I remember our Gaffer-in-Chief Joe "Bite me" Biden on the campaign trail during this past presidential election. He was out there stumping across the country yelling at the audiences, "GM is alive and Al Qaeda is dead and on the run".
We all knew then and it's been confirmed now that good old gaffer Joe certainly had it backwards. He should have been honest with the American people, because we all now know that GM is dead....and Al Qaeda is very much alive. Maybe Joe just read the teleprompter wrong.
What's really sad is the American people are being kept from the real truth. Our main stream media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will not bring forward the real facts to us. They spend all their broadcast time attacking those who will not agree with Barry Soetero and their own biased network agenda.
I get teased a lot about being a "Fox News junkie", and I certainly admit to being a strong leaning conservative Republican. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, I also watch Fox because they will have many contributors on their shows that are in complete disagreement with the conservative views. I like to get ALL views of the current news.
The deranged culprits in all this are the media. I consider the "Fab-5" as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC. You can be assured that the Fab-5 will not report the news fairly; the truthful news that Americans want to see and hear.
To me one of the biggest miscarriages of journalistic reporting eminated from Dingy Harry Reid and Senator Shameful Schummer. Both of these have very short memories. They are both on the record decimating the Koch brothers for contributing to the Republican Party. In fact both Schummer and Reid have called the Koch brothers "un-American".
And yet no one from the Fab-5 will report that both Schummer and Reid in 2003, and 2008 received donations for their congressional races from the Koch brothers. Also, both Dingy Harry and Clueless Charlie even wrote letters of thanks to the Koch brothers. And you wonder why Fox leads the networks in news reporting.
The continuous onslaught of the Koch brothers goes on because of their generous donations to the GOP, yet on the list of overall donations to the Dems or GOP the Koch brothers are ranked fifty-ninth. Yes, they rank 59th on the scale of political donations, but because most of their donations go to the GOP this makes them evil un-Americans by the standards of Reid and Schummer.
Of course the Fab-5 just eats this up. In fact this is usually a lead-off on some of the Fab-5 programs. How come the Fab-5 won't tell us who is in the top five on the donor's list? I'll tell you who....it's the evil man who helped Hitler eradicate Jews in Europe, and now his donations are for the liberal progressive Dems only. His name? George Soros. But don't ever except to see or hear this on the Fab-5 networks.
Ah, if only. There is no way the Fab-5 will ever report truthful news to the American people. Well there are some "fantasy" ways they may just start reporting news with integrity, honesty, and truth. Imagine Sarah Palin, Dr. Carson, Col. West, Condi Rice, and some others as Democrats instead of Republicans.
How about Sharpton? If he were a Republican he would be thrown out of MSNBC's nearest window. How about the leg tingler Matthews...would he make a great GOP broadcaster? Recently a group of African-American youth thugs were taunting passing cars, even pounding on the sides as the car or truck went by. A ten-year old African-American, in his taunting, got too close, fell, and the driver ran over his leg. Clearly the ten-year old was at fault.
Yet the white driver jumped out of his truck and raced over to help the young African-American thug. Soon, ten African-American thugs rushed over and beat the white truck drive while he was assisting the ten-year old. A witness heard one of the Black thugs yell, "Let's get whitey". Today, that white truck driver is in intensive care in a coma. Anyone hear about this on the Fab-5?
Now just reverse this scenario. Let's say the driver was African-American and the thugs were white. You can bet old Rev. Sharpton would be parading all over the streets with that story.
But folks, there is a big, beautiful, and bright light at the end of the tunnel, and it's only 200 days away. It's called the November 4, 2014 House and Senate elections. This may be one of our greatest opportunities to take back our country. Please, let's not waste it.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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