Friday, February 28, 2014

Over, and over, and over again!

Remember that song, "Over and over, and over again"? I heard it on a "Golden Oldie" radio station the other day while in my car. . It was a hit song from the '60's. I was in my car, and by the time I got home I was singing the song without even being aware of it. Wife gave me odd look, and I remarked, "can't get that song outta my head", for which she replied, "well, go somewhere else to sing sound terrible".

So,  I turn on the  TV, and old Dingy Harry was bloviaing that ALL the comments about people losing their healthcare because of Obamacare were bold face liars.   Dingy further said that ALL Americans that say their healthcare premiums will rise because of Obamacare are also lying.

Then I began to think about all the lies Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Biden, along with the media, repeat "Over and over, and over again".  Listening to the lies these people constantly reiterate to the public with the support of the media made me think of another person.

Remember the little irrelevant man in the '20's, '30's, and mid-'40's from Germany that was a mere corporal in WWI?  He was an ugly little man with a little mustache and a hank of hair almost covering his right eye. C'mon you remember him don't you?

This little irrelevant man had a philosophy that you should achieve your goals by ANY means possible; be it lying, cheating, stealing, and even slaying your opponents that stood in your way.
Then the little man from Germany took over the media, and with his Gestapo troops  and the media just kept up lying, lying, lying so much that soon people began to believe the lies.

Now fast-forward to the present day. We all know that Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest with the support of the media are spreading lie after lie to the point where they are actually expecting ALL  Americans to believe their lies.

And now another wave has arrived. not satisified with their constant spreading of lies the people spreading the lies, along with their fawning media, have now taken to attack any who disagree with their lies. Enter Fox News network, along with Rush Limaugh and the great one, Mark Levin. Democrat members of Congress are standing up in our hallowed chambers and insisting that Fox news is the main reason for the downfall of Obamacare. 

Of course the media and the Democrat liars won't tell you that Fox and Rush are number one in their news reporting. Isn't it ironic that the news outlets that support the lies of the Democrat leaders have the lowest viewer ratings of ALL news networks, like CNN and MSNBC.

Yes, Democrat leaders like Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, etc., along with their supporting media have adopted the philosophy of the little WWI corporal from Germany in the '30's, and that is if you just repeat the lies, "over, and over, and over again", soon the masses will believe your lies.

However, it appears that these liars don't know how to handle the truth and honesty of people like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Dr. Ben Carson, and some others. These liars have even taken to personally attack these truthful and honest news outlets.

And now good Americans are beginning to see through the lies of these Democrats and their media, and it is scaring the Obama liars.  Think of the lies surrounding Benghazi, Fast & Furious, DOJ, IRS, and Obamacare that have been forced upon us, "over and over, and over again". The "masses" are strongly beginning to question ALL these lies.

What say America that in 248 days we make these liars pay for their outrageous lies to us?  We can do this. We can stop these liars.  Please join me when you step into that voting booth this November.

And that's Politics with Pete...God bless our country...and our troops.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hey Barry, transform this!

I think I'm finally getting it. Well, it really only took six years to be exact. That's when this Hitleresque man "stole" the keys to OUR White House. Actually this man started many, many years ago to "fundamentally transform" our country. Is it any coincidence that in high school Barry belonged to a pot-smoking gang called "the chum", and said he hoped marijuana would be legalized. And now we're experiencing states like Colorado, California, and Washington doing exactly that. Makes you think right?

What he really meant with his fundamental transformation was that he was going to change the honored office of the presidency into a complete dictatorship, just like his predecessor did in the '30's and '40's in Germany.

Just think about what this man has done since January, 2009.  Why should we even be angry at him? After all, he's doing just what he said he was going to do We should be angry at ourselves.
Do you think  the Chicago police department would let Al Capone become chief of police?  Do you think Bernie Madoff will ever be appointed to Secretary of Treasure? How about allowing a pedophile to become Principal of a Kindergarten school?

Now, this man is just pouring salt on the wounds he has created.   He brags about being the President, and he can do anything he wants. He claims he doesn't need Congress to do what he wants; he will just use his phone and pen, and presto a law will be born. While walking alongside the wife of a foreign prime minister he said, "yes, as President, I can do pretty much as I please".

