a better way of life through income equality". 

I call these people stupid, just plain stupid, and may I add lazy. They have spent their lives drinking the Kool-Aid funneled through the likes of Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson, MSNBC, and the evil jihadist dictator and his husband who live in our White House. This Muslim relied heavily on the word of a pastor who screamed the words, "God d** America". Does anyone know of a minister, priest, or rabbi that would utter such a horrid statement? Well Barry and his husband were, and still are very close to this evil self-proclaimed man of God.

One of my favorite quotes in all this is from the legendary retired NBA star, Charles Barkeley. Sir Charles said, "Poor people been votin' Democrat for a hundred years, and they (sic) still 
poor ".  And I'm not a racist, because I don't care if the uninformed are African-American, Latino, White, Purple, yellow, or blue. They're still just plain stupid, and may I add lazy.

The lazy uninformed (stupid) are figuratively drowning in the Kool-Aid. If this continues this great once powerful  country will be reduced to the United States of Greece. The big problem we face now and in the future is that the lazy, uninformed, stupid, and greedy people just plain don't care. Their attitude is "I'll get mine, anyway I get yours...anyway you can".

These same people never give any thought of what kind of country we're going to leave to our children. Barry, Harry, Holder, and Pelosi won't worry about their financial future, or that of their children for that matter. Do you really think they will be thinking of the Kool-Aid drinkers that voted them in office when they're not in office any more?Nah, don't think so.

And after this evil jihadist and his husband leave office our taxes will still be supporting them.  This administration in our White House now is addicted to power, and they will do anything to keep that power. We only have 126 days left before the mid-term elections, and we should all be prepared that the "Barry & Harry" show will pull out all the stops.

They will use their fawning media outlets to spread lies, deceit, and personal attacks. To them they believe as Adolph Hitler once said, "Doesn't matter what means you use...the end result will always justify whatever means is used".  Big example of this is just a few days ago the little screaming monkey on MSNBC at 6:00 EST opened his show with, "Let's start today's show with breaking news out of Wisconsin....Governor Walker is being prosecuted for voter fraud".

And we all know the outcome of that lie. Just two days later, it was announced that there were no charges filed against Governor Walker. MSNBC and Sharpton never bothered to care or check their facts. They just saw it as an opportunity to smear someone who is running for office on the GOP ticket. 

The good news, no great news, is that you, me, and millions of Americans will get the last word in 126 days. On that day we will have more power than even Dingy Harry, who refuses to bring any bill to the Senate floor that the House has passed. We even have Democrat Senators that want to pass the Keystone Pipeline bill, but Harry is hanging on to the coat tails of the billionaire donor Tom Steyer, who has proclaimed he will not donate any funds to any Democrat running for office that votes for the opening of Keystone. The House has already passed the bill to open the pipeline, but the senile Dingy Harry will not even bring it to the Senate floor.

Does it seem like Dingy Harry wants to create jobs for high-unemployed Americans? No, he's only interested in keeping his own power, and that of his evil dictator in our White House.

Folks, never lose sight of the powers our Founding Fathers gave us 238 years ago. We, all of us, have the power to throw Harry to the pits of irrelevancy. And maybe with a GOP-led House and Senate we can convince the Supreme Court to bring criminal charges against this evil dictator in our White House. God forbid if we don't take back out Senate and keep our House.

We must spread the word so the lazy uninformed will stop drinking and swimming in Barry's Kool-Aid.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Don't dance yet

Yes, we've all been encouraged by the recent polls showing Americans have lost all confidence in anything Barry Soetero is doing with our economy, along with his foreign police.  Many GOP and Tea Party enthusiasts are already dancing around with fist bumps claiming victory in the November mid-term elections.

Please don't start doing any victory dances yet folks. We must be prepared for the evil lies, promises, campaigning, and all other tactics that the "Barry & Harry" show will be bringing to Americans. Do you honestly think either of these two care about working class Americans or our failed foreign policy? No, they don't; they only think of their own personal gains and their power.

There is nothing people like these two will not do to hold on to their power. Let's be realistic; Barry doesn't care at all, because he's in solid for another two years.  He continues to do exactly what he wants to do, and that is to continue to create new scandals and corruptions with great speed, so we will forget all about his most recent scandal or act of corruption.

