It seems today that "being held in contempt" is almost like a badge of honor...well at least notoriety is certainly gained. Being held in contempt is about as punishing as Barry Soetero's sanctions against Iran and Putin, or as punishing as Tax fraud Rangel's Congressional sanction.
Barry's threat to Asaad of Syria of "crossing the red line in the sand", is as fearful as when I used to yell at my young daughters years ago, "don't let me come back there" as they were being mischievous in the back of the station wagon on a family trip. Have you noticed how frightened Putin and Iran are when Barry sanctioned them and held them in contempt? Yeah, they're really scared of big bad Barry.
One of the biggest tax frauds ever in Congress is Charles Rangel. he should have been kicked out of Congress a long time ago. Instead, then House majority leader Nancy Pelosi just banged her gavel and uttered, "Congressman Rangel, we in Congress now sanction you". Wow, I bet that scared old tax cheat Rangel.
The truth is a sanction and a contempt along with $1.25 only gets you a cup of coffee at MacDonalds. Today sanctions and contempt assignments are passed out like candy at Halloween.
There are those progressive libs, led by Rep. Cummings that are desperately trying to get Issa's committee to stop investigating Lois Lerner. We all wondered why. Then we discovered that Lerner was filtering her IRS sneaky tactics to Cummings.
Is there any doubt that Lois Lerner is guilty of betraying her position at the IRS? Why else would she plead the Fifth Amendment? Why is Cummings so adamant in his defense of her? We all now know why. Yes, we all know Lerner and Cummings are guilty, but you can bet the Holder and his DOJ misfits will do nothing about it.
Oh, someday down the road Lerner and Cummings will be found guilty and found "in contempt" or be "sanctioned". But my response is a big fat SO WHAT?
Congressional sanctions and contempts should be followed with a healthy monetary fine and jail time. I guarantee that contempt assignments and sanctions will definitely be taken a lot more serious. Did you notice how Holder has reacted since the House found him in contempt? As viewed by us all, he practically gave the middle finger to Rep. Gohmert.
For the past two days my wife has been vehemently insisting that I clean the garage instead of being on the couch watching The Masters from Augusta. Today she yelled at me, "you're in contempt, and I'm sanctioning you". However, unlike Congress, my wife did levy a fine against me, but I can't write it here in my blog.
Seriously folks, we can take our first step to stop all this Congressional nonsense in just 197 short days. Please let's not let this golden chance pass us by. And what I say to all this? Contempt and Sanction this!!
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops
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