He has now informed his spa and bathhouse buddy, Eric "holdit" Holder that he can instruct his state AG's that they can "pick and choose" any laws they see fit themselves to pursue. With the media, his Attorney General, and his Democrat Senate this guy is going to make any dictator seem like a Boy Scout.

Just a few days ago he actually threatened the Governors of our country at a Governors' meeting that he better not hear anything from them about he and Hagel cutting  back the military, or they'll hear from him, and not in a good way. 

He attacks our very own military; cutting their salaries and benefits while he continues to increase welfare to the highest point its ever been.  This man will do anything detrimental to our country just to control the masses. And he's getting away with it.

You can listen and watch all the pundits on radio and TV, but the only real true logical way to stop this man is in the voting booth starting this November, which is only 250 days away.  No, we can't impeach him. If we do there will be race wars to make the Civil War seem like a playground scuffle
No, we must keep the House, take back the Senate, and let this man become a true lame duck. For his final two years put him out to the golf course pastures, and let him go on late night shows, go on vacations, etc.  Just keep him out of OUR White House and Oval office.

It really is our only chance, and by the way if anyone thinks Hillary will be any better in 2016 you had better wake up. We had a chance to get a successful businessman in OUR White House, and our country failed. We must not allow that to happen again. Stop this man in the voting booth. It's the only logical and safe way.

And let's not forget Bill O'Reilly's The Factor calls Barry "a patriot".  Let's start a groundswell to boycott this MSNBC plant at Fox.

And that's Politics with Pete...God bless our country...and our troops

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cutting Senior & Soldiers

Please forgive me for revisiting a previous blog I wrote where Fox's O'Reilly called Obama " a patriot".  I am  very adamant when write that I hope all conservative Americans join me in boycotting O'Reilly and his TV show The Factor.

Considering what this man in OUR White House has recently done one cannot fathom that anyone in the military, or any senior citizen would not not want to have this man impeached. And yet Bill O'Reilly has gone on national TV to call this man "a patriot".

As if this horrible man in OUR White House hasn't done enough damage to our great country with all the scandals he has created, he now has really stepped over the line.

This president now wants to assure that military veterans that "may" have had some emotional problems while dealing with the VA should have their firearms taken from them, including any hunting rifles. Really O'Reilly this man is your definition of "a patriot"?

Not to be outdone with all his other attacks on America, this man has isolated his latest attack solely on senior citizens.  He is in the process of downgrading the Medicare Advantage program and Medicare Part D for senior citizens. Again, I ask you Mr. O'Reilly, do you still feel this man is an American patriot?

Further, this man in OUR White House is soliciting the help of big labor and the IRS to attack Americans following the right to work privileges. Polls reflect that 80% of Americans strongly believe that Americans have the right not to join a union. And yet we all know that a big portion of union dues goes directly to the Democrat party, and into Obama's coffers. Oh yeah, he's an American patriot all right.

I won't even write about all of Obama's lies about Obamacare; I've done that enough, and everyone agrees that Obamacare is just one gigantic lie. We all know that. One of Obama's Democrat Congressman is now threatening the broadcasting license of a network for airing an ad by a cancer patient that claims her medical insurance is now denied her because of Obamacare.
Didn't a German dictator in the '30's and '40's do this kind of thing? And our dear old friend  O'Reilly says this Hitleresque man in OUR White House is a patriot. Yeah, right Bill.

OK, I saved a "biggie" for last. This man that O'Reilly claims is " a patriot", is now downsizing our military back to its size in 1940.  He is also reducing food commissaries on military bases hitting the wallets and purses of the very men and women who volunteer to protect our freedoms.

While I still consider myself a Fox News junkie by my allegiance to most Fox programs throughout the day, but I'm asking all who take the time to read my blogs to please join me in boycotting Bill O'Reilly and The Factor. This man in OUR White House is definitely not "a patriot", and O'Reilly is dead wrong to refer to him as one.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops. 