Some states allow cross party primary voting, so what does Thad Cochran do to keep his seat while he's campaigning? He tells the Democrat African-Americans that if McDaniels wins the primary he will surely take away their entitlements, and will try to stop them from voting.

Of course we all know that's absurd, but in Mississippi it worked. Do you see the pattern here? You can bet that the "Barry & Harry" team will campaign that if the GOP takes back the Senate and keeps the House then Americans can expect to lose their entitlements; unemployment, food stamps, "affordable health care, and will cause the earth to burn through global "heat".

What else can you expect the progressive libs to run on? I'm not going to list all the scandals and corruptions that have occurred under Barry's watch, and the shape our country is in now.  You already know what they are, but I just ask you to objectively look into the next two years if Barry and Harry remain in Senatorial power. 

Can you just imagine the scandals and acts of corruption that will emerge in 2015 and 2016? Let's also not forget the Barry & Harry duo will have Holder protecting them.  At least if we keep the House and take the Senate back  we'll find Barry on the golf course and his husband Michael on vacation. They won't be in our White House, which is great news for all Americans. 

The biggest problem we face is that so very many Americans are very, very uninformed. To them Barry is their savior, their hero, who just spreads his hands and bestows riches upon them. He actually has convinced the millions of these uninformed Americans that they are better off with him in power, and they wouldn't have a thing without him.

It seems no matter the damage this evil man does there will be those that claim he's doing a great job as their "Dear Leader".  Just yesterday I challenged a golfing buddy of mine who's a strong Barry Kool-Aid drinker, asking, "what has your pal Obama done for the good of the country these past six years"?  After several seconds of awkward silence all my buddy could come up with was, "Well, he's still better than Bush".

Is this what Americans want? Two more years of the "Barry & Harry" show? I don't think so folks. Just a reminder, we have 3,096 hours (129 days) left to walk into that voting booth and take our first step.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 


Monday, June 23, 2014

Calling John Walsh

I lived in California for thirty-five years before I relocated back to my roots in N.E. Ohio. During that time I spent four years as the media relations spokesperson and volunteer board president for the California branch of John Walsh's National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (N.C.M.E.C.)

I was proud to represent John Walsh and his N.C.M.E. creed. I went to schools and talked to children of all ages on the subjects of "stranger-danger", personal rights of children of all ages, drug and alcohol abuse, and even date rape to older high school age children. I represented the California branch working with the FBI on cases of missing children.

Our them was always, and still is that our greatest natural resources are our children, not energy, oil, gas, etc. It's the children of the world that will bring this country to world peace or world destruction. Our job is to help them walk the right path.  I always tell people I was raised by Italian immigrant parents on LSD, (Love, Support, Discipline). And my two sisters and I turned out pretty good.

The evil jihadist Muslim dictator in our White House is committing child abuse to its highest degree. He is allowing underage male and female children to travel from far Central American countries like San Salvador, Ecuador, and Mexico unattended. the young underage children, some even babies, are traveling without the proper health caring, food, clothes, and emotional care.

From my years of working in N.C.M.E.C. focusing on child abuse prevention I can unequivocally say that what the evil jihadist Muslim Barry Soetero did by declaring open borders for children is pure child abuse.

We should direct a platoon or even a regiment of military police to go to our White House and arrest this child abuser. It's that simple folks. Does anyone think this man cares at all about the young and vulnerable children? Of course not. He cares only about advancing his evil agenda.

If we can't arrest him, then at least let's take the first step in 3,144 hours (131 days) when we have the voting power to remove this criminal from our White House. Don't lose sight of this.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Stop screaming at your TV

Come on now, admit it. How many times have your sworn or screamed at your poor inanimate object called your loyal TV? I admit I do, to the point that when NHL playoff hockey and college's March Madness is on my wife leaves the room.

Of course I'm a proud Fox news junkie, and it's on TV throughout the day. If I want to take a Sunday afternoon nap I'll turn on a baseball or golf game. Nothing against baseball or golf, but really,  to see a beer or auto commercial between every pitch or golf shot. Nah, not for me.

