Of course most remember the old Arlo Guthrie song of "This land is our land......." Well someone should tell that to Dingy Harry Reid and his corrupt son. They have even hired rogue police and state officers to kill and bury some of Cliven Bundy's cattle.
Well, the corrupt Reid wants to change the lyrics to Guthrie's song to "Your land is my land". And do you want to know why? Why it's because the corrupt Reid & Son team have already made a deal with a group called ENN to set up a gigantic solar panel farm on the grazing land where Bundy and his family feed and raise their cattle.
And why, you ask, is this such a big deal that Dingy Harry is even calling Cliven Bundy a "domestic terrorist"? Harry and his evil corrupt son are running scared because he knows that America is standing strong behind the Bundys, and this may hurt their deal.
Well, Dingy Harry even has the media chiming in with this stupid accusation. Did anyone watch Sgt. Schultz, of MSNBC, claiming Fox News is inciting riots and domestic terrorism because Sean Hannity reported favorably on the Bundy debacle. And yet the management at Comcast is scratching their heads wondering why Fox's ratings are sky high, while MSNBC'S ratings are in he basement,
And talk about race-baiting.....MSNBC went so far as to theorize that if Bundy were Black then the GOP would be screaming for the Feds to go in their with guns blazing. And this Administration was supposed to unite the races in our country. Think not.
How come the media won't report that our own Federal Government hired rogue snipers that actually shot, killed, and buried bulls grazing on Bundy's land? How come the media calls Bundy a terrorist that owe's the "wonderful" IRS several thousand dollars, but won't say a word that the evil race baiter Sharpton owes $1.9 million in back taxes, while Holder and Barry Soetero are key note speakers at Al's NAN convention?
Barry Soetero is a disgrace to the office of the Presidency, and is the laughing stock around the world starting with Putin. And where is the media in all this? Why they are still carrying the water for this man who has us all wondering why he caters so much to the Muslim nations. I have an idea, but that's for a later blog.
However, folks, the good news is that in 192 days we can take our first step to fix this. No, we won't get rid of Barry and his husband Michael, but with a good solid GOP House and Senate we'll be able to send Barry to the golf course instead of OUR White House, and Michael can go on vacation and shut up about obese America. Has Michael looked in the mirror lately at his wide derriere?
Don't give up folks; spread the word; 192 days left.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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