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Alas, I knew ye well

Please join me in prayer, and a moment of silence as we honor one of our fallen icons. This fallen icon, once a vital member of our society, decided to voluntarily end their life by suicidal means. It's also important to notice that this fallen icon will not be missed by many here in America.

It should be noted that this fallen icon caused it's own demise. At one time this fallen icon was so important to the growth, success, and future of our great country. But then this fallen icon became greedy and corrupt, and instead of  of standing for all Americans, it only represented the corrupt and greedy few.

You may have guessed by now the name of this fallen icon. In case you haven't, please allow me to remind you of this fallen icon. The name is PRIVATE UNIONS, also known as organized labor.

It has been coming for years; this vicious cycle of labor donations to the Democrat Party, back to unions in designated "favors". Just ask Trumka and Hoffa. Now the private unions are paying the ultimate price of disintegration.  Private unions have lost over 70% of their membership over the past five years. 

It started with several states voting to initiate the "right to work" law, meaning workers in a private business can vote to work without union representation. Americans began to realize that with the increasing unemployment and declining economy just what jobs are the unions going to protect? There aren't any jobs; just entitlement.

Then Americans discovered that private union management was taking much of their union dues and filtering funds back to the very White House administration that is now causing high unemployment and the decline in our economy.

Americans also discovered that a portion of their union dues was going to support entitlement programs for people that wouldn't even look for gainful employment. Nearly 100% of union campaign donations were filtered to the Democratic party, causing many to ask: Aren't there any Republican private union workers?

Along with many states initiating the "right to work" laws, many companies privately would not allow union "thugs" to come to their company to initiate a "union shop". Aircraft manufacturer Boeing began a "right to work"atmosphere in their South Carolina facility, and has remained very successful and promising for workers.

Perhaps the biggest "dagger" to private unions came last week when Volkswagen workers in Tennessee voted to NOT  allow private unions to operate in their working facility. Of course the private union "thugs" began the protesting that in some cases became belligerent and even violent.  In some cases using the "race" card, claiming that workers who didn't want unions were surely racists. Will someone please explain that correlation to me.

However Volkswagen workers remained firm and to date they remain a "right to work" facility in Tennessee.  

Recent data shows that only 7% of American workers in the private sector are union members today.  Of course there are still many public unions to represent police, fire, postal workers, and teachers. Unfortunately for now these workers have no choice; if they want to work in the public sector they must join a union, and donate part of their union dues to the very administration that is causing economic chaos in our country; and help pay for the president's golf games, vacations, and Michelle's expensive ensemble of clothes.

Maybe, in time, public workers will see they don't need a union representative to enjoy a stable and fruitful working environment.  Time will tell.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

O'Reilly is a phony

Today, I took a step that has made me a proud patriotic American. After watching Bill O'Reilly on the Jimmy Kimmel show last night, one of the first things I did today was contact O'Reilly's website to cancel my Premium Membership.

Last night on Kimmel's TV show, with millions of Americans, including military men/women and veterans like myself, watching, O'Reilly proclaimed, "I believe president Obama is a patriot".

Until this morning before I had always been a huge O'Reilly fan, even joining the Factor's Premium Membership.  One of my bookshelves is filled with books authored by O'Reilly.

O'Reilly brags about reporting "just the facts folks", but has no problem bloviating his feelings on national TV proclaiming his feelings that this Socialist like man in OUR  White House is a true American patriot.

Would a true patriotic president American turn a blind eye to all returning wounded service men/women while these heroes wait for over 277 days to even get an appointment to receive medical aid from the VA? Of course not! He's too busy golfing and vacationing.

Would a true patriotic American president heavily reduce military spending and salaries so much that that we have families of active duty service men/women applying for food stamps?

Would a true patriotic American president increase welfare/food stamps/unemployment aid more than any other president in history to his nanny base while he continues to outwardly show his disrespect to men and women who voluntarily choose to lay their lives on the line to protect our country?

Would a true patriotic American president shut down our Honor Flights so WWII, Korean, and Vietnam vets could not visit the historic military sites in our nation's capital, while he flies to vacation spots all over the world?

