Thursday, May 17, 2012

But I like him better

The worst boss I ever had was a man I personally liked a lot. He was not a strong leader, and was afraid to make a decision, buy boy was he ever a nice guy to have a beer with.  Conversely the best boss I ever had was a decent fair man that I strongly respected, but I did not care for personally, and never shared a beer with him and never socialized with him.  I have a few very close friends that I would do anything for, however I think they would be terrible U.S. Presidents. In fact, I'm a pretty likeable guy myself, but anybody that would vote for me better get their head examined.

All that the media is reflecting today is how likeable and personable President Obama is. I refer to his latest visit to The View. The women on the show were falling all over him, with their "softball" questions; so adoring to him.

This President has failed and lied in all his promises since he's been in office. His only true accomplishment is a failing health care program that to date has 1,342 waivers, and many companies and universities are now dropping health care to employees and students. His administration has not passed a budget since he's been in office. The President's latest budget submission was vetoed 513-0 in the house, and 97-0 in the Senate, but "Gee, I like him better" seems to be all we hear.

This President has increased our national debt by $5.6Trillion, gas prices have increased by over 100%, true unemployment is over 14%, has flip-flopped on more issues than a live fish in the boat. He wants to shut down our rights to carry arms, and he continues to funnel money into losing corporations like Solyndra.

Polls are reflecting that he's losing when it comes to managing the economy of this country, and the country will not be better off in four years if he gets reelected. And yet this President is ahead in all the "popularity" polls, showing that he has a great chance of having four more years in the White House.  

President Obama keeps using those words "fair share". He continues to convince his entitlement followers in welfare/food stamps/unemployment that he will "spread the wealth" in his next four years.  Has anyone explained capitalism to this man? In Reagan's terms, capitalism means we must shrink government, tell them to get out of the way, and let the private sector create jobs. In capitalism there are winners and there are losers. There is free will in capitalism. And yet we hear, "But gee I like him better".

Oh yes, President Obama is a great speaker, and is a good husband and father, and is very popular in many circles, but come on people do you want to vote for a man to get us through these troubled economic times that may not be as "Hollywood" as this President, but has definitely better and more proven credentials. or do you want this same man to continue carrying us down the same path we're on now just because he's a nice looking man, speaks well, and you "like better"? Am I the only one who finds it strange our President has never held a job?

 I keep asking my Democrat friends that voted for Obama in '08 to tell me one thing this President has done while in office that you would like him to repeat if he gets reelected. No responses yet! There is one thing I now agree with Obama....we need a change now.

And that's Politics with Pete for today



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