Thursday, April 24, 2014

I'm so proud to carry!

My wife is always screaming at me, "Quit telling people, especially strangers, that you have guns, and carry all the's no one's business".  She gets upset with my response, "I want the world to know I believe in my 2nd. Amendment right, and just maybe some crook out there will think twice about breaking into our home or mugging us when we're out in public".  Of course she always gets the last word, "You're nuts".  By the way, my wife also has a license to conceal carry a firearm.

My target shooting buddy and I agree that all conceal-carry citizens should have a lanyard around their neck specifying they are carrying. I think it's a great idea. Maybe gun criminals would think twice before mugging some Americans. Do you really think gun criminals pay attention to signs that prohibit guns? That just tells the criminals they will be the only people with firearms, and it's safe to rob the place.

I get bombarded a lot by many who believe that guns should be banned, outlawed, and not allowed to be carried by Americans. Wouldn't it be great if we could just use some common sense in this controversyYes, common sense laid out by our Founding Fathers in our Constitution.

I feel more and more Americans are using common sense when it comes to firearms. The Governor of Georgia has just expanded the conceal-carry rights for the citizens of Georgia; as to where they can carry their firearms. More states are following up to loosen the conceal carry restrictions for Americans across the country.

Why are gun sales soaring across the country? As a firearms ammunition re-loader I can attest that it is becoming more and more difficult to locate and purchase gun powder, primers, and projectiles.  I went to a neighboring state to receive a license to carry, and along with my home state, and through reciprocity with other states, there are only three states that I cannot carry a firearm.

So, you ask, what are those three states that I, along with any other citizen is banned from legally carrying a firearm? And can you guess what these particular three states have in common with gun crime here in the U.S.?

Well, first of all the three states that have the highest gun crime in our country are New York, Illinois, and California; and yes legal firearms carrying is prohibited in these states. Wouldn't it be great if the gun criminals would follow the banned firearm carry in these three states? 

It's just pure logic that gun criminals in New York, Illinois, and California know that good, decent Americans are prohibited from carrying a firearm to protect themselves. So, it's safe to assume criminals have more freedom to commit crimes in these three states, and that is exactly what  gun crime statistics are revealing.

There is a ton of controversy surrounding the gentleman from Minnesota who shot and killed two home invaders. Gun control advocates claim the man, Mr. Brown, was laying in wait for the intruders with his firearms, even had baited them to invade Mr. Brown's privacy and his home.

Mr. Brown said his home had been broken into several times before the controversial  break-in. He finally decided to exercise Minnesota's Castle Doctrine law. I completely and whole hearted condone Mr. Brown's actions.

Where was the upbringing of these young people, teaching them to respect the property of others? Yes, it's tragic that these young intruders lost their lives, however, had they respected the property and privacy of Mr. Brown they would be alive today.

Gun collecting, target shooting, and reloading is a big hobby of mine. At 78 I spend a lot of time in my "man-cave" making reloads, and weather permitting, I go target shooting at least twice a week. My philosophy is I hope and pray that I never have to point and shoot my firearms at anything more than a target on the pistol range.

However, if anyone breaks into my home, or forces entry into my home without being invited, well all I can say is....911 is the second thing I'll do.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country, our troops, and our 2nd. Amendment.

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