This man in OUR White House is definitely not a patriot, and Bill O'Reilly is wrong to call him one.   O'Reilly would be better served to ask Martin Dugard do some research and write a book about our true military heroes.

I urge all to boycott O'Reilly's TV show The Factor, and cancel their Premium Membership. I personally suggest Mr. O'Reilly contact MSNBC. I'm sure they have a spot for him. He would do well to join the team of Maddow, Matthews, Schultz, and Sharpton.  He has lost a lot of credibility with patriotic members of America, especially our honored military men/women.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

27 and counting

Yesterday I picked up my friend from the airport. He's always been my "go-to" friend on politics.
We would e-mail articles to each other, and agreed, for the most part, on our conservative values and stances. However, my friend informed me after the last presidential election that he was completely "tuned out" on politics,

He felt, "if America is stupid enough to vote this guy back in the White House after what he's done to us his first four years.....I'm done...they're getting what they deserve....not watching any news channels anymore".

While waiting for my friend at the airport's curbside the radio announced a news flash that the White House has delayed the employer mandate for Obamacare until after the 2016 election. I couldn't wait to discuss this with my conservative buddy.  The conversation went like this:
Me: Jim, did you hear Obama delayed his healthcare mandate till after the 2016 election?"

Jim: I told you Pete, that I quit watching the news since the last election. I don't care anymore.

Me: But Jim, this guy is screwing us again with his lousy healthcare plan.

Jim: Ever since that wicked tunnel faced witch from the west said we gotta pass Obamacare so we can see what's in it, I knew we were in trouble, and now I don't care.

Me: But ever since he passed Obamacare in '10 with a Democrat House & Senate he's given waivers to all his donor supporters, and then Chief Justice Roberts says it's a tax.

Jim: Told you I don't care anymore....this guy's gonna do whatever he wants, and no one is around to stop him. 

Me: But Jim, this is the 27th. time he's changed his signature mandated law. We can't let him get away with that. Is it fair that employers get a waiver for 50-99 employees, but individuals are still being taxed. Man, that's a dictatorship. He can't get away with that can he?

Jim: Oh, he's gonna get away with it. There's no one to stop this guy from doing anything he wants. Didn't he just say that a few days ago...'I'm the president...I can do anything I want'.

Me: OK, you may be right, but do we just throw in the towel?

Jim: We can just hope that Americans don't throw away the only tool we have to stop this guy, and that's in the voting booth.  By the way can you drive a little faster...I wanna watch the Ohio State-Michigan basketball game.  More interested in that thean Obamacare. He'll change it a dozen more times before the November elections anyway.

And that's Politics with Pete for today..God bless our country....and our troops


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Shut up and teach

I have this fantastic sister-in-law that recently retired after forty years of teaching in the Los Angeles school district. She holds a double Master's Degree in Education.  Her love of teaching is a great tribute to the world of helping our young strive for their goals.

She also holds great pride in being a successful mother as well as a teacher of forty years. Her son holds a Ph.D in organic chemistry, has had several papers published, and now works in the research lab at Princeton University.

What a retirement party that was held in my sister-in-law's honor. Many previous students from her past came to pay tribute to this great teacher. Many are professionals today. After years of teaching, before retirement, she became a "teacher's teacher", meaning she taught and monitored upcoming young teachers. At her retirement party they all agreed they were good teachers because of my sister-in-law.

OK, enough about my sister-in-law for a brief moment. Don't want her to get a big head. She phones her sister, my wife, about three times a week to give us the latest on her son at Princeton.

Here's my point in all this? With forty years of teaching experience, and now retired, my sister-in-law receives many requests to substitute-teach at public schools. Now my sister-in-law is a great teacher, that I love dearly and respect. 

However, she called the other day to tell us how hopeless and forlorn she was feeling about today's youths in school. She recounted her latest episodes in a public high school.

