Thursday, May 11, 2017

Stuck in the middle

I love the "oldies" when I listen to music. I have a lot of those songs on my iPhone, stick the ear buds in and take my daily walk. This morning I was listening to an oldie that kept repeating the phrase, "I'm stuck in the middle".  While listening to the song I started thinking  that phrase is really aligned to all of us.

Americans are stuck in the middle whether it's the media or Congress fighting each other. Why does our country and the good American people suffer ever time Republicans and Democrats start their stupid fights. We all endured the damage done by Barry Soetero for eight long years.
Wouldn't it be prudent to give President Trump a chance and some support? It's only been 105 days.

The lawmakers that we sent to Washington have let the American people down. There is so much in-fighting going on right now between the Democrats and Republicans that it appears that nothing will be accomplished for the American people.

Less than two weeks ago the Democrats were saying they had lost all confidence in FBI Director Comey. Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, Waters, all of the Democrat Party, wanted Director Comey to resign. They all, among others, had lost confidence in the FBI Director. Pelosi said, "Comey is not up for this job".

However, when President Trump fired Director Comey two days ago the tide abruptly turned, and suddenly the very same Democrats that were hunting for Comey's scalp, are now screaming that President Trump should be impeached for firing the FBI Director, and investigations should be held for collusion between President Trump and Russia.

With all this Democrat vs. Republican fighting going on, one thing is obvious. These Parties are doing absoluteldy nothing for the good of our country and Americans. So much vitriol, back and forth in-fighting is nothing more than a gigantic waste of time, and is slowing  down any moves forward to solve the challenging issues we face today.

Why can't the lawmakers we sent to Congress just let this stupid semantic disagreement to go away? It's very obvious that regardless of what President Trump does he's going to be attacked by the media and the lib Dems. Their problem is our President is moving and getting things done. He will not be swayed by the media, and you can bet the media isn't powerful and influential enough to "take down" this President.

Remember, anyone in the presidential administration serves at the will and pleasure of the President. It's as simple as that.  A new FBI Director will be appointed, and we will move on.

The lib Dems are continuously trying to tie President Trump to Putin and Russia regarding the 2016 election, however to date there is no evidence linking President Trump to Vladimar Putin and Russia. As that old hamburger commercial asks, "Where's the beef"? In other words, there is no there there.

Congress, mainly the lib Dems, have to stop with these crazy consperiency theories, and maybe start working with President Trump to solve the problem he was left with by Barry Soetero. Refusing to work with President is making the lib Dems look very bad. These Washington lawmakers should understand that the voting booth is one place where we can begin to stop being in the middle.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops.
(Please follow me on my You Tube video blogs, Politics with Pete)

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