Last night, New year's Eve, my wife and I had planned an early dinner at a near-by restaurant, then back home for a drink to watch Fox News announce the crystal ball drop to welcome in 2014.
But a severe winter snow storm hit Northeast Ohio so bad that I called and cancelled our dinner reservation. So, we stayed in for the whole evening while the kids and grand kids called to make sure we were safe and staying put.
So we sat on the couch, my wife with a Bloody Mary, and me with a single malt Scotch watching the news and what 2013 has brought us, and what the forecast of what's coming in 2014.
While watching the horrendous and tragic events that happened in other countries in 2013; poverty, uprisings, violent protests, anarchy, cruelty to children, and other evil doings, I suddenly felt very guilty.
Here I sat with my wife, warm and cozy, munching on snacks, while enjoying the comfort and security of our home, as we watched tragic events that occurred in 2013 unfold on our TV.
I must admit though, that like millions of other Americans I used to believe that the tragedies, poverty, uprisings, anarchy, violent protests that we witness in other countries could definitely never, ever happen here in our great country.
Well, I truly hope I'm wrong and we never, ever experience the tragedies other countries are now experiencing, but the reality is if the citizens of America sit back and do nothing it could well happen here in our great country.
Let's start at the top. I used to refer to Mr. Obama as Hitler Jr., however I think it's better served if we also attach the moniker Nero to him. Remember how Emperor Nero "fiddled while Rome burned"? Today we call that "lame duck". Just do nothing as our country continues on a downward spiral.
Let's face it folks. Just review what we are experiencing now in our country: (1) We have a $17.Trillion debt that our "Nero" has added to more than all previous presidents combined, (2) he has increased the roles of welfare/food stamps more than any other president. (3) it's been sixteen months, and Americans still don't know where "Nero" was when four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi, and he still refuses to do anything about it.
And we must add (4) "Nero" has an approval rating of 39%, lowest of any president since Nixon.
(5) "Nero" has increased the entitlement/poverty level higher than it's been since the Great Depression. And of course among his other misgivings I must mention probably "Nero"s worse tragedy, yes (6) OBAMACARE. Knowing that Obamacare would not work, long before it was mandated into law he spoke maybe the biggest lie ever told by a president, "if you like your Dr. and your plan you can keep it....PERIOD".
Going back to my theme of this blog, if "Nero" continues to act for the next three years like he has for the past five years, we may actually experience rioting in the streets, racial upheavals, and violent protests.
Think about it. While "Nero" is "fiddling" away on a golf course, playing basketball, taking photo ops with his Hollywood friends, refusing to meet with his Cabinet members we could very well decrease the revenue that "Nero" keeps doling out to his freebie servants.
And good hard-working, tax-paying Americans can just about be guaranteed that if Harry "Third Reich" Reid finds a way to corrupt the voting system again, and hangs on to the Senate, then you can almost count on "Nero" putting this country on a path that we may never recover from.
And this will almost certainly cause the freebie money to run out for "Nero"'s servants, and then there will be rioting in the streets. However, we can stop him by taking our first step this November, 2014.
Our freedoms and rights from our Constitution depends on Americans voting this November. Don't let our country down folks. This is our chance.
And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. HAPPY NEW YEAR
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