While taking roll call she called out a young girl's name, and there was no answer. She called out her name again, and someone from the back of the class yelled out, "she won't be here today....her water broke last night".  This brought an uproar of laughter from the whole room.
Before the class quieted down, someone else yelled out, "yeah, she won't be coming back anytime soon....she's gotta get to welfare....she don't know who the father is".

More laughter erupted, and at this point my sister-in-law closed her book, and asked a generic question to the class, "don't you want to learn here, get a good grade to help you get into college?"

One response she heard was, "ain't goin' to no college...gettin' food stamps, and goin' on Welfare like my parents are doin' now".  

Another response yelled out from the back of the classroom, "Mr. ***** from our Government class says rich fat cats got too much money anyway, and should be taxed more to take care of the rest of us".

When her day of substitute teaching was over my sister-in-law walked  into the Principal's office and said, "don't ask me back to substitute here anymore".   Which prompted the Principal to ask why, to which my sister-in-law answered:

"Tell your faculty of teachers to teach their subject matter, and ONLY their subject matter. Math, English, History, etc., has no room for the liberal political views of the teaching faculty to pass on to their students. Students will make up their own mind. And tell political science and government teachers to teach all sides of political views, not just their own personal liberal progressive views."

With that said, she vehemently walked out of the Principal's office. But just before she closed the door she offered, "When I went to school I didn't know, and I didn't care what political party my teacher was affiliated with....they just taught, which was enough for me".

In addition to loving and respecting my sister-in-law, she is now one of my heroes. If only more teachers followed her way of helping our youths to think for themselves and reach for their goals.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Friday, February 7, 2014

Why work?

I know my Dad is spinning in his grave right about now. I was always so proud of the work ethics I received by the examples he set for my sisters and me. As a seventeen year old immigrant from Italy my Dad and his family came through Ellis Island, located in Northeastern Ohio, and worked for forty-eight years in the steel mills.

Without an education there weren't a lot of promotions for Dad, but his hard work and his strong work ethics kept him employed for forty-eight years.  He always preached to work hard, do the right thing, and take care of your family. 

He was a hero to our family, always preaching that hard work won't kill you, but worrying about it might. He used to brag in his broken English accent that he never took a penny from unemployment. He never received any education, but lived to see his three children receive a college degree.

Today, this "affordable" health care plan that Obama has forced upon Americans is on the path to destroy one of our foremost American values of working hard, and striving to be the very best we can. 

 Today we have over twenty million Americans out of work, increased unemployment extensions, nearly fifty million Americans on food stamps, and an unbelievable on-going increase in welfare.
This must be that "fundamental transformation" that Obama was talking about in 2008.

And now we are actually encouraging Americans of this great country to "slow down, relax, don't work so hard, and go ahead and cut your hours back so you can spend more time with your family or 'living out your dream'".

Someone please tell me if I'm not understanding this correctly: If I don't make a certain income I can get a subsidy from the government to substantially help me to get Obamacare.  On the other hand if I get a promotion, or work more hours I lose my subsidy, and will have to absorb more of my healthcare costs? Am I right so far?

So here comes John Doe home from work, and tells his wife that he had to turn down a big promotion, so that he could continue receiving his healthcare subsidy from the government.   

And then there's this: "honey, today I told my boss to cut me back to 30 hours a week. This will give me more time to write my book and study the guitar.....but don't worry...we'll still get our healthcare subsidy...gotta be careful and not make too much money, or we'll lose our subsidy."

And then John Doe's wife asks husband John, "what about the house payment, and Suzie's tuition for her next semester....what do we do?"  His answer, "but honey, we can't lose our healthcare subsidy from Obama."

So what happens next? Well, first we have all these Americans knowing they can cut back on working hard, getting promoted, or making more money and still receive government subsidies to pay for their wonderful "affordable" healthcare insurance.

Of course this is pure Socialism, and do you remember what Margaret Thatcher, late Prime Minister of England, said, "Socialism stops working when you run out of other people's money."

Food stamps, welfare, extended unemployment, housing subsidies, and now healthcare subsidies.
Now where does our government get the money pay for all this? Can you guess? Give up?
Allow me to enlighten you; the money to run our ever increasing nanny state comes from hardworking Americans that go to work every day.