What I'm trying to get to in a subtly humorous way is that when you watch TV and see what this White House Muslim is doing to our country with the support of Dingy Harry and "hold 'em" Holder it becomes very easy to take out your frustrations by screaming at your TV.

So my wife and I delivered an ultimatum to each other. After Fox's Special Report with Bret Bier at 6:00 PM EST, we stop watching news on TV. The TV is either shut off or we watch pre-recorded programs.I do tape the "Kelly File". When I need a laugh, I switch over to Rev. Al when Fox is on break. This guy, Sharpton, is a riot. Even with his screaming I can't understand a word he's yelling. But he sure is good for a laugh. The reason, and I pass this on to others, it's hard to relax to sleep after watching the decline of our country, both economically and socially.

Folks, screaming and swearing at the TV while listening to news of lost IRS emails, thousands of illegals crossing our borders daily, Obamacare, no help in retrieving our lost Marine from Mexico, the Benghazi debacle will not do a thing to help these tragedies.

We have 132 days to help all we can to get the vote out to take our first step in reversing the tragedies that Obama has thrown at Americans. Keeping the House and taking back the Senate will send a strong message to Barry Soetero, Reid, Holder, Pelosi, and Jarret.  It will be our first step in telling Barry..."we ain't taking it anymore".

Of course it's not going to be easy. We must all be prepared that the liberal progressives will run on "if the Republicans take over the Senate and keep the House, they will take away all your entitlements; food stamps, unemployment, housing subsidies, and free education for immigrants". You can bet this will be their main mantra.

After the damage this narcissistic self-centered ego maniac has done in his first six years, can you imagine the further damage he's already planning to damage our country. We must take our first step to stop this man. There really are no other pliable options.

This is our greatest and maybe our last golden opportunity to turn our country around before it's too late. Don't let it pass us by. If you don't do everything you can we may just fail, and will have only ourselves to blame.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country..and our troops

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

American Gestapo?

Whenever the stories would pop up surrounding "Barry Soetero's Personal Army" I would pay it a little attention, but always felt , "Ah, it could never happen here in the good old U.S.A."  I always believed the words of a news anchor that reported the greatest Army this country has is the Army of citizens that live by the Second Amendment. My wife and I both have our license to carry a firearm, and I hit the shooting range twice a week. Also make my own re-loads.

But here's a true story, straight from our granddaughter, that happened to her just this past Friday. She is working, while finishing up her senior year in college, married to a great guy, and has a 6-month old daughter that we baby-sit for every Friday.

Our granddaughter is a drop-dead gorgeous 25-year old that doesn't smoke, no drugs, and just enjoys an occasional beer. She has never broken the law; not so much as a parking or speeding ticket. So driving to our house to pick up her daughter she sees the infamous flashing lights behind her, so she immediately pulled over.

Here'sthe conversation: Officer: "License and registration were going 15 miles over the speed limit....and let me have your cell phone". Granddaughter: "Here's my license and registration, but my cell phone is in my purse". Officer: (in a stern voice) "I said, give me your cell phone".

With license, registration, and cell phone in hand the officer went back to his car, and was gone a long time. When he finally returned to my granddaughter's car she began her plead "for a break", stating that she had never been stopped, has never broken the law, etc.,  and was just on her way from work to pick up her daughter.

As he issued the speeding citation he said something that I had never heard before, and I've gotten my share of speeding tickets as a traveling salesman over the years. Officer: "We've been issued a Government iniative to keep our streets safe".  He then turned around and walked bck to his car without another word.

As he was walking back to his car my granddaughter said: " Why did you take so long, and why did you take my cell phone"? The officer never spoke, just closed his door, and drove away.
When my granddaughter finished her story to us my wife turned to me and said, "get out to your man-cave and make more re-loads for the .38's and .357".

This scenario takes me back to the words of Thomas Jefferson. He said the Second Amendment was not only for Americans to have rifles for hunting. The main reason for the Second Amendment was for citizens to have the right to arm themselves against any tyranny of their government.

I really believe this is only happening because we have a Muslim living in our White House. It's obvious he hates Christians, along with our own military.  I am now paying attention to stories of Abrams tanks and billions of rounds of hollow points for our Homeland Security Department.

