Wife and I were at a family gathering yesterday. Loud, crazy bunch, made up mostly of Italian-Americans. Love 'em like crazy. Most of us going ga-ga over the new 4-month family member. Some even arguing over whose turn it is to hold hold her, until however she spit up. She actually "left" some of her milk on my sweater.
A couple of us "old people" were discussing the upcoming November mid-term elections. Most everyone who knows me knows that I'm more conservative than Rush Limbaugh. Anyway we were discussing that if the GOP doesn't take back the Senate and retain the House we're going to be in trouble for the rest of Barry Soetero's two years.
I pointed to my 23-year old granddaughter and remarked, "hope these young people realize what faces them in the future, and gets out to vote to stop Reid and his band of crooks". She quickly asked, "Who's Reid"? All I could retort was "What"? She then floored me with, "not everyone is a news junkie like you...besides I don't even vote". With that, she went back to texting on her I-phone.
Then out of nowhere a 71-year old family member spoke out and said, "Oh, I've never voted, and don't ever intend to". Of course this ignited me, but before I could utter a word, my commander-in-chief, also known as my wife, spoke two stern words, "Pete....NO!!". So, there I sat in silence wondering why people turn their backs on the privilege and rights given to us by our Constitution.
Wonder just how these people would react if tomorrow they woke up to find that their right and privilege to vote has been rescinded, and they could never vote again.
In 196 days we go to the polls. This will be our greatest opportunity in the past six years to take a stand, and take our first step to getting our country back. If we don't take back the Senate, and worse, lose the House, you can expect Barry Soetero's last two years in our White House will be just the beginning of the downfall of the economic structure of our country.
Is there anyone who wants Dingy Harry Reid to maintain the Senate leadership? More importantly, can you imagine what Barry Soetero will do in his last two years if Dingy Harry stays in command of our Senate? It could very well be the most disastrous time in our history
For those who think their vote won't make a difference I remind them of those words from a song I've always liked, ".....if everyone just lit one little candle......". And, for those that don't get out to vote for us to take back the Senate and keep the House, then they are certainly part of the problem.
I leave today's blog with; if Americans don't take this opportunity to vote Reid out of his command this November then Americans will get exactly what they deserve. God save us then.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops.
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