Saturday, January 9, 2016


It wasn't that many years ago when America hardly spoke of Islam and its presence here in the United States. WHEN DID IT START?  

Islam is now being taught in American schools. WHEN DID IT START?

Islamic prayer rugs are now allowed in schools, businesses, and in our streets. WHEN DID IT START?

Pork is not sold in many restaurants, public places, and government institutions. WHEN DID IT START?

Many law suits are being introduced by non-citizen Muslims who are offended by American citizens. WHEN DID IT START?

America must allow burkas to be worn, even at auto registration sites, allowing the entire body to be covered, going undetected and in pure disguise.WHEN DID IT START?

Radical Islamic (ISIS) training grounds popping up throughout the U.S. WHEN DID IT START?

Islamic workers in U.S. refusing to work in factories unless allowed several prayer sessions throughout the day WHEN DID IT START?

There are no much needed funds for American Vets, U.S. military, but there is endless money and funding for refugees swarming into our country. WHEN DID IT START?

Our aircraft carriers are recalled from the Atlantic  leaving it supported. Our military forces are at our lowest numbers while threats are mounting from ISIS. WHEN DID IT START?

There is now an ammunition shortage in the U.S., while there is a strong desperation to repeal the 2nd. Amendment, while our government is stockpiling hollow point rounds. WHEN DID IT START?

Under the guise of Syrian refugees radical islamics are raping and murdering defenseless people in Germany and the Netherlands. WHEN DID IT START?

The U.S. government is allowing over 60,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. Three of the refugees have been discovered as ISIS members attempting to set up cells. WHEN DID IT START?

 Americans are being shot at by radical Islamic Muslims here in the U.S., while our Government is threatening American citizens for even suspicious discrimination against Muslims. WHEN DID IT START?

Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, Texas, San Bernardino, Philly police officer shot just yesterday; all evil ISIS terror attacks. WHEN DID IT START?

There is a strong government movement to repeal the 2nd. Amendment, and begin a movement to confiscate firearms from American citizens that have legally purchased their firearms.WHEN DID IT START?

The U.S. is now experiencing the largest welfare and food stamp distribution it has ever known, along with the worst economic growth in thirty years. WHEN DID IT START?

The answer to when all the question to when all of this started? We all know what the answer is. This all started in January, 2009 when the voters of this country made their biggest mistake ever. They voted Barry Soetero to the highest office in the land, making him the leader of the free world.

Since this man has been a resident of our White House he has made it his mission to downgrade our great country, while propping up his Muslim brotherhood. So many "experts" are still analyzing this. From a purely objective standpoint why do we suppose that Barry's college grades are sealed? Could it be his grade transcripts will reveal he was a foreign aid student, born in Kenya? 

The fear that befalls all of us now in 2016 is the corrupt lying Democrat that is trying to lie her way into our White House. If America allows that to happen Hillary Clinton may be worse than Barry ever was. She is now under FBI investigation, and may well be indicted for her improper actions while serving as Secretary of State. She has several financial ties to mid-east countries that donate to her "charity" , that she funnels from for her personal wealth while she says her and Slick Willy are broke. 

America cannot and must not allow this woman anywhere near our White House ever.

And that's Politics with Pete for today...God bless our country....and our troops
(and please follow me on my You Tube video blogs Politics with Pete)

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