This man is doing nothing for our country. He stood by on the Benghazi scandal because the terrorists were, like him, Muslims. He refuses to try to get the Christian woman freed from prison in the middle east, who is threatened to die in prison because she gave up her Islamic religion for Christianity. Not a word from Barry.

He refuses to even ask Mexico to free our decorated Marine held in a Mexican prison, that has not even committed a crime. This reflects his hatred for our military. There is only one simple reason that he traded five jihadist radicals for one Army traitor; it's because he's a Muslim.

There's a book out called The Black House, written by a former Secret Service agent. I think the author is Paul Horner. I'm trying to get the book on Amazon or Kindle. The book is designed to clear up any doubt as to the Muslim beliefs of this man in our White House.

I don't care that there's no birth certificate for this man, or there's no former girl friend stories, or there's no college transcripts, or there's no wedding pictures, or there's no pregnant pictures of his wife, or there's no baby pictures. No I don't care, but wouldn't you like to know WHY there's no evidence of these things?

Folks, it is really time to wake up. This man wants to create a dictatorship, and adopt the eight laws of his Communist leader, Saul Alinsky. Are we going to let him do this to us? Are we going to let the scandals pile up to the point where this dictator just laughs and says, "that's just old news"

There's only 3,288 hours (138 days) left for us to take our first step to stop this dictatorship. Don't just say you're going to vote; go and talk to people, and get the vote out. Our freedom is at stake here. And oh yeah, take the conceal carry exam and learn how to handle a firearm.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops


Friday, June 13, 2014

Had you known?

When you're my age getting through a morning two-mile walk and struggling with the Nautilus equipment at the gym every day is tough. So you focus on other things to get your mind off what your poor body is enduring.

Today my old and senile mind wandered to fantasizing about having a personal talk  individually with each  American who voted that allowed the dictator, Barry Soetero, to reside in our White House. Some of these voters were so taken with this jihadist Muslim that they even voted four times; twice in 2008, and twice in 2012. Even some dead people voted...huh?

There are so many questions I would like to ask these voters. I would start off with "would you have voted for Barry" HAD YOU KNOWN he was going to increase our national debt by over $6.trillion?  Then I would ask, HAD YOU KNOWN that Barry would increase the food stamp distribution to nearly 50 million Americans, while being in office less than six years would you still have voted for him?

Would you have voted for Barry HAD YOU KNOWN that while refusing to drill for our own oil here in the U.S. and refusing to open the Keystone pipeline our gas prices would rise from $1.84 to $4.00 per gallon during his first term?

HAD YOU KNOWN that this dictator in our White House was going to "freely give' arms to the Mexican cartel that eventually killed an honored border patrol agent would you have voted for him? Would you have voted for this man HAD YOU KNOWN he was going to allow the NSA to arbitrarily spy on any American citizen it wanted and take away our right to privacy?

Would you have voted for this man HAD YOU KNOWN he was going to allow our own IRS to target specific GOP groups to prohibit them from receiving legal tax provisions?

Would you have voted for this man HAD YOU KNOWN he and his Secretary of State just stood by and did absolutely nothing when they knew that our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans were being slaughtered by terrorists, even when Ambassador Stevens asked for support earlier in the week?
  Would you have voted for this man HAD YOU KNOWN he was going to roll out and  claim a completely failed healthcare plan as his legacy? Then when his healthcare plan failed as a "legacy" he broke the law by allowing thousands of illegal children to crash our border while our own economy is suffering. Would you have voted for him HAD YOU KNOWN this was going to occur?

Would you have voted for this man HAD YOU KNOWN he knew for years that our honored heroic veterans were not receiving proper medical attention at our VA facilities throughout our country; thousands of veterans even died for lack of attention?

HAD YOU KNOWN this man was going to release the five worst jihadist radical Muslims back into the Taliban world for nothing more than an exchange for an AWOL deserter that went walked off his post and became a terrorist warrior would you have voted for him?

Would you have voted for this man HAD YOU KNOWN that after over five years in office our Gross Domestic Product would now be in a minus state, and the average income for American families would drop by over $5,000?