What happens when corporations stop investing to create jobs? What happens when our government runs out of money? What happens then? How does John Doe afford to pay for his child's appendectomy?  What happens on our streets when there is no more "government subsidies"? Can you say chaos....can you say Greece?

Folks, this country is too great to allow a smooth talking oracle that made promises he knew he couldn't keep, to lie to Americans, and to create scandals, to destroy us. We can't let that happen.

I think we all now know what he meant when he said he was going to "fundamentally transform" our great country. 

There is only one pure way to fight back against this man. In just 270 days we must vote to keep our House and take back our Senate. This will be our first step to hopefully impeach this man.

For love of our country, vote the right way this November. Our whole country is at stake.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops

Sunday, February 2, 2014

My wife- "stop writing" !

Just finished a pretty big argument with my commander-in-chief, also known as my lovely wife. She keeps insisting that I stop writing my political blogs.  She believes if I keep writing about how that man in OUR White House is trying to destroy America, I'm in deep trouble.

Her favorites are, "One of these days the Secret Service is going to knock on our door" or "You're just going to disappear", or one of her craziest is "A drone is going to get you one of these days".

Of course I keep reminding her, "Honey, I'm small potatoes...Hitler Jr.'s got bigger problems than me". I keep reminding my wife that Hitler Jr. should be focusing on the twenty million Americans out of work, his threats against Congress that he has a "pen and a phone", and do whatever he wants. I even asked my wife, "With the millions of Americans out of work, why doesn't he use his pen to open the Keystone Pipeline"? Honest folks, it was the first time my wife had no answer. I told her not to feel bad; no one has the answer to that one. Well there are those heavy environmentalist donors he has in his back pocket.

Of course this man is a disgrace to the Presidency and should be impeached. It's been rumored that our country can't impeach him for fear of race riots that would parallel the Civil War. This man even has many of his own party Democrats that have turned their back on him, and won't even appear on his campaign stages with him, and don't even want him to raise funds for their campaign as they go into reelection this November.

A TV-news clip from Chicago is highlighting excerpts reflecting that man young Black men and women are opining that Barack is a disgrace to the African-American community, and some young Blacks are urging this man to "Just quit...step just ain't helping us at Black folks at all".

Way back in 2007 many Americans believed the negative hype from the media when they spewed lies and hateful rhetoric against Bush.  Enter a little known African-American named Barack Obama.

With over ninety percent of voting Blacks, and with young White men and women hating Bush for the war in Iraq, this charismatic community organizer, with all his lies and rhetoric, promised "Hope & Change" lies filled with his personal agenda of Kool-Aid that Americans promptly swallowed.

And if that wasn't bad enough many Americans kept drinking the Kool-Aid again in 2012. However, have you noticed that the "push-back" from worried and concerned Americans is really getting in gear now. We've had it with this unlawful man in OUR White House. 

We now have our golden opportunity in just a few short months; actually in only 275 days to step into voting booths all over this great country to take our first step to eliminate this man from OUR White House. You know the odds are on our side when you discover that many Democrat House and Senate members, who are up for reelection this November, are straying away from Obama.

Back to my writing blogs and my First Amendment rights. This man has done so much damage to our great country, and is on his own personal mission to do more damage. But there are some things he cannot do; HE CANNOT TAKE AWAY OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS, and let's not forget HE CANNOT STOP US FROM OUR RIGHT TO WALK INTO A VOTING BOOTH AND CAST OUR VOTE.

Our chance will be here in just 275 days folks. We can begin our first step in sending this man back to Kenya, Hawaii, or where ever we decide to send him and his husband Michael. 

Citizens of this great country that truly love this country have maybe our greatest opportunity to correct the lies and deceits this man has given us. I will never surrender my First Amendment right to continue to be a voice against the tyranny of this man. Even if only one American will take the time to read my blogs I will continue writing.

Please, Americans, don't forget if we don't vote to take back our Senate and keep our House we may suffer the most horrendous three years of catastrophe this country has ever known. Please, please America we must not let him continue. 

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country...and our troops