Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hey Holder asparagus this!

Are people still looking for evidence of just how thin-skinned the liberal progressive Dems are? They actually believe if they whine and cry like little babies, more people will treat them like I just treated my great granddaugher as I was rocking her to sleep.

Texas Rep. Gohmert took Eric "hold-em" Holder to task, and what does the cry baby do? He runs to Sharpton's National Action Network and whines to the African-American audience that Gohmert challenged the greatness of Holder only because Holder is African-American. Whew, what a cry baby.

I know I'm not the only one that whole heartedly agrees with Rep. Gohmert. All Gohmert did was remind cry baby Holder that he has not and still does not do his job. Holder's first official act when appointed Attorney General back in 2009 was to grant pardon to the Black Panthers that openly threatened and barricaded voters in the 2008 presidential voting race.

Since then Holder has done nothing, absolutely nothing but spend his entire time doing only one thing; protecting Barry Soetero.  Please take a moment to think about it. Eric Holder is the "top cop" in our country, and just what has he done for the American people?

What has he done about Fast & Furious?  What has he done about the murder of a government patrol agent?  What has he done about the Benghazi massacre of American heroes?  What has he done about the IRS targeting only certain specific groups? What has he done about the DOJ spying on American journalists? How come every "matter" is still under investigation?

Do you want the answer to the questions asked in the paragraph above?  The answer is NOTHING! Yes, Eric Holder has done nothing, and his only answer to these questions is, "I can't comment because this matter is still under investigation". Holder is lucky that a polite professional like Gohmert challenged him instead of millions of dissatisfied Americans.

So what does Holder do? He goes crying to Sharpton and his spa buddy Barry. You didn't hear Rep. Gohmert complain when Holder threatened the honorable congressman Gohmert with, "You don't wanna go there buddy". I guess it's OK for an Attorney General to threaten a sitting Congressman, but when the Congressman bites back Holder goes running to his African-American (NAN) convention and cries "it's because I'm's racist".

Decades ago a trial lawyer wanted to tone down the rancor in the courtroom, stoo up, and yelled to his opposition, "you, sir, are casting aspersions on my asparagus". Last year Gohmert said that to Holder, which offended Holder, being the thin-skin that he is.  So yesterday as Holder was leaving he said to Gohmert, "good luck with your asparagus". What a cry baby whiner Holder is. I bet his spa buddy Barry will console him.

Will someone please get it through Holder's thick head that Americans don't like or want Holder around because of his ineptness, and unwillingness to step up and do his job, not because of the color of his skin. I think Barry told him a long time ago that to be AG all he had to do was learn the phrase, "I can't comment....that matter is still under investigation.".  Mr. AG work for the American people, not just Barry Soetero.

Folks, we are only 199 days away from really stepping up to take our country back from the likes of Holder. Let's not lose out on this great opportunity.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops 

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