Lastly, for now, I would like to individually ask every American that voted twice for this man WHAT DID HE ACCOMPLISH IN HIS FIRST TERM THAT YOU'D LIKE HIM TO REPEAT IN HIS SECOND TERM?

Can you hear that deadly silence?

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Thursday, June 12, 2014

First step

Yesterday, on the backs of the good people of the state of Virginia, America took its first step in taking back our country. Popular House Majority leader Eric Cantor sided with White House jihadist ruler Barry Soetero in trying to integrate the amnesty program, and it cost him his reelection, and furthermore his bid go become Speaker of the House, which could have been dangerous for all.

Well, it became one of the main ingredients in the downfall of Mr. Cantor.  Dear Leader Barry Soetero declared that any underage illegal that crosses the border will be protected.  Barry's directive was so powerful that it reached as far into the South America as Ecuador. 

Actually Ecuadorian TV and radio stations were urging young people to storm the U.S.'s borders in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. Thousands upon thousands of young illegals crashed our borders to the point where our border patrol agents just threw up their hands and stepped aside to let the young illegals pass through. 

Dictator Soetero promised young people from Central and South America that they will be protected when they cross over into the U.S. It has now escalated into a criminal and health issue. Children are carrying certain communicable diseases that can potentially spread wildly in our country. 

Drug cartels are sending older teenagers across the border to infiltrate our society so the cartels will find it easier to establish drug smuggling. And to make the situation more deplorable there are now criminals urging families of young Latino children that they will accompany their young children across the border, only to sell them into sex slavery once they cross the border. Sex trafficking is already beginning among these young Latino children.

There is only one reason the jihadist Muslim Soetero is doing this, and that is to gain favor for votes for the mid-term elections. He cares absolutely nothing about what the influx of the Latino children will do to our already declining economy, and what it could do to all Americans and the young Latinos.

I know I'm not the only American who strongly believes these situations Dictator Soetero is forcing on us are impeachable offenses. This man must be impeached.  He failed at making Obamacare his legacy, and now he's trying to make amnesty his legacy. With the proper votes this November we can make his amnesty ruling a failure also.

The good people of Virginia, with the support of Tea Party advocates, tremendously helped America take our first step. Let's keep the momentum moving forward for America. 

If we have resounding victories in the House and Senate this November we may be "veto-proof" against the Dictator Soetero, and begin to overturn his criminal executive orders. Without Reid controlling the Senate we may be large enough to even begin impeachment hearings. I have a strong feeling our Supreme Court may even allow impeachment hearings to go forward.

Americans cannot and must not let this golden chance pass us by. We have to start spreading the word to get the GOP vote out. Don't get caught up in which Republican candidate you favor. Never forget our goal is to oust Democrats so they cannot destroy our country any further.

We have only 3,432 hours; 143 days to get ready for the November mid-terms. Don't let this pass us by. We owe it to our future generations.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Monday, June 9, 2014

Journalism today=Lies today

As soon as I was old enough to understand the news, many, many years ago I listened to and watched the icons Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, Paul Harvey, and my two very favorites Huntley-Brinkley report the news honestly and fairly.

On the radio was this reporting journalist with a deep baritone voice. He was also reporting the news on the newsreels in the movie theater every week. Wish I could remember his name.

But more than just watching and listening I also believed in these truthful news journalists. When Cronkite, Murrow, Harvey, Huntley, and Brinkley spoke I listened with an open and respectful mind. I remember Cronkite broadcasting the news on the day J.F. Kennedy was slain.

At the end of Cronkite's career he became a little too over-opinionated for me, but I always held him in high esteem.  Walter Cronkite was a man of honest news reporting, and never viciously attacked any who disagreed with him, or the news that he personally didn't want to report.

I still listen to Paul Harvey's 1965 three-minute broadcast. I encourage everyone to listen to that broadcast and think about what the jihadist Muslim in our White House is doing to us now.

Back to journalistic reporting: With the advent of TV cable news Americans are flooded and inundated with "personal" news reporting. Yes, I'm a Fox News junkie, but it's not because I'm a conservative Republican. It's because Fox is the the closest to reporting the news fairly.

