Sunday, January 19, 2014

Uninformed vs. Ignorant

It feels good to be back to my blog writing. Three weeks ago, just a day or so since my last blog, northeast Ohio got hit with -11 temperatures with a wind chill factor of -38.

The very next morning we had a "heat wave" of +30. This immediate temperature change caused the sprinkler pipes above us to rupture, and over 300 gallons of water came cascading down upon us.  Many, many thanks to all the contractors that, in nine days, restored us back to normalcy.

So now that the TV's and computers are again working, it's back to "Politics with Pete".

My hero, Rush Limbaugh, keeps calling much of the American population, "uninformed", because they are not aware of the political issues surrounding our country today.  Rush further claims that millions of Americans only receive their daily news from the three major networks; ABC, CBS, and NBC.  The major sadness here is that most of Americans believe what these networks are broadcasting.

Rush Limbaugh is a lot nicer than me. He calls these major network viewers as uninformed. I call these people ignorant, narrow minded, and even stupid at times. I know some Americans that refuse to subscribe to any type of "cable news". They say, "why should I pay for it when I get free news on ABC, CBS, and NBC"?

We all know the ABC, NBC, and CBS networks will always report their "news" with a strong liberal progressive agenda. And heaven forbid any person or organization that disagrees with the news reporting of these networks, for you will be ridiculed.  Just ask the Tea Party and NRA.

I get teased a lot by friends and even family members for being a "Fox News junkie".  I always reply, "do you know of any other news organization that will give you all sides of a news issue"?
I never seem to get a reply. Then I usually follow up with "my dagger", " by the way who's the number one news organization on TV today"? Just pure silence after that one.

It's not even funny any longer when some TV networks have "on-the-street" interviews with young people. Over ninety per cent of them have no clue of what is going on in the world today.
This is where I use the words stupid, ignorant, and stupid, and Rush just says "uninformed".

The on-the-street interviewers ask questions like, "do you like Vice President Palin",  or "do you like Obamacare better than the affordable health care"? Or "do you think Republican President Obama is doing a good job in his fourth term, and should be re-elected for a fifth term"? Their comments become fodder for late night comedians. I think it's tragic. Even Bill O'Reilly of The Factor does this with "Watter's World".  Not funny folks.

Many youths today do not know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and in what years they were enacted.  I actually had a high school senior tell me I was trying to trick him when I was talking about the Amendments in the Constitution. He replied, "everyone know the Amendments belong in our Declaration of Independence".

It's scary when the majority of youths in our country have no understanding of the laws and policies coming out of D.C. It's time for all Americans, especiall our youth to step up and take responsibility for the way our country is being run today.

Wake up young people, you are the future generation  us old "news junkies" are surrendering our country over to. Please don't ruin it for YOUR future generations.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

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