No, I don't agree with everything that is aired from that network. I'm not a big fan of O'Reilly, as I believe he's too self-centered for me, and I wonder if he's just in it for the ratings. After O'Reilly called Barry Soetero a patriot I cancelled my premium membership from his show.

But for heaven's sake take a look at the garbage that's spewing out from the likes of Dianne Sawyer, Brian Williams, Charlie Rose, and what cable TV is presenting from MSNBC and CNN. The line-up at MSNBC is a complete disgrace to ethical fair news reporting.

Really? Can Comcast and MSNBC really call Matthews, Maddow, Schultz, O'Donnel, and Sharpton ethical and fair journalists? These so-called journalists are really the National Inquirer of cable news. They are really nothing more than a "rag" magazine news outlet.

This cable outlet is known for nothing more than "carrying the water" for Barry Soetero. And should you voice a strong disagreement with them you can be sure you'll be labeled a racist by the likes of Matthews and Sharpton.

Starting with Sgt. Schultz the entire MSNBC network is avidly declaring that the Army soldiers that fought in Afghanistan along side of the AWOL deserter and traitor Bowe Burgdahl are liars and psychopaths.  

This rag magazine network is working hard to discredit these fine Army soldiers because they disagree with the trade that Barry made of releasing the five worst jihad radical Muslims from Camp Gitmo for one AWOL deserter that has declared himself a warrior of the jihad Taliban.

Yes, we all know that journalism and the dissemination of  news has changed dramatically with the advent of the cable TV and the Internet. However, one aspect should never change, and that is honesty, integrity, and truthfulness in reflecting news to the American people, and that is something that is sorely absent in many news networks today.

We have young men and women barely old enough to vote, even some too young to even enjoy a beer that volunteer to wear our military uniform. They go to a foreign country and swear an oath that they will even die to protect the rights and freedoms of Americans they don't even know.

These men and women are heroes through and through, unlike the treasonous AWOL traitor that abandoned his post; just walked off, and stated how much he hated the American military for their actions in the middle east.  Mr. Bergdahl should tell that to the 3,000 Americans that lost their lives on 9-11.

And yet the jihadist radical Muslim that resides in our White House released five of the most dangerous jihadist Taliban ruthless killers only to have this treasonous AWOL traitor returned to the U.S.  Of course the media along with Kerry, Holder, Pelosi, and Jarrett are saying good old Barry did the right thing. And While they spew this garbage these news networks are calling member of Bergdahl's unit liars and psychopaths.  Is this the way we treat our men and women who volunteer to fight and die for our rights and freedoms?

But please do not throw your hands up and give up folks. The great thing we do have left to us by our Founding Fathers is that in 146 days; yes that's only 3,504 hours we can take our first step to push back against this jihadist radical Muslim that lives in America's White House, and restore this country to the greatness it so richly had before he cam into office.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


"REID IS ALL WE NEED" should be the battle cry of our Republican/Tea Party as we campaign to take back our Senate this November in the mid-terms.  Removing Dingy Harry Reid from the Senate leadership should be all the incentive our Grand Old Party needs to get the vote out in 151 days. Folks, that's only 3,624 hours away.

Harry Reid's job as Senate majority leader is easily defined, and just as easily understood, as he continues to mislead the American people, his own Democrat party, and the very core of our Constitution.

We must never, ever forget Reid's main charter is to protect the the jihadist Muslim we have in our White House. His main way of doing this is to not allow any passages from the House to even arrive on the Senate floor. Even when Dingy Harry's Democrat Senator colleagues approve of the passings from the House.

This man cares nothing at all about the good and future of Americans. He only cares about keeping the flow of lies, deceit, and corruption from Barry Soetero through the Senate and out to the American people. 

And Dingy Harry is thoroughly enjoying the on-going battle with the GOP establishment versus the Tea Party Republicans. Harry figures if this fight continues through November there may be enough "split" votes for the Democrats to keep the Senate.

People this is exactly what this evil man wants...a split in the Republican voting bloc. Right now we have to think ahead. The truth is we must, yes must, remove this evil corrupt, deceitful man from his role as Senate majority leader. 

This man carries Barry Soetero's "water", and will not allow any House-Senate debates on any matters facing our country today.  His role, on direct orders from the jihadist in our White House, is to just prevent and block any and all discussions from the House. 

This is extremely serious folks. Our country cannot afford two more years of this corrupt criminal Harry Reid. We can have a bright future for the next two years if we can send corrupt Harry Reid out to pasture.  

Yes, we must horribly endure Barry Soetero's last two years in our White House, but with the House and Senate in the Republican majority we can rest assured that the jihadist Muslim in our White House will spend his remaining two years on the golf course and/or vacationing with his husband Michael.

We have a golden chance in 150 days, to take our first step to get our great country back on the right path. Don't let this evil corrupt man split our great Republican party.  If we don't do this folks, we may have more disastrous scandals in the next two years that we could very well never recover from.

REID IS ALL WE NEED should be the main incentive we need going into the November mid-term elections. Just think about him while walking into the voting booth.

This incentive should be our battle cry. Please spread the word. And who knows, with a Republican controlled House and Senate we may even be able to start impeachment hearings against the jihadist Muslim in the American's White House.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Had enough? Want more?

As a disc jockey once said, "and the hits keep coming". What more proof do we need that in our hallowed and beloved White House there is a jihadist Muslim radical living under its roof with the support of American taxpayer dollars.

This man, Barry Soetero, is drawing closer and closer to the becoming the dictator that Hitler became in the '30's and '40's in Europe. This man is treasonous. He pays no attention to the House, Senate, even the Supreme Court.

It's not like we didn't see this coming. Remember when he bragged, "I've got the pen, and I ain't waiting around for Congress".  He has broken laws, he has turned his back on our Constitution, and with Reid and Holder in his back pocket, who is going to stop this dictator?

This self-declared dictator is such a weak leader that he just lets the scandals build up and then after a year into the scandal when a decision is not reached he just says, "Oh that....that's just old news".

And now, as if all those scandals surrounding Fast & Furious, Beghazi, DOJ, IRS, and the NSA weren't enough good old dictator Barry, aka, Hitler Jr., has just put the frosting on the cake. And did you notice he did it over the weekend?

If there is anyone out there who doesn't believe we have a radical Muslim in our White House please contact me. I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, and some swamp land in Florida for lease. 

What this radical Muslim, Barry Soetero, did while in America's White House was commit an act of treason, and he should be impeached immediately. No, I'm not being overly critical about this demand. This man actually traded the five most vicious Jihadists from Camp Gitmo back to the Taliban for one Army Sgt., Bowe Bergdahl. 

Bowe Bergdahl is not a soldier that deserved to be "traded". He walked off his post and committed AWOL. he deserted his U.S. Army status, while declaring America  "killed Afghans".
 This AWOL Army deserter  continues to spew hatred for America, and refuses to speak English since the infamous trade. He speaks only Arabic.

And what of the five terrorists released from Gitmo? Oh no, these were not just any Gitmo prisoners. These five were the most brutal Jihadists at Gitmo. These Johadists actually went into a village and slit the throats of men in front of their families. The Taliban Jihadist leaders are calling this trade a gigantic victory.

And all the while this is going on the Jihadist radical Muslim that lives in our White House refuses to pick up the telephone to call the president of Mexico to obtain the release of a true U.S. Marine combat hero, that's been in a Mexican prison for no criminal act against Mexico.  And does anyone want to even discuss the five U.S. Army soldiers that were killed while on patrol in Afghanistan looking for the treasonous AWOL deserter Bergdahl?

It's common knowledge that Barry is losing his Democrat base, and my prediction is that just before the mid-terms in November he will close Gitmo and release all the Jihadists back into the terrorist world. 

It's hard to believe that every American will not take our first step this November to stop this dictator from wreaking more havoc on this great country, by walking into their voting booth and vote to stop this dictatorship.

I truly hope this Muslim mad man spends his remaining two and a half years vacationing and on golf courses. In this way he won't be in the Oval office making treasonous decisions. What else is he going to do to prove he's nothing more than a Hitler-type dictator? 

We have our chance in just 151 days folks. Don't let it pass us by.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.